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- Henri Tournel
Polyvalence et fiabilité
Publié le 14/01/17 à 16:11
( Commentaire mis à jour en septembre 2020.)
J'ai utilisé ma PRS CE 24 avec d'abord un Fender Blues Junior monté en Weber , puis sur Trademark 30 , puis désormais sur DV MARK JAZZ 12 et LITTLE JAZZ .Utilisée uniquement en dates et jamais à la maison. Dans beaucoup de styles sauf gros Rock très saturé , pour un jeu en guitariste-chanteur,donc en alternant constamment rythmiques et solos . Entre ma PRS et l'ampli il y a 1 Boss DD3, un TECH 21 FLYRIG,1 BOSS SD1, 1 BOSS OD3.
La lutherie est excellente. Je n'ai pas besoin de refaire mes réglages d'action et de justesse à chaque changement de saison . Le confort de jeu est le même depuis le premier jour ,malgré le transport en housse…Lire la suite
( Commentaire mis à jour en septembre 2020.)
J'ai utilisé ma PRS CE 24 avec d'abord un Fender Blues Junior monté en Weber , puis sur Trademark 30 , puis désormais sur DV MARK JAZZ 12 et LITTLE JAZZ .Utilisée uniquement en dates et jamais à la maison. Dans beaucoup de styles sauf gros Rock très saturé , pour un jeu en guitariste-chanteur,donc en alternant constamment rythmiques et solos . Entre ma PRS et l'ampli il y a 1 Boss DD3, un TECH 21 FLYRIG,1 BOSS SD1, 1 BOSS OD3.
La lutherie est excellente. Je n'ai pas besoin de refaire mes réglages d'action et de justesse à chaque changement de saison . Le confort de jeu est le même depuis le premier jour ,malgré le transport en housse rembourrée . Les frettes ne s'usent pas vite mais il est temps de faire autre chose qu'un surfaçage, car je ne retrouve pas les sensations du début.
J'ai déjà fait fait changer le potard de volume que je sollicite beaucoup. Le fameux 5 positions rotatif ne montre aucun signe de faiblesse après son achat en occasion et 10 ans de dates à un régime certes plus modéré qu'un intermittent .
Le manche est plutôt large et le radius plutôt plat, ce qui favorise la propreté du jeu .
L'originalité de la CE 24 est dans le diapason à mi-chemin entre Fender et Gibson . Personnellement j'apprécie beaucoup que le diapason ne soit pas à 628 mm car j'ai du mal à jouer proprement sur Gibson . On a le bénéfice des bends un peu plus faciles , tout en gardant une bonne justesse et une bonne tenue dans les 3 cordes graves. Le chevalet est ainsi fait qu'on casse peu de mi aigu,et uniquement parce qu'on a tardé à changer les cordes . Précisons que j'ai un jeu rythmique très léger et que je ne passe pas ma vie à bender comme un fou .
La tenue d'accord est bonne pour moi qui joue en duo avec un sax et qui suis obligé de "capoter et décapoter " à longueur de soirée (je précise que je n'utilise pas la barre de vibrato, juste de petits effets de trémolo avec le tranchant de la main droite sur le chevalet ) . Les mécaniques PRS tiennent bien l'accord mais ne font pas de miracles en extérieur en plein soleil de 14 juillet. J'avoue cependant ne pas raffoler du système spécifique PRS en matière de mécaniques.
Côté son , c'est polyvalent tout en ayant du caractère ,précis en étant chaleureux, de Knopfler à Santana . Les 2 positions split sont magnifiques , soit en clair soit en crunch léger . C'est un plaisir de faire tenir une note vibrée pour la faire chanter . Toutes les 5 positions sont musicales et exploitables . Ca jazzouille avec le humbucker manche en baissant la tonalité . Ca surfe quand même avec le humbucker chevalet plein et le petit delay qui va bien ( pas de position " Strat bridge " hélas).
Comme toutes les bonnes guitares, elle possède dynamique et expressivité . Comme avec toutes les bonnes guitares , on passe son temps à jouer au potard, tellement les textures sont variées . Ce n'est pas du " ON ou OFF ",il y a tout un monde de nuances sur toute la course du potard . Sur des lampes on fait du WOMAN TONE bien moelleux en baissant la tonalité sur le humbucker chevalet . En ré-ouvrant les aigus , les harmoniques déboulent et le feedback apparait : le pied ! Comme toutes les bonnes guitares, elle ne lasse pas et on ne sait pas par qui la remplacer.
Quel avenir entre elle et moi ?
1. J'envisage un refrettage afin de retrouver les fabuleuses sensations des premières années. Conserver cet excellent instrument est une sage idée.
2. Faire du ménage et trouver l'argent pour une Superstrat de même niveau ( VIGIER CLASSIC ROCK ... ) . Le but étant d'avoir deux bons instruments complémentaires pour les dates. Une à la maison, l'autre dans la voiture.
Ce qui peut ne pas vous plaire :
- Le rotatif 5 positions .
- La largeur du manche .
- Les mécaniques spécifiques PRS .
- Pas de position "humbucker chevalet splitté tout seul " .
- Pas la guitare la plus légère qui soit.Lire moins100 - moonchild1962
une tuerie !!
Publié le 28/12/15 à 12:231 photoJ'utilise cette Belle sur un twin reverb pour jouer du blues, blues rock et du rock.
C'est de la PRS US donc rien à dire sur la lutherie (que cette table est belle), et la finition, je trouve les micros un poil trop... impersonnels par rapport à la lag roxanne prestige que j'avais auparavant. Cette guitare ne se désacorde JAMAIS!.Son manche est une tuerie absolue, c'est ce qui m'a poussé à l'achat. J'apprecie aussi (et particulierement) sa légereté, on est loin du poids des Les Paul!
Donc même si je trouve les micros quelque peu impersonnels ( mais ce n'est que mon impression), ils assurent leur rôle et leur équilibre est parfait. Un de ces jours, je les remplacerais par des Seymour …Lire la suiteJ'utilise cette Belle sur un twin reverb pour jouer du blues, blues rock et du rock.
C'est de la PRS US donc rien à dire sur la lutherie (que cette table est belle), et la finition, je trouve les micros un poil trop... impersonnels par rapport à la lag roxanne prestige que j'avais auparavant. Cette guitare ne se désacorde JAMAIS!.Son manche est une tuerie absolue, c'est ce qui m'a poussé à l'achat. J'apprecie aussi (et particulierement) sa légereté, on est loin du poids des Les Paul!
Donc même si je trouve les micros quelque peu impersonnels ( mais ce n'est que mon impression), ils assurent leur rôle et leur équilibre est parfait. Un de ces jours, je les remplacerais par des Seymour Duncan pour avoir la gratte KITU.
Ben tout
Un peu de manque de chaleur pour les micros ( mais ce n'est que mon impression encore une fois)Lire moins35 - Anonyme
vraiment top
Publié le 12/06/15 à 00:05Bon ben paul Reed smith classic Electric, corps acajou avec table en érable joliment ondé avec un manche vissé 24 cases, touche palissandre, repère dot en abalone, sobre et efficace.
Vibrato prs plaqué contre la table (dive only) ,mécanique à blocage prs (papillon de blocage sur le dessus à l'inverse des groover ou sperzel).
Micros hfs et vintage bass.
Électronique volume et tonalité sélecteur changer par l'ancien propriétaire par un sélecteur 3 position et switch push-push sur le tone pour splitté.
Je la joue sur un orange dark terror ou un victor custom amp sur orange ppc 112, avec un mad professor deep blue delay dans la boucle.
Le manche est vraiment très confortable tout en r…Lire la suiteBon ben paul Reed smith classic Electric, corps acajou avec table en érable joliment ondé avec un manche vissé 24 cases, touche palissandre, repère dot en abalone, sobre et efficace.
Vibrato prs plaqué contre la table (dive only) ,mécanique à blocage prs (papillon de blocage sur le dessus à l'inverse des groover ou sperzel).
Micros hfs et vintage bass.
Électronique volume et tonalité sélecteur changer par l'ancien propriétaire par un sélecteur 3 position et switch push-push sur le tone pour splitté.
Je la joue sur un orange dark terror ou un victor custom amp sur orange ppc 112, avec un mad professor deep blue delay dans la boucle.
Le manche est vraiment très confortable tout en restant assez fat, les accélération comme les powerchord lourds sorte aussi naturellement que dans notre imagination, il se parcours très aisément jusqu'à la dernière case, le corps est fin et très profilé tout tombe impeccable, stable..
Le vibrato est réglé assez raide, le bras est ici indispensable (sur ma strat j'utilise le vibrato à la main), le bras s'encastre et se fixe avec un système magnétique et reste la ou on le laisse,la forme des pontets est très agréable et finalement la dureté et le fait qu'il soit réglé sur la table permet de poser sa main dessus comme sur un tune-ô-matic sans effet tremolo indésirables.
Les sonorités sont nombreuses et couvre à peu près tout les registres
Le vintage bass à des côté les paul pour les solos type Gary moore, slash ou santana
Puissant précis lourd, chaud, rond, mat mais avec une clarté et un claquant dans l"attaque spécifique, le hfs lui met la claque sur les grosse distos modernes il est agressif sans être nasillard avec un côté fat, chunky.... Les graves très prononcés.
Le potard de volume est très progressif et en splittant on récupère assez facilement un clean de cette manière, même sur un gros son hyper saturé, d'ailleurs les micros splitté sonne vraiment super notamment la position centrale, très expressif et claquant avec toutefois un côté beaucoup plus moderne et cristallin que sur une strat par exemple...
C'est un peu le truc de cette guitare, elle fait penser à beaucoup 'autres guitare et excelle dans leurs registres tout en gardant un caractère propre...
C'est une vrai guitare de tueur, matériaux, lutherie, électronique, rien à jeter rien à rajouter (des birds ?,un top ten ^^),le prix en neuf (2800 € en 2006 me semble t'il) est comme tjs chez prs élevé mais en occaz y a vraiment moyen de se faire plaisir.
Lire moins30 - tictac847
Une tuerie
Publié le 04/02/13 à 19:30Bois:
-Corps Acajou/ table erable
-Touche Palissandre
-24 frets
-2 Micros Humbuckers de chez PRS
Vintage bass en Chevalet
HFS (Hot fat scream) en manche
-Selecteur 5 positions
Le manche est assez fin et le touché agréable, aucun problème pour l’accès au aigus, on peut placer ces licks sans trop de probleme meme sur les derniere frets.
La guitare est assez légere(un peu moins qu'une strat mais beaucoup plus qu'une Les Paul).
On obtient un bon son des le Premier branchement.
C'est une guitare qui résonne tres bien meme debranché.
Le seul reproche que je ferais serais le choix du potentiometre pour la selection de micros,qu…Lire la suiteBois:
-Corps Acajou/ table erable
-Touche Palissandre
-24 frets
-2 Micros Humbuckers de chez PRS
Vintage bass en Chevalet
HFS (Hot fat scream) en manche
-Selecteur 5 positions
Le manche est assez fin et le touché agréable, aucun problème pour l’accès au aigus, on peut placer ces licks sans trop de probleme meme sur les derniere frets.
La guitare est assez légere(un peu moins qu'une strat mais beaucoup plus qu'une Les Paul).
On obtient un bon son des le Premier branchement.
C'est une guitare qui résonne tres bien meme debranché.
Le seul reproche que je ferais serais le choix du potentiometre pour la selection de micros,qui demande de la precision quand on veut aller dans les position intermédiaire.Il faut oublier les passage de micro rapides entre deux licks.
Je mets un 8 car le selecteurs est vraiment difficile à gérer. Je pensais m'y faire avec le temps mais non...
Je l'utilise avec un Mesa Boogie F30.
Ce que j'aime c'est la polyvalence des son.
On peut avoir tous les sons souhaités en jouant avec les réglages.
En splitant le HFS j'arrive à obtenir un son proche d'une strat avec un peu moins de claquant(mais bon on ne peut pas tout avoir) et des sons tres chaud en humbucker sur le Vintage Bass.
Même avec des grosses disco (Mesa), le son reste propre et permet de bien distinguer les différentes harmoniques.
Apres 3 ans je continu toujours de trouver de nouvelles sonorité.
C'est clairement le points fort de cette guitare
Ce que je prefere c'est le Split sur le Vintage Bass pour le Slap; Avec un peu de compression par dessus.
Je l'utilise depuis 3 ans.
J'ai esseyé pas mal de strats, de les paul et de Musicman, et même d'autres models PRS dont La CU24. Mais j'ai eu un coup de foudre pour celle ci.
Ce que j'aime le plus c'est la polyvalence des sons.
C'est vrai que le prix est assez elevé, mais c'est le cout de la qualité.
Je referais le meme chois sans hesiter.Lire moins30 - hazy geo
guitare de prestige
Publié le 17/02/12 à 17:472 photosmanche super agréable un compromis entre fender et gibson avec un accès aux aiguës super simple.
Les mécanique sont les fameuses winged block super précise l'accordage et d'une minutie terrible le seul hic c'est le changement des cordes qui prend la tête car ce système de mécanique et très spéciale donc il faut si faire
made in usa
super agréable au niveau du corps une lutherie parfaite prefactory oblige les bolt on de 93 la mienne est en black sunburst et depuis 93 le vernis n'a pas bougé d'un poil, l'accés aux aigue comme dit avant c'est d'une simplicité monstrueuse et les sons viennent comme par magie même si j'ai modifié la mienne en méttant un selecteur 3 posit…Lire la suitemanche super agréable un compromis entre fender et gibson avec un accès aux aiguës super simple.
Les mécanique sont les fameuses winged block super précise l'accordage et d'une minutie terrible le seul hic c'est le changement des cordes qui prend la tête car ce système de mécanique et très spéciale donc il faut si faire
made in usa
super agréable au niveau du corps une lutherie parfaite prefactory oblige les bolt on de 93 la mienne est en black sunburst et depuis 93 le vernis n'a pas bougé d'un poil, l'accés aux aigue comme dit avant c'est d'une simplicité monstrueuse et les sons viennent comme par magie même si j'ai modifié la mienne en méttant un selecteur 3 positions et une tonalité avec un split je kiff
du blue jazzy aux métal harcore gore à vomir partoux elle déboite il n'y à pas d'autre mot les micro vintage bass et treble sont terrible même si j'ai pour projet de mettre le signature tremonti ils sont exelent les sons claires sont génial sur un hugh et ketner blues junior ou un jcm 900 ou sur un jvm 410 ou même sur du mesa les clean avec cette gratte sont superbe et l'avis de tous les zicos avec qui j'ai jouait sont unanimes
je l'utilise depuis des années je ne connais pas la cote exact mais à l'époque en conversion euros ça faisais 2500 mais pour une prefactory en même temps !!!!!
le seul petit défaut de cette pure merveille ce sont le mécaniques winged que je vais modifier pour des auto bloquante prs bien surLire moins20 - ericthegreat
Grand Chelem
Publié le 25/11/11 à 06:51 (contenu en anglais)The PRS CE24 is an Amazing guitar! Before buying this guitar I had looked at a bunch of others. I was really focusing on the Billie Joe Les Paul but once I played the PRS CE24 it blew my mind away. This guitar has so many sounds in it. I can get that great rock n roll sound, and still get a great blues sound, and with a little distortion you get some great punk.
The split coil pickups are definitely an amazing design, I love them. And not to mention how sexy this thing looks. I have owned the exact same one as pictured and looks absolutely beautiful. I definitely recommend getting this guitar if you are willing to splurge a little cash, because they don’t come too cheap. Hopefully you can find this exact same color.
This guitar leans closer to the latter, but it doesn't have the raw crunch and power of, say, a Les Paul. It's more of a guitar for progessive metal, and really 80's style rock leads, though with the right amp combo it can sound good for more general rock too. If I had to say whether or not it suited my style, I'd probably say no. But I'd be doing the guitar a great disservice to say that it didn't sound good. As far as the tones it's going for, it's got them nailed. The leads and sustain are soaring. The more well-known guys who use these guitars all use them to great effect, and this guitar is one of their better models. I must say though, I'm not a fan of the clean tones at all, they seem boring and have no pop.
The guitar just sounds great, and its exactly what use guitar players love to have in our possesion. Its not hard at all to get a nice clean sound. The top frets are really easy to reach and the high notes sound amazing. it’s a nice heavy guitar, but not too have in weight terms. With 24 frets and 2 hum buckers you cant go wrong with the PRS CE24.00 - ericthegreat
gris et noir gagne!
Publié le 25/11/11 à 08:30 (contenu en anglais)Recently PRS CE24 has been making cheaper guitars and trying to change their image from a guitar maker who only makes guitars for rich dentists to a guitar maker who makes guitars for everyone. Along with making more reasonably priced guitars they have also been making signature models for people younger players would recognize. One of those players who got a signature model was Nick Catanese. Nick Catanese is the other guitar player in Black Label Society opposite of Zakk Wylde who himself is no stranger to unnecessary endorsements.
To my knowledge Nick Catanese did not play a PRS model before they made a signature model for them. I always remember seeing him with Les Pauls. The guitar is PRS's single cut shape but with a slightly thicker body. The body is all mahogany and has the classic EMG setup with an 81 in the bridge and an 85 in the neck. It has a Tone pros wrap around bridge. It has a 22 fret ebony fretboard with red binding. The body of the guitar is bound in red and the pickup rings are also red. On the body of the guitar is a huge Nick Cantonese logo which I had never seen before.
Playability wise this guitar plays as good as any PRS guitar. It has PRS's wide-thin neck profile which feels a lot like a 60s Gibson profile. The Tone pros wrap around bridge is a great setup and matches well with the 25 inch scale. PRS guitars always seem to have better intonation than other guitars even with their seemingly simple bridge setups. The set neck joint is nice and slim so you can play all the way up on the neck.
This guitar could have been a lot better. If they kept the design simpler. They are losing a lot of potential customers with the huge crazy logo and the red binding. If it just had white or grey binding I think it would be really cool. And if it had to have the crazy logo on it why not make it removable or something or a finish option. Many guitar companies have them problem when it comes to signature guitars. Instead of just making a good guitar similar to what the guitarist uses they end up making 6 string billboards for that player and normal people dont want to play them live or anything because they have someone else s name plastered all over them.
00 - iamqman
Doux Hache!
Publié le 31/12/11 à 18:37 (contenu en anglais)Paul Reed Smith guitars have a great feel and overall are very exotic in their construction. When you pick up a Paul Reed Smith guitar you immediately notice how well-built these instruments really are and how their construction quality is very superb. The tone of these guitars are very similar to a Gibson style voicing. That could be due to the thick mahogany wood that is used throughout their billed process. Generally these guitars will feature the exact same wood compliments and combination as any other Gibson custom or standard Les Paul guitar. So essentially when you get is a mahogany body and a mahogany neck with a rosewood fretboard and generally a flame maple top or a quilted maple top on the. You'll get the standard two humbucker pick ups and sometimes you have a three humbug or pick up and many Paul Reed Smith guitars. But overall you get a very similar voicing as you would a Gibson Les Paul instrument.
PRS Custom 22 Left Handed 10 Top Limited Edition Solidbody Electric Guitar Features:
Limited run - 1 of only 250 made
Color: Fire Red Burst
Amazing Ten Top maple on a rich mahogany back
25" scale length
22 fret mahogany wide fat neck with rosewood fretboard
Old-school abalone bird inlays
Nickel finished PRS low mass locking tuners and hardware
PRS Tremolo bridge
Uncovered 59/09 neck and bridge pickups
Volume and push/pull tone control with 3-way toggle pickup selector
If you've ever played a Gibson Les Paul and you're going to be very comfortable with this instrument. So the tone, saturation, and feel is going to be very similar to a Gibson Les Paul guitar. The areas that these guitars really excel in is the high gain amplification setting. But still these guitars sounds very good at clean tones as well. I think that might be one of the selling points on these guitars is their ability to be even more versatile than a Gibson Les Paul guitar in my opinion. I find it to Gibson Les Paul guitars don't really do well in a clean setting but they excel in a hard rock high gain set, whereas the Paul Reed Smith guitars can do it all. I have seen Paul Reed Smith guitars played by country musicians all the way through pop and up to nu metal guitar players. That's a lot of versatility in one type of instrument. For me that is a very high selling point on these guitars and also the ability to reach the higher fretboard because of the cutaway body on these guitars. I find it a lot easier to do soloing and riffing on the higher frets because of the cutaway which makes my playing time much more enjoyable.
These guitars are fairly expensive and can be quite a heavy burden for a budget musician. So I find that these guitars are really tailored towards the person who has been around the block a while and knows exactly what they want and also the person is a professional and has a little bit bigger bank account to afford these type of guitars. Overall these are great sounding instruments and have a great versatility with a solid sound and beautiful look. These guitars are great for recording and they're also fantastic for live stage playing as well.00 - iamqman
Que puis-je dire?
Publié le 31/12/11 à 21:11 (contenu en anglais)Paul Reed Smith guitars have a great exotic look but it's very versatile and dynamic town. These guitars are generally very great to look at and have a sensational appeal in there beautifully quilted tops. These guitars feature generally a mahogany wood with a maple top which gives the guitar a very dynamic and versatile tone. They generally are equipped with humbukcer pickups or their own Paul Reed Smith mini humbucker pickups. These guitars are extremely versatile and you can easily find country artists all the way up to modern new metal guitarists play these guitars. There's something about them that has just a great feel and tone for basically every style of music. Not to mention how beautifully constructed and how well-built they are adds to the allure of these instruments.
Top Wood Maple Top and Flame Maple Veneer
Back Wood Mahogany
Number of Frets 24
Scale Length 25"
Neck Wood Maple
Fretboard Wood Rosewood
Neck Shape Wide Thin
Fretboard Inlays Birds
Bridge PRS Designed Tremolo
Tuners PRS Designed Tuners
Truss Rod Cover "PRS"
Hardware Type Nickel
Treble Pickup PRS Designed SE HFS Treble
Bass Pickup PRS Designed SE Vintage Bass
Pickup Switching Volume and Tone Control with 3-Way Toggle Pickup Selector
The tone of these guitars are very similar to Gibson style tone. If you've ever played any mahogany based guitar such as a Gibson Les Paul, Gibson SG, or Explorer guitar that you will find yourself very comfortable with this instrument. The funny thing about these guitars is that they sounds very chiming and clean with clean amplifier setting. I've never found a Gibson guitar give off any type of solid spanky clean tone, but these guitars find some way to balance itself out in the frequency range to give a solid clean tone. It's very remarkable to my ears to hear a guitar that can cover so much ground as these instruments can. It is an easy selling point for these guitars that gives a user such a variety of total features to operate.
These guitars are quite expensive but you can find them 40% of the new value on any type of classifieds or used section online or in some guitar retailers. I suggest getting one of these guitars used because then you allow the person who originally bought it take to hit on the expenses new price. Even though these are quiet expensive they are great guitars and hold most of their value quite well. They sound good when playing a recording session or any type of live gigging setting. Overall these are great versatile instruments that sounds fantastic.10 - simoulin
5 ans déjà
Publié le 30/12/11 à 21:551 photoUSA, bleu, 24 frettes
Le manche est agréable, plutôt fin mais pas trop.
Le poids est plutôt light mais le bois utilisé permet à la guitare d'avoir une très bonne raisonance. Cela dit, je conseille de toujours comparer les guitare du même modèle avant d'acheter. Chaque guitare est unique, notamment du fait de la composition de son bois. Les pièces utilisées (bois rare et à préserver) ont été sélectionnées, mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y en a pas de meilleures que d'autres. Mes essais m'ont montré qu'il y avait vraiment des différences.
J'ai choisi cette guitare pour sa sonorité très polyvalente grâce aux cinq positions de micros possible qui p…Lire la suiteUSA, bleu, 24 frettes
Le manche est agréable, plutôt fin mais pas trop.
Le poids est plutôt light mais le bois utilisé permet à la guitare d'avoir une très bonne raisonance. Cela dit, je conseille de toujours comparer les guitare du même modèle avant d'acheter. Chaque guitare est unique, notamment du fait de la composition de son bois. Les pièces utilisées (bois rare et à préserver) ont été sélectionnées, mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y en a pas de meilleures que d'autres. Mes essais m'ont montré qu'il y avait vraiment des différences.
J'ai choisi cette guitare pour sa sonorité très polyvalente grâce aux cinq positions de micros possible qui permettent de jouer en simple bobinage.
On peu avoir un son cristallin assez proche d'un stratocaster et un son bien puissant chaleureux en humbucker. Mon modèle à un micro Vintage au niveau du manche qui me permet de jouer avec un son jazz ou rock. Le micro aigu est idéal pour jouer du ACDC ou un bon vieux Doors en clair... J'adore jouer du Dire Straits en picking avec le micro simple du haut, avec une bonne reverb, on ne passe pas pour un abruti, surtout avec le look de la bête.
Petit détail qui n'en est pas un, les PRS sont les seules guitares à ma connaissance qui ne se désaccordent pratiquement jamais!!! Les mécaniques offrent l'immense avantage de bloquer les cordes avec une visse, ce qui évite aussi de se tapper l'enroulage des cordes au montage.
Pour l'ampli, j'ai choisi (avec mes oreilles et non pas mes yeux, parce que c'est pas franchement le plus beau du marché à mon goût), un ENGL Screamer50 que je trouve aussi très polyvalent. Même s'il se veut plutôt typé hard/metal, il s'en sort très bien dans des registres plus classique (jazz, blues, funk).
J'utilise ma guitare depuis 5 ans. J'en suis tombé amoureux dès la première rencontre et c'est encore le cas aujourd'hui. Le prix est pour moi justifié. Le prix de l'occasion l'est moins...Lire moins20 - nickname009Publié le 04/04/11 à 05:40 (contenu en anglais)This is a review of an older 1998-ish PRS CE24, they're now unfortunately discontinued and no longer available in the PRS line. The SE korean series have taken over.
* bolt on hard maple neck
* rosewood fingerboard
* 25 inch scale
* 5 position rotary pu selector, volume and tone
* PRS trem system
* abalone dot inlays
* 14:1 low mass locking tuners
* wide-thin neck
* HFS and Vintage Bass pickups
* maple carved top with blue/greenish flame
Depending on the neck you get, the wide thin being the most popular, this can either make or break your decision on being happy with the guitar.
First of all I want to say I loved these CE guitars, I think they're the best in all of the PRS guitar line. They're dead simple, yet amazing in quality and the price range wasn't too shabby either!
The bolt on neck has a heel which has changed over the years in size. Though i can still get to the upper frets no problem. The guitar is comfortable to play and the 25" scale is not too foreign to me even though on paper it's definitely different from a fender or gibson. The wide thin neck is a gorgeous fit also.
Every detail has been thought of, down to even the strap buttons, which are HUGE on purpose so you don't have to go out and buy aftermarket strap locks! And the weight of PRS guitars is almost always consistently good!
The only REAL beef I have is the 5 way rotary switch, while it's a cool idea cause it's unique and looks neat, it's not very practical in a live situation. I like to switch pickups a lot during a phrase so it takes a quick flip movement, but the rotary switch design doesn't allow that.
The locking tuners are good, and so is the trem! I've never really had any troubles with USA guitars equipped with trems for some reason, they just know how to get it right!
PRS pickups have a very distinct sound. It's not too PAF-like but not modern either, they seem to sit right in between. The pickups are, i'd say medium to high gain. The time I spent with this guitar, I played mostly through a VHT pitbull head and a zinky 2x12 cab.
Neck pickup (clean):
Very nice, smooth and clear. Not overly thick or muddy either. Almost PAF-like but a bit more compressed.
Neck pickup (dirty):
Smooth and never brittle. Can get a bit muddy on the low end depending on how you use it, but it is dynamic and definitely not sterile.
Neck pickup (split):
This would be the 2nd position on the switch assuming position 1 is the neck pickup by itself. This is supposed to emulate a sort of strat-like sound. It doesn't sound like a strat to me at all, it's still too thick and not bright and 'twangy' enough for it. It still sounds good, don't get me wrong, but it's not quite there if you're lookin for a strat-ish sound. It's just more of a nice clean spli/bucker sound. I'm talking clean here, it's not really favorable with distortion.
Neck+bridge: I never use this.
Bridge pickup split: Sort of the same idea as the neck pickup split but with less bass. Still not quite strat-like but still a decent clean overall.
Bridge pickup clean: Nice and jangly, plenty of headroom.
Bridge pickup dirty: Very smooth. Bluesy/jazzy and if you crank the gain you can get some really nice vintage crunch sounds, depending of course, on the amp you're using it with. It's not a tight pickup however, it's a little bit loose for tight rhythmic metal-like stuff, but for anything else it's thick and clear enough. Cleans up well with the volume rolled down, I always like that in a pickup!
Again the pickups sound good. I wouldn't change them, but then again I wouldn't go out of my way to install them on another guitar either. They have a very distinct sound that can be noticed instantly from all the modern rock bands playin them, it doesn't seem to matter what model pickup, they all seem to have the same signature sound. I remember going through PRS's website, I can't find it anymore but they used to have sound clips of all their pickups, and I swear to god, they were all exactly the same, no matter what model you chose! Maybe that's why that part of the site is gone now? I don't know..And my ears aren't bad! I can hear subtle nuances!
Overall it's a great guitar! It's basically an LP/strat-hybrid guitar, that's the whole point of a PRS, so that you'd be able to get the best of both worlds in one guitar! I don't mind bolt on necks vs neck through/set neck, they're all good for their own reasons. Sustain is in the player not the neck joint. I bought this for a REAL good used price a couple years back I wish I kept it...
I honestly think these are the best PRS guitars for the money. Everything else above the CE line is basically just a pimped up version of it aesthetically.
Too bad they don't make'em anymore. They were near perfect work-horse, yet high quality and long-lasting guitars...well..maybe that's exactly why they stopped makin'em?
00 - moosehermanPublié le 27/01/10 à 21:56 (contenu en anglais)This guitar was made in the good old Us of A. It's incredibly well-crafted. It has an interesting combination of woods, a mahogany body, maple neck, and a rosewood fretboard. It features the PRS custom tremolo bridge, a nice alternative to the Floyd Rose. It has 24 frets and two great humbuckers (not sure the name). It features three knobs, one volume, one tone, and one that functions as a pickup selector switch.
This guitar is a dream to play. Getting a nice sound out of it shouldn't be tough for anyone, unless they really despise the sounds of a PRS. The top frets are very easy to reach and allow for some piercingly high notes. I've rarely been able to play in that register as easily as I can on this. It's a bit on the weightier side of the spectrum, but it's not going to break your back like a Gibson Les Paul might. Everything about this guitar is right on, the bridge and drivers are stable. I've heard someone describe the guitars as "butter in your hand", and I have to say it's a good analogy.
This is where I'm a little torn on this guitar. I personally prefer bright, twangy sounds and popping R&B tones out of guitars, they fit my style. However, I'm also partial to really rocking out, and getting loud and crazy in the style of Crazy Horse, or even Sonic Youth. This guitar leans closer to the latter, but it doesn't have the raw crunch and power of, say, a Les Paul. It's more of a guitar for prog, metal, and really 80's style rock leads, though with the right amp combo it can sound good for more general rock too. If I had to say whether or not it suited my style, I'd probably say no. But I'd be doing the guitar a great disservice to say that it didn't sound good. As far as the tones it's going for, it's got them nailed. The leads and sustain are soaring. The more well-known guys who use these guitars (Santana, Brad Delp of Boston, Al Di Meola) all use them to great effect, and this guitar is one of their better models. I must say though, I'm not a fan of the clean tones at all, they seem boring and have no pop.
I like the way the guitar plays more than anything. It is more comfortable than almost any guitar I've played, especially when "shredding". I think that this guitar has been discontinued, since PRS's website no longer lists it and the only time I've seen it is used, so if you can find a remotely good deal on it, take advantage. I've tried a few PRS models, definitely liked this the best, so if the kind of sounds I talked about are your thing, you owe it to yourself to check it out.10 - King Loudness
Polyvalent et élégant
Publié le 11/08/11 à 18:53 (contenu en anglais)The PRS CE-24 is designed to be a slightly lower end version of their famed 24 fret flagship, the Custom 24. It features a solid mahogany body with a classy flamed maple top as well as a nice binding that surrounds the top. It also has a bolt on maple neck with rosewood fretboard and 24 frets, PRS locking tuners, PRS designed vibrato unit, PRS designed Vintage Bass and HFS humbuckers, and a control layout of a volume control, a tone control, and a 5 way rotary switch that combines the tones of the full humbuckers with some split coil and parallel wired sounds as well. This guitar was built in the USA PRS factory, same as the higher end Custom 22s and 24s.
The PRS guitars have always been considered to be like a blend between a Fender and a Gibson as far as their feel and design. It has the mahogany construction, maple top, dual humbuckers and classic sunburst finish of a Gibson, but the longer scale length, tremolo, maple neck, more versatile switching system and lighter weight of a Fender style guitar. To me it really combines the best of both worlds as far as feel and tone. The guitar is fairly light and sits on the body extremely well. The upper fret access is stellar, and reaching 24 is no problem whatsoever.
Getting a good tone out of this guitar really isn't difficult because of the high quality PRS pickups that are in this guitar. The Vintage Bass and HFS pickups are quite versatile and combined with the PRS rotary switch, the guitar is able to go from great clean jazz or country tones all the way through to searing and soaring "fall to your knees in ecstasy" lead tones. Awesome...
I've tried this guitar through various Fender and Marshall amps. This particular guitar has the distinction of having the BEST clean sound I've ever heard. I used it at a house gig recently along with a Diamond Compressor and a 1964 Blackface Super Reverb with 4 10s. Song after song I was just marveling at how godlike the tones were... it was unreal. I could go from really smooth jazz textures to some really convincing country tones for chicken pickin' and then finish off with the world's most perfect gutsy blues tone that had me in chills when I dug into it hard enough.
The dirty tones are equally as stellar, though I haven't had a chance to try them in QUITE as nice a setting. The neck pickup is perfect for legato fusion and shred lines. Arpeggios just work so well with that particular pickup and my favoured smooth lead tone. The HFS bridge pickup has long been one of my favourite pickups and in this guitar it's easy to see why. It has that perfect snarl and bite that drives any amp into overdriven mercy and as a result, it just works excellent for rock and metal riffage. Despite this though it still has a spongy vintage quality that makes it sound like an old PAF, just... brought into the modern age.
All in all I think the PRS CE24 is just a killer example of a versatile giggers guitar. It does every tone anyone could want, and uses top notch parts and craftsmanship to boot. They can be had for about $1,300 used which is an absolute steal for the quality and TONE that you're getting. If you want a super versatile guitar that is a near perfect blend of Fender and Gibson, give the PRS CE-24 (or if you prefer 22 frets, try the CE-22) a shot. You won't be disappointd!00 - iamqman
Guitare décent
Publié le 18/08/11 à 19:01 (contenu en anglais)This PRS guitar is an exceptional beauty any absolute fine instrument. The voicing of this guitar is very thick and chunky as well as a distinct mahogany tone. Most of the PRS guitars feature on mahogany body and neck woods and this one is no exception when it comes to that mahogany tone.
This one has a cool sunburst paint job that really set off the look of this guitar quite well. You get a volume and a couple tone controls knobs and that is about it with this guitar's control features.
The PRS guitar sits in the music which can be cleaner than a Les Paul even though it is mahogany but yet thick and juicy with a high gain amplifier. This guitar has an exceptionally beautiful top on it which is pretty standard with most Paul Reed Smith guitars. Some of their major highlights in their instrument building is there beautiful exotic woods and their exceptional aerodynamic cuts in their bodies. This guitar highlights those exclusive and beautiful features.
The tone of these guitars are an exceptional and very versatile guitar. You get a fantastic clean tone as well as a new modern high gain tone. I have seen these guitars on so many different stages from so many different styles of music. I seen them with the most modern high again metal players as well as the clean bluesy players. It's interesting that these guitars are able to clean up so well which I think is a downfall to the Gibson Les Paul guitars which are great. It's hard rock 'n roll and high gain distortion that don't fit very well when it comes to cleaning up and doing a nice shiny sparkly clean tone. This guitar is able to cross those boundaries and do both very well.
At used these guitars are priced right around $1000 which is a little bit expensive for most people but again this is a professional guitar for someone or for someone who knows exactly what they want. This is not a beginners guitar and if you get lucky enough to get this guitar as a beginner then you're pretty lucky guitarist. The birds inlay for the frets is a nice edition and it really sets the look off with this nice top and beautiful paint job. I highly recommend this guitar to anyone who likes the Paul Reed Smith brand and has the equity to do it.00 - iamqman
Cerise noire glaces!
Publié le 18/08/11 à 19:54 (contenu en anglais)PRS guitars are some of the best looking boutique get tarp out there. There are great quality at great build standards and they're just exceptional to look at. They also are able to branch through multiple genres of music and not stay particular to one style.
This guitar is it is quite a beautiful guitar. The nice beautiful finger flamed maple top just looks great on top of the mahogany wood body. The nice curvature to this guitar is another selling point to the Paul Reed Smith guitars. The curved heels in the blend of the actual laminate top to the body is very well put together. You have your standard humbucker pickups that are a very good quality sounding pickups.
The tone of this guitar is quite exceptional. It can go to country blues all the way up to metal music. It has a great sustain and just an overall great sound with this very versatile guitar. I don't find at the Paul Reed Smith guitars had as much sold as a Gibson Les Paul does but it's still has a great versatility and they are great gigging guitars.
Is guitar sound exceptional with their own Paul Reed Smith amplifiers. They just sound very country very clean and bluesy with their clean amplifiers. But stick this thing in front of a nice high gain amplifier and you can get some really good chunky thick distorted tones. I really dig these guitars in a high gain amplifier setting . They just have a good quality and sustain that matches very well with a high gain amplifier. Just about any application will sound great with this guitar.
You can find these guitars for right around $1000 give or take a few hundred. That is a pretty expensive price for a guitar but then again this is a professionals guitar and not a beginner or learner guitar price. Either way this is an exceptional guitar for someone who likes a boutique quality likes to craftsmanship of of the guitar and prefers a more custom piece because these can come in a various of different colors.00
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