Sujet de la discussionPosté le 11/08/2009 à 22:13:03a propos des track assignement
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•by new recording. If you rewind the counter to
the top and begin recording again, be aware that
the overwritten previous recording will be lost.
Recorded audio files on tracks will be overwritten
During playback the file assigned to the track is
•any file to a track.
If you want to record to a new file, do not assign
•files are assigned to the track to be recorded
(“NOT ASSIGN”). If there is any assigned file, that
recording will be overwritten by new recording.
When you move a file on a track, confirm that no
Files exclusively for reading (read only) are shown
with <R.0> on the display, and you cannot record
over them if they are assigned to tracks.
Files marked with an asterisk (*) cannot be
assigned to the selected track. < ceci met arrivé ( en important un fichier du pc )et effectivement on ne peut l assigner sauf sur le master , si quelqu
'un a la réponse ca m intterrese car zoom ne la donne pas
le fichier etait steréo donc je pensai que c'etait cela , mais j ai refai la manip en le rendant mono sur audacité et ca n ' rien arrangé