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Akai Professional MPC2000
Akai Professional MPC2000

Séquenceur Sampleur de la marque Akai Professional appartenant à la série MPC

Mpc2000 vs mpc2000xl

  • 5 réponses
  • 5 participants
  • 2 687 vues
Sujet de la discussion Mpc2000 vs mpc2000xl
Salut je voulais savoir qu'elles étaient les différence entre la mpc 2000 et la 2000 xl.Je souhaite m'en acheter une mais je ne c'est pas la quelle est la meilleur au niveau raport calitée prix.
merci d'avance,techou!
2000 xl : mais vas plutot voir du coté de la 1000 ou de la 2500
Alors je ne suis pas du tout de l'avis de zazaboum en ce qu concerne la 1000 ou la 2500 mais bon chacun son truc . ensuite ta question a eté deja poser je me souvient avoir deja repondu donc fais quelques recherche dans le forum tu aura tes reponses ...
XL sequencer memory increased from 100,000 events to 300,000
XL has 4 buttons for pad/bank selection vs the former 1
XL can access 4 drum programs simultaneously, essentially making it 4 part multitimbral
Number of samples stored doubled to 256 on the XL
Folder support for storage on the XL
XL dedicated Next Sequence button: can switch between sequences using the pads (just like the Track Mute function)
XL has SUDDEN button added to immediately switch to next sequence
XL has 2nd sequence function allows you to associate another sequence to play simultaneously with current one.
XL can solo from Track Mute screen
XL can change sequences with program changes
XL has Device naming for each midi channel
XL has Midi monitor screen
XL has improved multiple-track recording by specifying which tracks to record and channels for soft-thru
XL can Resample a sound with a different bit depth or sampling rate
XL has Slice function. When samples are zoned (up to 16 zones per sample), you can automatically slice the zones and create new program (with pad assignments and with extra specified samples at end of each sample because of the sample decay).
XL has Timestretch function with adjustable presets
XL has automatic Chromatic assignment (16-Tuning mode). Essentially allows you to create a keygroup across the key/pads from one sample.
XL has internal IDE port so you can replace the floppy with a Zip drive.
XL has a tilting screen.
XL can now switch from REC/OVERDUB to PLAY and vice versa without having to stop the sequencer.


On ne vend pas la musique. On la partage. [Leonard Bernstein]


La 2000 est mieux


Rien que la molette elle met la pression