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Superwave Equinoxe Extreme HD

Superwave Equinoxe Extreme HD

Synthé virtuel soustractif de la marque Superwave

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Superwave
  • Modèle : Equinoxe Extreme HD
  • Catégorie : Synthés virtuels soustractifs
  • Fiche créée le : 15/05/2014

Equinoxe Extreme HD Edition is the Equinoxe’s big brother designed for use in professional studios with access to high-resolution LCD monitors.


The Equinoxe Extreme HD Edition has the same functionality as the standard Equinoxe, however all switchable panels are now accessible from a single user interface*.


The standard version of the Equinoxe synthesizer is also provided free of charge when purchasing the Extreme HD Edition.


Jarre used an amazing range of powerful analogue synthesizers including instruments by Arp, Korg, Moog, Oberheim, Roland, Sequential Circuit, Yamaha and many more. These days, it would be nearly impossible to build such a vast collection of instruments and it would cost a fortune! The SuperWave Equinoxe can accurately replicate the sounds used to create Jarre’s classic works such as Oxygene, Equinoxe, Magnetic Fields and Rendez-Vous. We supply a full range of presets and a selection of tracks in Cubase and MIDI file formats demonstrating the accuracy achieved by this powerful musical instrument. Equinoxe 4 and Magnetic Fields 2 are supplied with the trial version and 12 additional tracks are supplied via email when purchased. The SuperWave Drums Bundle is also provided free of charge when purchasing the Equinoxe synthesizer.


Equinoxe is a very powerful and versatile instrument and can be used for any type or genre of music. It features much of the technology used in the Ultimate synth, but has been modified to enable the creation of sounds and effects of the analogue synthesizers used by Jarre. Equinoxe is capable of huge leads, pads, strings, basses and sound effects. Powerful features include the Ultimate Oscillator which has a total of 16 fully programmable oscillators. All the oscillators can have their own individual settings which include Waveform, Level and Pan. All 16 oscillators on the Ultimate Oscillator can also be detuned and stereo spread from a single control which makes programming oscillator stacked sounds a breeze. The Equinoxe features four thirty-two step Sequencers, an Arpeggiator and Multi-Effects which include Tone Control, Chorus, Phaser, Delay, Reverb and Limiter with Drive.


Equinoxe is the only synthesizer dedicated to the works of Jean Michel Jarre!


*Note: A minimum display resolution of 1920x1200 is required to display the Equinoxe Extreme HD Edition fully on screen.

Technical Specifications

2 Oscillators (Total of 28 Oscillators played simultaneously)
Osc 1 Waveforms: Ultimate Osc, Tri Sync Osc, Noise, Morph Osc, Square, Saw, Triangle, SF2 Exp
Osc 2 Waveforms: Square, Saw, Triangle, Noise, Perc
Ultimate Osc Waveforms: Sine, Saw, Ramp, Soft Ramp, Peak Ramp, Square, Triangle, Peak, Octava, Cluster1, Cluster2, Noise
Morph Osc Waveforms: Sine, Saw, Ramp, Soft Ramp, Peak Ramp, Square, Triangle, Peak, Octava, Cluster1, Cluster2
Osc 1 Controls: Waveform, Gate Sync, On, Ultimate Osc Detune, Ultimate Osc Stretch, Tri Sync Slide Speed, Tri Sync Mode, Noise Cutoff, Noise Resonance, Morph, Morph Beat, Square Pulse Width, Square PWM Depth, Saw Shape, Saw LFO 1 Depth, Triangle Shape, Triangle LFO 1 Depth, SF2 Exp Level, SF2 Exp Spread
Osc 2 Controls: Ring, On, Gate Sync, Sync, Waveform, Range, Fine/Wide, Square Pulse Width, Square PWM Depth, Saw Level, Saw Harmonics, Triangle Level, Triangle Harmonics, Noise Cutoff, Noise Resonance, Perc Level, Perc Decay
Ultimate Osc Controls: Pan Mod On, Master Level, Phase/PW, Stereo Spread, Analogue Drift Rate, Analogue Drift Depth
Ultimate Osc Mixer Controls: Waveform, Harmonics, Semi Tune, Fine Tune, Phase/PW, Pan, Level
Ultimate Osc Mod Edit Controls: Tune Depth, PW Depth, Pan Depth, LVL Depth, Waveform, Key Sync, Rate/Beat
Morph Osc Edit Controls: Waveform, Harmonics, Morph/Beat, Stage


Osc Common
Osc Shift: -2 +2 Octaves
LFO 1 & Env Destinations: Osc 1+2, Osc 2, X-Mod, Tri Sync, Tri Sync + Osc 2
Controls: -Oct +Oct, LFO 1 & Env Destination, Osc Balance, X-Mod Depth, LFO 1 Depth


2 Resonant Filters: State Variable -12dB/-24dB, Moog
Filter Types: Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass
Controls: Cutoff Frequency, Resonance, -12dB/-24dB, Type, Key Follow, LFO 1 Depth


Controls: Pan, LFO 1 Depth, Level


3 Envelopes with Time Scale and Output Contour function
Contour Types (Curve): 13
Pitch Envelope Controls: Attack, Decay, Curve, Time Scale
Filter Envelope Controls: Depth, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release, Curve, Time Scale
Amp Envelope Controls: Attack, Decay Sustain, Release, Curve, Time Scale


Low Frequency Oscillators
2 LFO's (Low Frequency Oscillators)
LFO 1 Waveforms: Triangle, Saw, Square, Sample and Hold
Modulation (LFO 2) Waveforms: Triangle
Beat Ratios: 33
LFO 1 Controls: Waveform, Rate/Beat, LFO 2 Depth, Key Sync, Beat Sync
Modulation (LFO 2) Controls: Depth Select, Rate/Beat, Depth, Key Sync, Beat Sync


Classic + Phrase Arpeggiator
Modes: Up/Forward, Down/Back, Alt1, Alt2, Alt3, Alt4
Range: 1-4 Octaves
Beat Ratios: 18
Controls: On, Tempo/Beat, Phrase On/Off, Chord On/Off, Hold, Mode, Range, Tempo, Gate


32 Step Sequence x4 (Modulation x3, Gate)
Directions: Forward and Reverse
Beat Ratios: 18 (Independent beat resolution for each sequence)
Sequence 1 Destinations: Pitch 1, Cutoff, Amp, Pan, Morph
Sequence 2 Destinations: Pitch 2, Cutoff, Amp, Pulse Width, X-Mod
Sequence 3 Destinations: Pitch 1+2, Cutoff, Amp, Ult Stereo, Tri Sync
Sequence 4 Destinations: Cutoff, Amp, LFO 1 Rate, LFO 2 Rate
Sequence 1 Controls: On, Key On, Reverse, Beat, Smooth, Pitch 1, Cutoff, Amp, Pan, Morph
Sequence 2 Controls: On, Key On, Reverse, Beat, Smooth, Pitch 2, Cutoff, Amp, Pulse Width, X-Mod
Sequence 3 Controls: On, Key On, Reverse, Beat, Smooth, Pitch 1+2, Cutoff, Amp, Ult Stereo, Tri Sync
Sequence 4 Controls: On, Key On, Reverse, Beat, Smooth, Calibration, Cutoff, Amp, LFO 1 Rate, LFO 2 Rate


Effect Types: Tone Control, Chorus, Phaser, Delay (Stereo, Cross, L/R), Reverb, Limiter with Drive
Tone Controls: Bass, Treble
Chorus Controls: Rate, Depth, Wave, FBK Mode, On, Pan, Phase, Mod Depth, Level, Pre-Delay, Feedback
Phaser Controls: Rate, Depth, Wave, LFO (Internal/External), Stages, Key Sync, On, Stereo Diff, Freq Min, Freq Max, LFO 1 Depth, LFO 2 Depth, Feedback
Delay Controls: Time/Beat, Feedback, Level, Type, On, Beat Sync, LPF Feedback
Reverb Controls: Time, Width, Damp, Level, On
Limiter Controls: Bypass, Threshold, Drive, Squash


Other Features
Integrated Patch Browser for loading and saving of FXP and FXB files
10 and 20 note polyphonic versions available
SF2 Wavetable Expansion Oscillator
Main volume control
Mono/Polyphonic control
Portamento control
Midi CC control with learn capability
192 high quality presets


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