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Radikal Technologies Spectralis 2
Radikal Technologies Spectralis 2

un nouvel os pour 2011

  • 527 réponses
  • 36 participants
  • 66 006 vues
Sujet de la discussion un nouvel os pour 2011
un nouvel os va arriver cette année!! info confirmée par joerg himself!:bravo:

je vous met le petit entretient que leshrac a eu avec lui ( en anglais par contre..):

Jörg Schaaf wrote:As mentioned above - we will work on the Spectralis as soon as the ACC is finished. Beside the bug fixing we will add some nice features to the old chap;-)

Leshrac wrote:
last "senseless" question ... is the accelerator "finished" when you ship it? so we can really expect a new OS for this year?

Jörg Schaaf wrote:Yes - you can expect a new firmware this year!! The assembling of the Accelerator starts next week. All parts are already produced, the circuit boards are assembled. The silk screening is done, even the cartons are ready for packaging. The firmware is almost finished now. We spent some extra days into the development of the Arpeggiator because we felt, that we should not publish the unit with that average standard Arpeggiator directions. The Arpeggiator is now a very special playground and kind of state of the art. It's a statement of a music machine lover;-)



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Ce n'est plus qu'une question de jours,voir d'heures? n'ose y croire!:D:
Une personne à demandé à joerg si tout était ok, sur le forum RT...
Citation :

I am still writing the documentation. As soon as I have finished that, I will upload the files.

Best regards,


Qu'est ce qu'on aura été patient quand même!!!!
ca va peut etre lui prendre 2 ans pour écrire la doc donc méfiance!:lol:


Oué pis surtout qu'ya celui de l'Accelerator aussi :/

Pers ca ne me dérangerait pas de faire quelques jours voir semaines avec ce nouvel OS sans le manuel !!!

[ Dernière édition du message le 17/04/2013 à 13:48:52 ]

os 1.50 online!!!!! yeaaaaaaaaaaahhh
spectralis 2 mise a jour!!! ENFIN BORDEL!!!!:mdr: deja la gestion des samples et de la memoire est parfaite, vais pouvoir enfin me lacher grave sur les sons...


[ Dernière édition du message le 18/04/2013 à 00:07:30 ]


Spectralis 2 Version 1.50 Update
Dear Spectralis 2 User,
we are happy to announce, that finally a new Spectralis 2 version is ready to get installed in your
Spectralis 2 synthesizer. The update procedure is described in detail in our forum:
The update contains a lot of bugfixes and some new features as well. The features and bug fixes
are listed in chronical order below. The most important new features are multiple Spectralis
Performance memories. A Performance memory contains songs, samples, sounds and a
favorites bank. The default performance is the one, you are currently running - the files and
folders in the root directory are the default Performance files.
But you can now create subfolders with the name PERFORMZ.### where ### is a number
between 1 and 255. Such a folder can hold a complete different set with songfolders, samplesets,
soundbanks etc. Use that new feature to create a LIVE set and a Studio set, or to test a new
sampleset without the risk to overwrite your current sample files. Samplesets can now be offered
together with example patterns and songs. The whole file managment becomes much easier and
there is no song limit anymore. With up to 255 Performance folders, you simply create a new
PERFORMZ.### folder when you are running out of song memories.
People can also start from scratch with an empty Spectralis 2 by just using a new
PERFORMZ.### folder. The big advantage is - one can keep the factory content instead of
deleting the content. One can always switch between his own data and the factory data.
Another great feature is the pattern selection via program changes. It#s much easier to integrate
the Spectralis into a live setup if a master device or master keyboard can select the patterns of
the Spectralis.
Some customers experienced problems with compact flash media. The Spectralis 2 now
supports additional MBR/PBR configurations. The formatting procedure has been updated and
allows formatting of corrupted or invalid MBR. If you still own a corrupted card that does not work
anymore in your Spectralis please give the new formatting a try. Maybe the new firmware will
bring you back an refurbished memory card;-)
We hope, you enjoy the new featureset. Below you‘ll find all details about the new firmware:
2011-11-xx, V1.05A
- Mod: Wiping all Mac-Files (files and directories starting with .) from internal flash during
startup and after unplugging USB cable.
- New: Browsing Subdirectories
- New: Deleting Files (use SHIFT while browsing)
- Fix: Part Trigger Mode only flashes once when Shift is activated
- Fix: Part Trigger Mode only saved for first 8 parts
- Fix: DSynth&Drum parts in Voice Trigger Mode playing even when muted when triggered from
- Fix: Arp may start playing 192th notes after a while (~5 minutes at 100BPM) when synced from
the sequencer.
2011-12-06, V1.05B
- New: MIDI, Program Change on Channel 2..16 selects assigned QuickSound (1..32) on Parts
- New: MIDI, Program Change on Channel 1 selects next Pattern (only in Pattern Mode, does not
save changed pattern, does not ask)
- New: Song Change must be acknowledged
2012-03-18, V1.05C
- Mod: Enhanced Media Format compatibility (all four partition entries in MBR, PBR in sector 0)
- Fix: Formatting of internal Flash-Drive working even with invalid MBR.
2013-04-07, V1.06A
- Mod: Support loading Performances from subdirectories (need to be named PERFORMZ.###,
where ### is a three digit number between 1 and 255).
Currently active performance has to be selected from System Menu followed by a reboot.
- Fix: Since internal storage of long filenames was dropped no filename was recorded within the
soundreferences in patterns, consequently missing sounds in such patterns no longer
Now short names are recorded in references and missing sounds are displayed even without
recorded filename.
2013-04-09, V1.06B
- Mod: Changes in System-Configuration flushed to disk when System-Menu is closed (before
there was a
timeout of about 6 seconds after changes).
- Mod: Performance Change now without reboot (only Samples reload, soundbank still loaded
during first load).
2013-04-09, V1.10
- Mod: Performance now includes Favorites and Soundbank changes
2013-04-09, V1.11
- Mod: Part-Play does no longer re-initialize Soundlist (avoid resetting category)
- New: QuickSound selection displays Sound Name in Overlay
2013-04-09, V1.50
- Mod: Instruments flushed when trying Firmware Update
- Mod: Performance Selection relocated in new Dialog "Memory and Performance
Management" (Shift+EXIT)


Ho yes ho yes ho yes !!!!!!!!!

je ne suis pas un aigle en "updating" J'ai bien compris qu'il fallait coller le nouveau OS à un endroit précis après avoir branché le Spectralis à l'ordi mais voilà, je ne comprends pas où se trouve ce fameux : SPC_FLASH spectralis... 3a)
Désolé d'être aussi nul.
Michel Moglia
Citation :
Firmware Downloads
The spectralis offers easy firmware uploading and flashing via USB. Firmware updates will add further functionality to your spectralis.Please follow the following procedure in order to update your spectralis.

1.) Connect the spectralis with the USB cable to your computer. (Windows 2000, XP, MAC-OSX).

2.) 3 or less new mediums will appear on your desktop or explorer after a few seconds. The number of mediums differ dependent on inserted SmartMedia Cards. If no card is inserted, some OS versions are only showing up the internal Flash-Rom.

3.) Drag and drop the downloaded *.cod file onto the spectralis SPC_FLASH medium.

3a) Important Information for MAC Users: Please unmount the spectralis mediums after copying the file to the SPC_FLASH memory. Otherwise, the firmware file will not be copied correctly onto your spectralis!!!Unmounting can be done by drag and drop the medium icon onto the trash-icon!

4.) Press and hold the spectralis [shift]-button and while holding down please push the [system]-button.

5.) Select the third menupage at versions below 095 and menupage 4 at systems above 095 with the [Page-Up]-button and select there the Upgrade Option by pushing the encoder labelled "Upgrade".

6.) A display dialog will appear asking, whether you want to update the firmware with the new version. In case you are seeing there an older version than the one, you have copied to the SPC_FLASH medium, please select the latest one by pushing the [Page-Up]-button multiple times until the latest one appears in the dialog.

7.) Confirm the update with the real [enter]-button or the encoder button labelled with [enter].
8.) After about twenty seconds the spectralis will automaticly reboot with the new version.

9.) Versions below 0.93 will start the upgrade dialog by pushing the [record]-button while holding down the [shift]-button.

En fait, SPC_FLASH est une icône relative à la Spectralis qui apparait sur le bureau (OSX) une fois la connexion USB établie.
Sur PC je ne me souviens plus de ce qu'il faut faire .... :oops: .... mais je pense qu'il faut aller à la pêche au disque dur !

Ne fallait-il pas sacrifier Dieu lui-même et, par cruauté vis-à-vis de soi-même, adorer la pierre, la bêtise, la lourdeur, le destin, le néant ? F. Nietzsche


C'est la mémoire principale du spectralis (pas la carte SD si tu préfères), une fosi brancher sur ton ordi (pc pour m'a part) tu verra spc_flash dans tes disques.