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  • 3 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 1 084 vues
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hello , tout est dans le titre - Savez vous comment on la remet en mode usine ?

À vrai dire je voudrais qu'elle soit complètement vierge , mettre le nouvel OS et partir sur de bonne base ! Possible ?
On peut effacer tous les sons d un coup en maintenant enfoncé les 2 touches shift + la touche system
sélectionnez ensuite format flash drive
Après mettre le nouvel OS
super ! thx :)
Thank you for your inquiry, I would be happy to assist in answering your question.

You can reset the system parameters in the Tempest to their factory default state by hitting the "system" button, navigating to the "reset system parameters" menu item, and selecting the menu item. The system parameters will be reset to their factory default state, though no patches will be overwritten.

Next, you should reload the Tempest with the factory sound bank files. The process to load sound bank files is relatively easy. You will find full instructions for loading sound bank files for all our synths via Mac or PC, including factory sound bank files, at the following link:

Loading Factory Sounds Over MIDI

That should be all the information you need to get the Tempest back to it's factory default state. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you,

Dave Smith Instruments