linn134 : Sur le site Freelancesoundlabs les banques ne sont pas toutes au même tarif : Le prix dépend de la taille.
En tout cas le NKS c'est franchement pratique pour rechercher rapidement une sonorité sans perdre le fil de sa compo même si après on l'édite ou bien la jette pour repartir de rien...
Mauvaise nouvelle :"I now have released PresetMagician as open source under the MIT license. Without many people financing development, PresetMagician wouldn't be what it is today. All license checks and restrictions are now removed. My hope is that individuals and companies contribute code, adding support for more plugins and implementing new features."
I'm struggling with health issues for a long time. Due to a recent breakdown, I had to reduce stress which led to development being stopped. When I started the project, I communicated that if for whatever reason I can't put any effort into PresetMagician, I'll make it open source. And that's what happened.
Of course, you might say: "Don't stress yourself". However, many sources of stress comes from external sources. Here are some examples of stress which were created because I did the project:
People simply not reading text. Complaints like the software is crashing and not reading what software in an alpha state is or ignoring the note in the pre-sale popup which says Important: Please use the trial license to test the functionality first, especially if your plugins are supported and if all presets are correctly read!
Complaints that the license is not being sent immediately after sending money via PayPal, even though it is clearly stated in the popup that it might take a few days
Rude behavior and even attempts trying to flirt with me
Paying for a license without even trying out the software first
And, of course, there's the stress I made myself - trying to fix bugs as soon as possible, providing the best support I could.
Hors sujet :
une personne passionnée harcelée par des crétins de consommateurs... triste.