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Publié le 01/02/10 à 05:22
(contenu en anglais)

There were no compatibility issues using this in Logic 9, Ableton 8 and as a standalone unit. I did not need to reference the manual as IK Multimedia's synth plugins all run off the same style interface, so every thing is in the same place as the first one that I learned how to use. Overall, the setup and configuration is fairly simple. There was one thing that was a little difficult to figure out. It was setting the midi channel for each layer of a patch, but after referencing the manual in the first IK multimedia plugin, it was no problem. Yes, all the functions are easily accessible via different "view" selection knobs.
I use a Macbook with the earlier mentioned DAW's and it works perfectly. It also runs great as a Stand alone unit but I don't really use it that way much. So far, Samplemoog hasn't crashed or lost any presets. I give this thing a 10 out of 10 for performance. It works great with all of my midi controllers and the ability to layer a bunch of sounds on top of each other can let you create some absolutely amazing sounds. I have been using this plugin for about a month.
There are a bunch of things I really like about this unit. The layering which I mentioned earlier is one of the best. Mainly though, the huge collection of so many awesome Moog machines in one plugin in is the best part. I was really pleased to see some very fun Theramin patches but mainly I was really excited to see they put the Little Phatty in there too. I wish I could buy the real thing, but this will do nicely until I can afford it. I can't say there is anything I don't like about this plugin. Its not as good as the real instruments, buts it pretty dang good (at least compared to the Moog's I have heard in person) for sounds coming out of my Computer. My studio partner and I paid around $200 together for this unit. Its a decent size chunk of money, but its worth it to have all those quality sounds in our arsenal. I give it a 9 out of 10 for precision and quality of the sound. It's impossible to get the true analog heaven that comes out of a moog unit to come out of anything digital. I use Arturia's Minimoog and Voyager plugins which are also really awesome, but this one beats those just because of the more instruments. Yes, I would definitely make the same choice again.
I use a Macbook with the earlier mentioned DAW's and it works perfectly. It also runs great as a Stand alone unit but I don't really use it that way much. So far, Samplemoog hasn't crashed or lost any presets. I give this thing a 10 out of 10 for performance. It works great with all of my midi controllers and the ability to layer a bunch of sounds on top of each other can let you create some absolutely amazing sounds. I have been using this plugin for about a month.
There are a bunch of things I really like about this unit. The layering which I mentioned earlier is one of the best. Mainly though, the huge collection of so many awesome Moog machines in one plugin in is the best part. I was really pleased to see some very fun Theramin patches but mainly I was really excited to see they put the Little Phatty in there too. I wish I could buy the real thing, but this will do nicely until I can afford it. I can't say there is anything I don't like about this plugin. Its not as good as the real instruments, buts it pretty dang good (at least compared to the Moog's I have heard in person) for sounds coming out of my Computer. My studio partner and I paid around $200 together for this unit. Its a decent size chunk of money, but its worth it to have all those quality sounds in our arsenal. I give it a 9 out of 10 for precision and quality of the sound. It's impossible to get the true analog heaven that comes out of a moog unit to come out of anything digital. I use Arturia's Minimoog and Voyager plugins which are also really awesome, but this one beats those just because of the more instruments. Yes, I would definitely make the same choice again.