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OctaEdit est dispo

  • 67 réponses
  • 12 participants
  • 6 146 vues
Sujet de la discussion OctaEdit est dispo

OctaEdit, est maintenant disponible à la vente.
J'ai acheté ma licence hier et les premiers essais montrent qu'il fonctionne très bien sous Linux via Wine. Idem sur Mac.
Au premier abord, le soft semble vraiment très complet.

À suivre...
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Unluckily, too much accents in our french language. Ex :
Déjà célèbre, cette fête inouïe

Lucky you are !

Youtube - - - SoundCloud

Cours machines Elektron

Citation de willowhisper56 :
Unluckily, too much accents in our french language. Ex :
Déjà célèbre, cette fête inouïe

Lucky you are !

I know mon-ami; but that is the way t is; the Octatrack for example uses a character set that is not valid for all languages; so some people get issues anyway, different for English, French, Spanish, German, Russian etc...


oui ou

“L'âme a la couleur du regard. L'âme bleue seule porte en elle du rêve, elle a pris son azur aux flots et à l'espace.”

 mais bon je ne me voyais pas dans l'illégalité ici avec un titre moins romantique ha ha


du coup peut etre le nom certains samples associés


[ Dernière édition du message le 15/05/2017 à 01:55:13 ]

Citation de fhylter :
 “L'âme a la couleur du regard. L'âme bleue seule porte en elle du rêve, elle a pris son azur aux flots et à l'espace.”
 mais bon je ne me voyais pas dans l'illégalité ici avec un titre moins romantique ha ha


Citation de fhylter :
du coup peut etre le nom certains samples associés

Yes, some samples in "leravece2b" have names with non-UTF8 characters in them. So best to rename them so they all have UTF-8 characters.

If you want, you can send me the project (no samples) and I can help you with that.

Rename xxxx  samples ?

thks i ll make some tests first changing name of samples for this one ( purge non used samples first )

but its a mess . Another projects are lincked on these. 

and so on ...

Is this happens with Octaedit?



[ Dernière édition du message le 15/05/2017 à 02:16:45 ]

Citation de fhylter :
Rename xxxx  samples ?
thks i ll make some tests first changing name of samples for this one ( purge non used samples first )
but its a mess . Another projects are lincked on these. 
and so on ...

Yes, if you have a sample called illégal.wav then the é is where the issue occurs.

You should be able to resolve by doing these steps... But please make sure you take a backup of your Set/Project first just in case.

- On the Octatrack, go to the Sample, then into the Sample Editor [function + Edit]
- Go to the File page [effect 2 / File]
- Select [save and Assign Sample]
- Give it a new name without illegal characters, e.g. from illégal.wav to illegal.wav
- Press [enter]
- A menu will pop up, use the [assign to Self] option.
- Rinse/Repeat

Citation de fhylter :
Is this happens with Octaedit?

Same situation. OctaEdit and OctaZip only support UTF-8 characters / encoding.

It's very easy to cause problems between the Octatrack and various OS's / languages by ignoring this rule.

Then people will blame OE/OZ as a bug, when it is an issue caused by the OS... hence why this rule.

I dont blame anyone just repport informations to improve a system or lurning it 

I hav seen these caracters are ")" "(" occurs in many samples for particular drums galeries I own

hav to rename it for next songs 

With your rename trick, I have to link all machines to the new samples too for the another projects ?


Citation de fhylter :
I dont blame anyone just repport informations to improve a system or lurning it 
I hav seen these caracters are ")" "(" occurs in many samples for particular drums galeries I own
hav to rename it for next songs 
With your rename trick, I have to link all machines to the new samples too for the another projects ?

( and ) are fine.