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XLN Audio Addictive Drums
XLN Audio Addictive Drums
Azuma Azuma
Publié le 25/02/13 à 17:30
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
There weren't any kind of compatibility problems , the program works on any platform either Windows XP, Windows Seven or MAC OS.

The manual provided with the program was perfect, I liked how every single aspect of the drums was well explained, well detailed , all the information regarding mixing and editing was there.

General configuration and setup is an up front one , very easy and fast to understand.


The software works without a doubt as good as it can. The stability of it is perfect.

The functions and the performances are very nice , I think this is one of the most powerful tools having in your daw , a great drum set which sounds as natural as it can .

I've been using this product for about 1 year , but I really really like and use it daily.


What I like most about is the sync of tempo with the daw itself , I like how natural and well panned sound the drums and the fact that you can edit the drums , you can eq them in the same plugin without using a lot of effects racks and waste time.

I like also the mixer provided with the product itself , you can easily adjust the compression , volume , panning and everything you need to make your groove sound even better.

This product has also some great expansions that can be used in a lot of different songs , either hip hop or something that sounds more rock , like metal , funk rock or pop rock.

Another fact to mention is that unlikes other drums set , this product doesn't use as much cpu power as you may think it does , so it's quite a pleasure to work with it.

Balance between price and quality is great , I would rate precision and quality of sounds with 10/10.