Attention, la MAJ de ce matin est la 1.43 qui corrige un vilain bug de volume, pas la 2.0 :
Citation :
POD HD500 Flash Memory v1.43 RELEASE NOTES
Important Note:
It is highly recommended that this update is installed in a specific sequence along with POD HD500 Edit v1.08. Please see the installation notes* below.
Bug Fixes
This update addresses a bug which allows invalid data to be introduced to presets. The invalid data is caused by asynchronous communication between the POD HD500 hardware device and the POD HD500 Edit software application. In rare instances recalling presets containing invalid data may cause intermittent high volume events.
Installing POD HD500 firmware v1.43 POD and HD500 Edit v1.08 prevents invalid data from being introduced into presets. During synchronization between POD HD500 and POD HD500 Edit, the hardware displays a “Sync In Progress” message and does not respond to any buttons or knobs until synchronization is complete.
Additionally any presets which contain invalid data are reset to an initialized state. These presets are easily identified as “New Tone (Reset)”.
Mouais, ils jouent le suspens là... annoncé début février puis "coming soon" sur le site.ça traine. Me tarde la modélisation de Basse et du preamp vocaux.