Annonces Infundibulum #2
Alerte nouvelle annonceForums Sound Dust Infundibulum #2
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Sound Dust
- Modèle : Infundibulum #2
- Catégorie : Autres synthétiseurs virtuels
- Fiche créée le : 16/05/2019
Synthétiseur et multi-arpégiateur polyrythmique logiciel pour Kontakt utilisant des samples d'instruments
- 1 Kontakt .nki instrument
- 230 themed snapshots...but Infundibulum is all about tweaking really, these will just get you in the ballpark
- 3.1GB download (from 4GB compressed files)
- 3 independant multifunction arp contraptions with gate, chord and 10 other arp modes
- Adjustable step lengths from 1 to 64 per multi-arp
- Adjustable step rate from 1/128 to whole note with triplet variations plus modem, geiger and meltdown modes per multi-arp
- Swing, offset, decay and pitch control per multi-arp
- 3 sample oscillators each with 20 mutlisampled sample sets each
- Sample start, loop start and loop length control per oscillator
- Pan and autopan control per oscillator
- Volume attack, decay, sustain and release control per oscillator
- Distortion module with drive, damp, tube or transistor, bit and sample rate reduction per oscillator
- Low pass and high pass filters
- Vibrato rate and amount control per oscillator
- Chorus rate and amount control per oscillator
- Convolution reverb with 24 bespoke IRs per oscillator
- Delay send control per oscillator
ARP Recorder...
- Drag & drop midi file recorder grabs single and multi channel output from the multi-arp that can be loaded back into a new DAW track
INSERT effects
- Tape saturation and bit reducution,
- Solid G equaliser
- Rotor speaker
- Algorithmic reverb
SEND effects
- Tempo synced delay
- Algorithmic reverb
Autres catégories dans Synthétiseurs Virtuels
Autres dénominations : infundibulum2