QconPro G2 update. In an effort to answer the questions so many of you have asked. The Chinese designers are definitely not achieving the goal and are now nearly a year late from the original announcement. Please note that unlike most historic development projects the Asian design team has NOT asked for, nor received assistance from Icon Digital USA. This office questions the technical team's skills and resource commitment needed to achieve the goal. Sorry.
Citation :
The Chinese design team has taken exclusive control over the development and refuses to accept comments from the US office. While we were involved during the product concept stages Icon Digital USA is no longer involved in the G2. The fact that the product is a year overdue may be a telltale of the final product.
En gros : iCon USA en est carrément à pourrir publiquement ses collègues chinois et à exprimer ses doutes sur la qualité du produit !
Ca sent le pâté ...
[ Dernière édition du message le 10/12/2015 à 22:37:54 ]
Will Zégal
Will Zégal
Membre depuis 22 ans
70Posté le 11/12/2015 à 10:40:02
C'est marrant, c'est la deuxième surface de contrôle hyper prometteuse devant sortir à pas cher (par rapport à une MCU Pro) qui a de gros problèmes de développement.