Sujet de la discussionPosté le 10/01/2022 à 12:51:35Edit Buffer (SuperMax)
Bonjour à tou(te)s,
Je souhaite importer quelques banques de sons maisons créés sous Dexed (format DX7) dans mon DX7 moddé en Supermax.
Visiblement les paramètres SuperMax (arpegio etc.) sont toujours actifs même dans les banques 3 à 16 ce qui est très très chiant.
Dans le manuel ils indiquent qu'il faut jouer avec le EDIT BUFFER pour initialiser les settings :
When you load patches from a cartridge, SuperMAX is able to automatically recognize the right format:
1. If the cartridge is in DX-MAX Format all functions not used by DX-MAX are set to zero (0).
2. If it's in DX7 Format, the default values for the extra SuperMAX parameters are those in the EDIT BUFFER!
So, if you want to load a memory bank from a cartridge with a standard DX7 Format, then prepare the EDIT BUFFER with the SuperMAX values you want and all the 32 memories will be initialized with these values! You have to do the same for MIDI receive (MIDI transmit only sends the voice memories). If your loaded voices have unintended arpeggiation, voice stacking or delays, this is why. One solution is to select/edit a patch first that is "clean" of delays, stacking, etc. For your convenience, the Appendix has a patch list for the SuperMAX factory sounds.
Je ne vois pas trop de quoi ils parlent en l’occurrence quand il s'agit du EDIT BUFFER.
Même en partant d'un patch de base (init) les paramètres SuperMax sont toujours actifs... doit-on comme je le crains éditer les 32 patchs manuellement et désactiver les fonctions SuperMax avant de balancer un Sysex ?
Y'a-t-il un moyen simple de tous les désactiver ? Sur toute une banque par exemple...
Nouvel·le AFfilié·e
Membre depuis 12 ans
2Posté le 10/01/2022 à 16:17:31
Make New York the active sound on the DX7. It's the only SuperMAX factory patch that is "clean" of effects. Then, choose the bank you want, but DO NOT CHOOSE A PATCH. Just the bank number. Load that bank with the sounds. The new sounds will be as expected. Form memory, this is how I do it from a cartridge and it works fine, so I am ASSUMING it is the same for loading from Sys Ex.
Hi Grant !
Thanks for replying back. I think i meanwhile ended up getting what was the EDIT Buffer about.
As far as i could understand, It's simply the state where you are just before uploading new patch/bank (i.e. the last patch you played or worked w/).
As you said we need to choose a patch with zero SuperMax effect as a starting point.
Then applying new bank/sound will follow this SuperMax Patch settings and in this case will be zero.
Wasn't very obvious as per reading the user manual and not as handy as i thought...