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Akai Professional Miniak

Sujet Akai Miniak

  • 51 réponses
  • 16 participants
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Sujet de la discussion Akai Miniak

Citation : The MINIAK is the first synthesizer from Akai Professional

Cela doit bien faire 23 ans, sauf erreur, que Akai n'a pas sorti un synthé (analogiques AX73-80-60 et rompleurs X7000)... et la marque semble l'oublier en disant cela !

Les utilisateurs des synthés Alesis peuvent se réjouir, l'expérience de la marque n'est pas perdu puisque Akai aurait travaillé en collaboration avec le constructeur des Micron/Ion, Andromeda et Fusion.

Plus d'infos sur la page Akai
C'est donc bien la fin d'alesis pour les synthé...
le groupe numark-akai-alesis a du juger qu'au vu des derniers "flop" marketing d'alesis en matiere de synthé que l'image de marque d'akai etait plus porteuse pour vendre ce type de produits...
y a plus qu'a faire pression aupres d'akai maintenant pour se pencher sur l'OS du fusion :clin:
on pourrait servir de beta testeur pour une workstation akai :bravo:

PK crew( à l'abandon) / Mixcloud / 3'ks

En vrai t'es Eddie Barclay avoue :oops2:

Enfin des nouvelles intéressantes :bravo:
Espérons qu'après ce premier joujou (qui j'espère sera prometteur), Akai s'attaque à un peu plus gros (surtout s'ils ont sous le coude l'expérience et connaissance d'Alesis).

Citation : Akai présente un synthé à modélisation analogique, le Miniak.

Conçu en collaboration avec Alesis

comme cité plus haut Miniac = Micron INFO OU INTOX :?!:

c'est quand même dommage de voir un fabriquant connu et reconnu pour les sampleurs qu'il à fait évoluer et autres machines aussi :aime2:
et AUJOURDHUI copier bêtement des synthés aux autres , mis à part des firmes comme ARTURIA ET autres qui nous pondent quelques nouveautées je trouve que certainS aujourdhui abusent à sortir des uniémes PAD MACHIN OU MPC TRUC ou encore DES GROOVE BOX qui au final se ressemblent toutes !!

A quand des MPC Alesis???

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




Même si le Miniak est très inspiré du Micron, c'est tout de même une bonne nouvelle car cela veut dire que la création de synthés n'a pas été abondonnée par le groupe, comme beaucoup le craignait après l'arrêt de production des Andromeda et le relatif échec du Fusion. Si Akai fait le Miniak et que les ventes sont correctes, il n'y a pas de raison qu'ils s'arrêtent là, et donc on peut penser que prochainement sortira une nouvelle machine cette fois-ci originale.

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




+/- 500€??? à confirmer

The MINIAK is a powerful performance and production synthesizer. The MINIAK empowers creative musicians with phrase and step sequencing, a built-in drum machine/rhythm sequencer, an arpeggiator, a 40-band vocoder, stereo effects, and a virtual analog synth engine developed in partnership with the world-class Alesis synth team. While the compact, portable synth shines on stage, the MINIAK is also at home in the production studio delivering 24-bit audio resolution.

The MINIAK puts up to eight multi-timbral voices at your fingertips, each with three oscillators. You can create interesting and unique sounds and take advantage of the more-than-600 preset sounds and store up to 1,000 programs in the MINIAK. The synth also has two multi-mode filters, three envelope generators, two LFOs, stereo effects, and a 40-band vocoder. On top of all of this sound-melding power, the MINIAK has a comprehensive sequencer with step and dynamic real time phrase sequencing, a drum machine/rhythm sequencer, and an arpeggiator to aid in creating the landscapes and textures you’re after.

Rounding out this complete instrument are high-resolution, 24-bit balanced 1/4" inputs and outputs. The MINIAK has a 37-key semi-weighted keyboard with velocity sensitivity for all-in-one performance. It can also be used as a sound source for MPCs, computer software, and keyboards via MIDI.


A MINIAK program is a sound built from the MINIAK’s internal oscillators, filters, and envelope generators. The MINIAK’s more than 600 preset programs span the range of classic analog synthesis sounds. If you’ve heard it before, you will probably find it in the MINIAK’s presets.

In a synth, oscillators generate raw sound. Their output is fed into the filters, whose output is fed into the amplifiers. As the signal moves along that path, you can manipulate the mix at several points and apply modulations, envelopes, and effects to create a custom palette of sounds.


The oscillators can produce different waveform types and shapes to create various harmonic structures, which our ears perceive as different timbres. Here are some of the waveforms you can create with the MINIAK’s oscillators:

Sine – Smooth, pure sound
Triangle – Fuller than a sine wave
Sawtooth – Harsh sonic character
Pulse – Harmonically rich, ranging from full-sounding square wave to a sharp impulse wave

The MINIAK’s oscillators can produce continuously variable waveforms, so it can can hit any point between these examples.

You can connect external audio sources – other synthesizers, mixers, guitars, and more – using the 1/4” inputs. The jacks accept either balanced or unbalanced cables. You can mix in the external audio sources with the MINIAK’s oscillators. The resulting combination is then sent through the MINIAK’s filters and effects. A special group of programs including vocoder programs exists just for use with the external inputs.

The outputs of the oscillators, the noise generator, the ring modulator, and the external inputs are fed into a virtual mixing board called the pre-filter mix. From here, the signal hits the filters. For each source, you can specify its level and its balance: how much is sent to Filter 1 and how much is sent to Filter 2.


The oscillators produce very raw sounds. To shape and fine-tune the sound, filters give you tools for dampening certain harmonics and boosting others. Filters alter the frequency content of the signal and can have a drastic effect on the sound. Each of the MINIAK’s voices contains two filters, and each filter can be one of the following different types, each with its own character and sonic flavor.

They are: Bypass, Low Pass: ob 2-pole, tb 3-pole, mg 4-pole, rp 4-pole, jp 4-pole, al 8-pole; Band Pass: ob 2-pole, al 6-pole, octave dual, band limit; High Pass: ob 2-pole, op 4-pole; three Vocal Formants, four Comb Filters, Phase Warp, Frequency, Resonance, Key Tracking, Envelope Amount, Offset, and Absolute.

After filtering, the signal is fed to the post-filter mix. For each filter output, as well as a pre-filter signal of your choice, you can specify a level and a pan.


In the output stage, the MINIAK allows you to apply a drive effect and add some compression, distortion, or other amplification effects. The MINIAK allows you to set up twelve modulation routes. Each of these is a virtual connection between some physical or internally generated source and some program parameter. Basically, a mod route tells the synth to automatically grab a knob and tweak it while a note is playing. Although there are quite a few sources that you can use for your mods, the most common ones involve the LFOs and the envelopes.


LFO stands for low-frequency oscillator. LFOs are not designed to produce sound, but instead to tweak a program parameter according to a looping pattern. For example, if you are looking to add vibrato, you need the pitch to continuously waver up and down. Each of the MINIAK’s voices contains two LFOs, each of which offers rate, depth, shape, and tempo sync. The MINIAK’s LFO can sync to the internal clock or any external source via MIDI.


If you hit a note on a piano, you hear a burst of sound energy as the hammer strikes the string, followed by lower level of loudness as you hold down the note and let the string ring out, which fades quickly as soon as you release the note and the damper is applied. Synthesizers model this behavior using ADSR Envelopes. ADSR stands for Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release, and represents the different stages that the sound goes through over the life of the note. The MINIAK also has an envelope that is specifically designed for loudness, called the Amp Envelope. Envelopes are useful in all sorts of mod routes, which is why you can hook up any of the MINIAK’s envelopes to any modulatable program parameter. Each of the MINIAK’s voices contains three envelopes: Amp Envelope, Filter Envelope, and Pitch/Modulation Envelope.


The MINIAK has extensive sequencing and arpeggiation performance capabilities. Arpeggios and sequences both respond to a key-press by playing a series of notes over a programmed rhythmic pattern. An arpeggio loops over whatever notes you are holding down on the keyboard. If you hold down a chord, the MINIAK will generate a melody by playing each note of your chord individually. A sequence has a melody line built in so you can hold down a single key and the MINIAK will play back that melody relative to that key. Pressing another key will transpose the sequence.

The MINIAK has MPC-style step sequencing and recorder-style dynamic real time phrase sequencing. There’s also a drum machine/rhythm sequencer for the built-in drum sounds.


The MINIAK has a full compliment of stereo effects including Chorus, Feedback, Theta Flanger (Phaser + Flanger), Thru Zero Flanger, Super Phaser, Notch Frequency, String Phaser, 40-Band Vocoder, Analysis Gain, Sibilance Boost, Band Shift, Synthesis Input, Analysis Signal In, Analysis Mix, six types of Delay, and three types of Reverbs.

With the extensive sound generating and manipulating power of the MINIAK, the sounds you dream up are as easy to create as twisting a few knobs. And creating complete soundscapes with the sequencer and arpeggiator couldn’t be easier. Step up to the only synth with the Akai Professional name… the MINIAK.

Synthesis: virtual analog (subtractive), noise generator, FM
Polyphony: up to 8 voices
Timbrality: up to 8 parts
Oscillators: 3 per voice with continuously variable waveshapes, sync, linear and exponential FM, Ring Mod, routable modulation matrix per voice.
Filters: 2 multi-mode resonating filters per voice with 16 filter types
Modulation: 2 LFOs with multiple wave shapes, sample and hold, tracking generator, freely-routable modulation matrix per voice
Effects: 4 drive effects, 1 per part; master effects
Sequencing: step sequencer, arpeggiator, drum machine/rhythm sequencer, and phrase sequencer
Program memory: up to 1,000 programs and multi-timbral setups
Velocity sensitive: Yes
Keyboard: 37-key, semi-weighted
External control: MIDI in/out/thru
Inputs: 2 balanced 1/4” TRS, mic
Outputs: 2 balanced 1/4” TRS, 1/4” TRS headphone
Controls: pitch wheel, two assignable Q-Link modulation wheels, X, Y, and Z parameter knobs, pattern play, phrase arpeggiator, latch arpeggiator, keyboard octave, tap tempo, program controls, data push-knob, config, store, master volume
Pedal Inputs: Assignable expression pedal, sustain pedal

* Eight voices, each with three oscillators
* Up to eight multi-timbral parts with stereo effects and 40-band vocoder
* Two multi-mode filters, three envelope generators, two LFOs, sample and hold, tracking
* generator
* Dynamic real-time and step sequencers, arpeggiator, and drum machine/rhythm
* sequencer
* Stereo bus effects including reverbs and delays
* 24-bit 1/4" balanced stereo analog outputs and inputs
* 37-key synth-action keyboard with velocity sensitivity
* More than 600 preset sounds
* Sound banks: bass, lead, pad, string, brass, keys, comp, drum, SFX

Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...




Les premières vidéos sur YouTube sont assez bruitées...difficile de ce faire une idée claire mais je n'ai pas l'impression de retrouver l'esprit de l'ION/Micron.
ça ressemble quand même beaucoup à un Korg R3.

A quand un Fusiomedak ou un Androfusionak?
Un Andro avec lecture de multi-samples sur les oscillos (en plus des autres formes d'ondes), ça serait cool :bravo: