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Steinberg Cubase SX 1
Steinberg Cubase SX 1

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Steinberg appartenant à la série Cubase SX

Steinberg Cubase SX 1.06 Update

  • 17 réponses
  • 8 participants
  • 3 348 vues
  • 1 follower
Sujet de la discussion Steinberg Cubase SX 1.06 Update

Cubase SX 1.06 is online and available now ! Please read through the list of fixes. It´s an impressive list and most annoyances should be now part of the past. The updater can be installed on top of all officially released SX versions (1.00, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, 1.05 & 1.051). The version history can also found in the SX application folder after updating. This updater is also installing new drivers for the Syncrosoft protection device. It is recommended to unplug the dongle before starting the update, please also reboot as advised by the installer and plug in the dongle *after* Windows has finished booting.

Note to all SL users: The updater for Cubase SL is scheduled for release at the beginning of the next week. I will also announce them as soon as they are available. Sorry for the inconveniences this may cause.

- MacOS X: fixed problems with Projects names containing special german characters
- MacOS X: projects with QT movies failed to quit properly and required a force quit
- MacOS X: full Screen function caused problems
- True Tape on/off status wasn't saved with project file
- "Save project to new folder" stored the project with old name instead of the new one
- Record Arming & Monitoring on/off state of audio/MIDI tracks are now saved with the project file
- Monitoring state restores after reload
- When toggling between projects the audio engine sometimes stopped playing
- SX immediately quit when switching Stereo/Mono switch sometimes
- Fixed several condition, that could lead to an immediate exit and return to the desktop
- Activating system link with analog input as system link input could lead to crash
- Selecting "Non Buffered Read" in VST Multitrack/Expert Settings caused an unexpected error
- VST-Inputs windows: all available inputs can be reached now
- Multiple audio file import could cause Audio engine system error message
- Fixed opening .key files containing macros
- Fixed loading DSP-Factory Preset files
- Fixed problems with OggVorbis file export
- MacOS X: MP3 im- & export is now supported
- Click during Preroll works as expected now
- Precount didn't follow Tempo track
- The Marker Track Inspector remembers column sorting now
- Adding a marker when the marker track is in a folder could freeze Cubase
- Tempo track was set inactive on opening a Reason project
- Certain time signatures could freeze Cubase.
- Cycling between locators could cause MIDI and Audio to drift
- Fixed problems with MIDI clock slow down during playback
- Fixed a problem with locating cursor
- Scrubbing via Houston during playback is possible now
- Mackie HUI remote map generated MIDI out
- "Solo" behavior improved
- "Saving all mixer settings" did not save Master and Send FX
- In the Track Mixer "copy/paste" didn't work for MIDI Channels
- Fixed a possible crash while copying/pasting channel settings
- Fixed a Bug where clicking "+" button to show automation on a track in non-active project could lead to freeze
- Fixed problems with VST Instruments and high latencies
- On Audio Exports with VST Instruments the first note isn't missing anymore
- VSI to Groups routing causes no more delay
- VSTi´s MIDI Outputs for track input are available again
- VST instruments showed up in the Plug-ins menu list
- Fixed right-click menu on Audio Events, so all Plug-Ins show up
- UAD-1: plugin-knobs were not shown in the plugin GUI
- Fixed a possible crash with discarded, but still referenced Plug-Ins.
- Double Delay, Flanger, ModDelay, Phaser and Symphonic: no more problems changing the delay time
- MIDI-plugin: Arpache SX played unreliably
- MIDI-plugin: "Note 2 CC"-Plugin caused lost of VSTinstruments Audio-output
- Fixed a possible crash when using speaker tool on REX-files in the Audio Part editor
- Hiding/unhiding the level scale bar in the Sample Editor could lead to crash
- MacOS X: fixed a possible crash on Pitch-shift Envelope preview
- Pitch Shift Envelope had no function with unchecked Time Correction
- MacOS X: MPEX timestretch is now available
- Fixed a problem with Spectrum Analyzer, Statistics, Detect Silence performed much to often
- Loading presets in the Crossfade dialog works now
- Switching resolution of audio recording produced white noise signal
- First recording after <empty trash> in Pool was corrupt
- Audio CD Import could freeze Cubase
- MacOS X: Imported REX files were converted to common audio files instead of slices
- Reset on Stop/All Notes Off didn´t worked for held sustain pedals
- MIDI Functions - Restrict Polyphony : MIDI notes vanishes by "Cancel"
- Pedals to Note Length was always greyed out
- Using Groove Quantize could cause Cubase SX to crash
- Position of recorded MIDI Part didn´t start at left locator
- It wasn't possible to draw controller ramps longer than 18 bars
- Moving a selected range didn´t work if "Delete Overlaps" was set to "on"
- Copying MIDI part between projects now works as expected
- Duplicating a shared part created a real copy of the part
- Paste Time didn't shift parts to right when parts in a folder are selected
- Step Input: right arrow stops producing rests at right hand side of screen
- Fixed a Notes graphic problem in the Key Editor
- Fixed a possible crash after using pencil tool in List Editor on SMF events
- Drum Editor: Drum Solo didn't follow instruments selection correctly
- Score: Align elements was greyed out when lyrics were selected
- Score: layout list: tracks were in wrong order

Et bin y en avait quand même quelques-uns ....
Merci Steinberg
Putain toujours rien pour la mackie control????
les batards!!! vais l'installer on vera bien.. merci de la news.. je n'avais pas penser a aller checker la page des updates aujourd'hui... j'y vasi quasiment tous les jours depuis trois mois.... snif snif...
Ouasi bah installé.... moua j'avais pas trop de bug... j'attendais vraiment l'update pour les fonctions de la mackie et pourkoi pas les extensions si un jour j'arrive a combler mon decouvert...
bref.. c de la carotte kan steinberg vous dis que le prochaine update resoudra les pb de compatibilités....
Pareil, j'ai installé la mise à jour mais tout fonctionnait deja bien avant.
Seul petit changement: mes plugins Waves s'affichent au démarrage et je dois faire "espace" pour que le lancement de Cubase SX continue.
T sur?? parceke ça.. en general ça vient de l'endroit ou tu as installé tes waves.... :P:
Ah ben la c'est la mise à jour qui a fait ça!
J'ai pas encore fait la Mise à jour vers SX 1.06 mais les waves "bloquent" déja le lancement...
Oauip moi aussi j'ai les Wave qui bloquent au démarrage, ils attendent que je sélectionne un effet pour continuer, si quelqu'un c quelques choses :???:

Plus grave mon projet favoris ne sort plus rien :furieux: :furieux: :furieux:

C'est essentiellement des VST... J'ai bien un son qui sort un moment sur le midi 5 mais ça ressemble à peine à l'original :???:

Quleuq'un à une idée du problème ? Help Me ?
Pour les waves dans ""préférence" " VST" tu peux aussi décocher précharger les plug-ins Waves au démarrage...
Pour les plugins Waves, il te faut le fichier "waveshell.dll" et l'insérer dans le dossier des plugs vst.

Aller voilà les bons pour pc & Mac (j'paie ma BA du jour ;) )

