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Tone2 Gladiator 2

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Cible : Utilisateurs avertis Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
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  • jonoftheshred88jonoftheshred88

    Pourtant solide imparfaite

    Tone2 Gladiator 2Publié le 10/07/14 à 17:50
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Gladiator has the perfect opening preset. It's that sound test at movies, the slowly rising sound that ends on a perfect, harmonized pitch. You see it at the start of the previews in movie theaters. (Now it's more like at the start of the COMMERCIALS, am I right?)

    In any case, this is a truly killer sounding synth. It's got a very signature sound, very airy, as if recorded in a giant hall. The installation was simple and fast, and getting started writing songs was even faster. I also use Nexus 2, as I stated in an earlier review. This is a comparable synth, as far as strengths go. Arps and gates are the name of the game. In fact, the arps along can spark creativity and inspire you to write a song in no time at all. When I first started using Gladiator 2 the presets alone had me coming up with ideas I never would have without using the synth.


    This software works great with my DAW. Pretty much, keeping my laptop clean of any dust and OS optimized for peak performance capabilities has ALL of my software running smoothly. But Gladiator 2 never seemed to be too resource heavy. Nexus and East West Orchestra software BOTH seem far more straining on the speed. Gladiator seems comparatively light-weight - you can have multiple instances of this running, like 10 different arps and gates all playing together, and it doesn't seem to have a difference on speed at all.

    My only big gripe with the software is a lack of editing capability, similar to Nexus. Perhaps I should research both VSTs more thoroughly, but it just seems to lack the diversity some synths (even freeware VST Synth1) have more of. Gladiator is GREAT....for very specific genres. A talented musician can use this software for any genre they choose, but most people are going to e buying it for trance, house, and other popular EDM-centric electronic music. Incidentally, Gladiator 2 and Nexus 2 are by far the two best for capturing this sound, so it's a mixed bag really.


    The thing I like most is the way all the arps meld together and interact. But having said that, the interface is rather clunky and difficult to traverse. There's a LOT of options when you open the synth up, but with barely legible text you'd wish they chose a better way to offer all these features. The interface is beautifully designed from an aesthetic standpoint, but the functionality could be increased exponentially with more intuitive arranging.

    The precision of the sound is very high quality - crispy and professional, this synth sounds truly unique. Similar in a fashion to Nexus 2 in it's strengths, I've noticed the two compliment each other rather splendidly, having such different sounds but the same strengths.
  • sonicsnapsonicsnap

    Des possibilités démentielles..

    Tone2 Gladiator 2Publié le 16/01/13 à 15:17
    Pas de problème particulier lors de l'installation et l'autorisation. Tout se fait très facilement. Par contre, pour la programmation, il faut un temps de prise en main. Pour une fois, il n'est pas inutile de parcourir le manuel (106 pages - il faut bien ça - très clair, mais en anglais seulement, malheureusement.)


    Aucun problème de fonctionnement sur Mac Book Pro / Digital Performer. Coté consommation de CPU, je dirais que le Gladiator 2 se situe en dessous de la moyenne des vstis.


    Je possède ce synthé depuis plusieurs années. Je n'ai pas fait les derniers updates qui ne me paraissent pas essentiels et ne sont pas gratuits. Gladi…
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    Pas de problème particulier lors de l'installation et l'autorisation. Tout se fait très facilement. Par contre, pour la programmation, il faut un temps de prise en main. Pour une fois, il n'est pas inutile de parcourir le manuel (106 pages - il faut bien ça - très clair, mais en anglais seulement, malheureusement.)


    Aucun problème de fonctionnement sur Mac Book Pro / Digital Performer. Coté consommation de CPU, je dirais que le Gladiator 2 se situe en dessous de la moyenne des vstis.


    Je possède ce synthé depuis plusieurs années. Je n'ai pas fait les derniers updates qui ne me paraissent pas essentiels et ne sont pas gratuits. Gladiator offre plus de 1100 présets d'usine. A leur écoute on peut se dire qu'on a encore affaire à un instrument orienté dance-techno-trance. Pourtant, il peut aller bien au delà.
    Les possibilités de ce synthé sont démentielles. Cinq oscillateurs. Certains sont couplés et peuvent être combinés de différentes manières (y compris AM et FM). Plus de 130 formes d'onde. Plusieurs occurrences offrant chacune un choix de 91 "modifiers" qui jouent sur le spectre, peuvent changer radicalement le son et sont tous décrits dans le manuel. Un "phase modifier" avec 17 possibilités. Et bien sûr "l'Harmonic Content Morphing" qui permet de faire évoluer le contenu harmonique des sons dans le temps. Le cinquième oscillateur est particulier: Il génère un grand choix de "petits bruits" qui permettent notamment de travailler l'attaque de nos sons. A tout ça s'ajoute toutes les fonctions classiques: filtre (39 types différents, c'est un des points forts de Gladiator), enveloppes, LFOs (21 formes d'onde), step-LFO, Arpégiateur, EQ, disto et effets de tous poils (fort bons dans l'ensemble.) Pour l'affectation des modulateurs, on a une petite matrice à douze slots très pratique. Par contre, notons qu'on peut moduler un grand nombre de paramètres, mais pas tout à fait tous. Exemple: J'aurais bien affecté un LFO au paramètre qui contôle l'action de l'enveloppe du filtre: Pas possible. C'est une petite faiblesse comparativement à Massive de NI, par exemple.
    Un bon point: L'interface est très bien présentée et organisée. Mais il faut tout de même avoir l'âme d'un bidouilleur pour profiter des insondables possibilités offertes par les "modifiers" en partant de zéro. Et de fait, il faut une certaine habitude pour pouvoir anticiper leurs effets. Reste que ça vaut le coup et que Gladiator est, à n'en pas douter, une bien belle machine qui n'a pas fini de m'étonner. Les "sound designers" patients et méthodiques seront récompensés par des sons vivants et pouvant être très originaux.
    A noter toutefois pour ceux qui aiment l'aléatoire qu'il est aussi possible de "randomiser" tout ça. Enfin, les amateurs de dance-techno-trance pourront aussi toujours partir de presets existant.
    Au total, ce n'est pas le synthé software que j'utilise le plus, mais il m'est arrivé plus d'une fois d'être content de l'avoir..
    [edit] Ces derniers temps, j'ai passé un peu de temps sur Gladiator et je suis ravi par les sons de toute beauté qu'on peut en tirer. Je suis plus que jamais fasciné par cet étonnant software, qui est vraiment un des VSTIs les plus puissants qui soient.
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  • AlanForPresidentAlanForPresident


    Tone2 Gladiator 2Publié le 06/06/12 à 09:28
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Gladiator is a pretty cool plug in that comes with a lot of sounds and presets that you an use and manipulate to sound different each time that you use them. Setting it up was really easy and takes no effort at all the use or to really understand. But if you want to really change how some of the presets sound it will take some time for you to really understand the full functions of the plug in.


    Works great, I havent had a issue with it and it hasn’t froze or crashed. I have run it on a vista 32 bit and a windows xp computer. My friend runs it on a windows 7 and he doesn’t have issues with it either. Its pretty universal .


    The sounds are good, depending on what type of music you make and what kind of sounds you are looking for. Don’t expect to get some good strings and brass with Gladiator though. Or any authentic sounds for that matter, all of the sounds are really spacey and synthy and eerie . Most of the sounds are too clean either, most of them have a lot of distortion or are really ambient and need to have some of the frequencies pushed back or removed with can all be done by using some EQ and removing what ever you don’t like.

    I was very happy when I first purchased Gladiator but now I just hardly ever used it because I have used most of the good sounds that I like and I get tired of using EQ on all of the sounds to get some of the fuzzes and muddy frequencies out, even in the leads there are a lot of synths that have really high frequencies that will almost hurt your ears if you don’t cut them out
  • songboysongboy

    Tone2 Gladiator 2Publié le 16/03/10 à 06:00
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    I have had no compatibility issues with this plugin. I run it on a Macbook with Presonus interfaces and it seems to work great. I have not needed to reference the manual as it is very similar to most other virtual synths. The general configuration is fairly simple. There are a lot of options on this synth but they are almost all right in front of you and easily accessed.


    I run this synth in both Logic 9 and Ableton 8 and it works great. It doesn't hog much CPU power and sounds rich and full. So far the plugin has never crashed or lost any presets, very stable. The plugin functions well in my host programs and responds well to all midi messages and controls so I give it a 10 out of 10 for performance.
    I have been using this synth for about 3 months.


    What I like most about this synth is actually the thing I dislike most about it. This is primarily a synth for techno/dance musicians in my opinion. With that said, I love it when I am in the mood to write that kind of music. It is capable of making some extremely rich pads and crazy arpeggios as well as some good bass lines. When I am not writing dance music, I almost never touch this synth. The sounds lean so much to that genre that I sometimes wish I didn't get it (I write so little in that style). I paid $200 for this plugin. Its worth every penny if you primarily write in the techno/dance style. If you don't, they are far more versatile synths out there and I would suggest passing this one up. I have used many synths over the years and this is a great synth if you need a specific sound. I would not buy this again only because I don't use it that much.