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Différence entre TECH 21 PSA 1.1 et SansAmp RBI

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Sujet de la discussion Différence entre TECH 21 PSA 1.1 et SansAmp RBI
ça devrait intéresser du monde ; Grand utilisateur du PSA 1.1, autant en home studio qu'en live, je me posais la question de la différence entre les deux. J'ai donc contacté directement le "Technical Supervisor" comme ils disent chez TECH 21, et voici sa réponse :

"...Thank you for your PSA1.1 purchase. The main sonic difference between the two units would be the blend control. This allows you to blend any amount of your original bass signal with the SansAmp tone. You can always simulate this with the PSA1.1 by using a splitter and two channels of a mixer. After hearing the effect, you can then decide if it is something that you need.

The PSA1.1 has more control over the subtle nuances of the tone (in regards to touch sensitivity and compression) with the Buzz and Punch controls. So, if you are a player that really likes to dial in a particular tone, then the PSA1.1 is the one for you..."

Basse, Moog Taurus 3 Bass Pedals, Programmations.

* Neko Light Orchestra :

* Room For Sheitan 

* Alex Mc Fly 

* Bruit

*Preacherz OF The Savage Truth:

Preacherz Of The Savage Truth
