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VirSyn Cube 2
VirSyn Cube 2

[News] Virsyn Cube 2

  • 8 réponses
  • 5 participants
  • 1 153 vues
Sujet de la discussion [News] Virsyn Cube 2
A quelques heures du début du Musikmesse, Virsyn vient de publier un screenshot de Cube 2, la nouvelle version de son synthétiseur additif virtuel.

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Pour le progrès du son
Sur le forum de Virsyn, on apprend que les détails concernant Cube 2 seront donnés en milieu de semaine prochaine sur le site officiel. Actuellement Virsyn termine la création des nouveaux presets pour la V2 ... :clin:
Toujours pas d'info à se mettre sous la dent concernant Cube 2 :(((
Ca y est ...

Citation : On May, 3rd 2005 VirSyn Software Synthesizer starts delivery of CUBE 2 – the successor of the award winning software synthesizer CUBE.

CUBE 2 is a musical instrument and the ultimate tool for sound designers who wish to have instant and intuitive access to all principal components every imaginable sound is build from. Every sound can be decomposed in a sine spectrum representing the harmonic and inharmonic partials and a residual noise spectrum for the noise components. The spatial character of a sound can be represented by a pan spectrum. The temporal evolution of these three spectra is a very convenient way to describe every sound. CUBE 2 is built around this model and allows you to manipulate the structure of a sound with all its components in a comfortable and musical way.

The main new feature of CUBE 2 is the ability to manipulate the analyzed sound spectra in a variety of musically useful ways: Imagine for example drawing a comb filter structure freely into the spectrum ! And you can do this not only in the sine spectrum, but also with the residual noise spectrum and the stereo panning.
The analyzer of CUBE 2 improved a lot and allows now specialized algorithms for different types of sounds. This includes harmonic / inharmonic and noisy sound types. The new residual noise generator of CUBE 2 allows you to create evolving noise spectra in a way which was never possible before.

Here are almost all of the new features of CUBE 2 at a glance:

- Improved Spectral analyzer with selectable algorithms optimized for different sound types
- 600 ready to use presets
- Graphical editor for direct manipulation of the spectral and spatial structure of the sound.
- Improved morphing algorithm
- Residual noise generator
- Volume envelope now independent from the Morph envelopes
- Switch off morph envelopes for manual morph control
- Modulation range for morph modulation added
- New modulation sources “Breath” and “Expression”
- Editor for MIDI assignment of user interface controllers
- Legato mode for monophonic sounds
- Reset function for source edits and resynth sources.

At the following link you can see and hear what we have prepared for you:

Demo version for Win/Mac are available at the following link:

Registered users can get the information how to upgrade here:

Arrêtez de vous connecter tous en m^m temps!!!

Vala, le site est down :rocket:

:mdr: :mdr:

Pour la pédagogie virtuelle, contre l'assistanat numérique... ;-)

Qu'il est ronchon ce Spawn...
Et depuis pas de news de Cube 2 .... ?
Quelqu'un le possede t'il ?
Je réfléchi sérieusement à m'offrir l'upgrade. Mais malheureusement, j'ai d'autre dépenses prioritaires en ce moment. :(
En tous cas, je ferais une review dès que je l'ai.

Pour la pédagogie virtuelle, contre l'assistanat numérique... ;-)