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JDX, great little box to do live PA and recording
Publié le 27/02/20 à 17:59I bought this JDX because I wanted to have a DI in my stereo two Amp set up but still being able to keep the sound of my Amps (Two Egnater Tweaker 40 combo). I already have left and right microphone, the pedalboard is in stereo, meaning, I put the send on the left Amp going into the left input of the first modulation box, tremolo, and after the all Modulations (chorus, phaser, flanger etc...Delay Reveb), and then the output of the Reveb back into the return of the left Amp.... Same path with the right Amp. Left Amp is on a Vox setting, right one on a clean Fender setting....But I wanted to have the Fender Amp going direct to PA without loosing it tube sound so, the JDX does just that bcuase…Lire la suiteI bought this JDX because I wanted to have a DI in my stereo two Amp set up but still being able to keep the sound of my Amps (Two Egnater Tweaker 40 combo). I already have left and right microphone, the pedalboard is in stereo, meaning, I put the send on the left Amp going into the left input of the first modulation box, tremolo, and after the all Modulations (chorus, phaser, flanger etc...Delay Reveb), and then the output of the Reveb back into the return of the left Amp.... Same path with the right Amp. Left Amp is on a Vox setting, right one on a clean Fender setting....But I wanted to have the Fender Amp going direct to PA without loosing it tube sound so, the JDX does just that bcuase you put it between the power stage of the Amp and the Speaker....
It works perfectly, it's always attached to e back of the amp, I have 20 pedals on the pedalboard and there is very little hiss, not buzz or hum, I get the DI signal in one channel, Center panoramique, then the two microphone planed left 9 O' clock and 3 O' Clock, so, 3 channels on the mixer but it gives us a strong guitar sound....
We play Funk/Dance cover and in this genre, the recording of the guitar is a lot processed so, it gives us a close sound to the recording just by having this 3 ch années st up....
I also have a JDI form them, a bass tonebone OD, a MC3 and they all deliver an extremely clear sound with high range, no issue in loosing any part of the signal....
So, buy it with no risk.Lire moins01mooseherman
Publié le 26/05/09 à 18:57(contenu en anglais)
This DI box is in a league of its own. The defining characteristic of this box is its simulation of an amplifier cabinet. The only effect that is created is replicating the sound of an amp.
The setup isn't too different from a regular DI. The main difference is that rather than going from the electric guitar/bass to the amplifier, this box is supposed to come between the amp head's output and the speaker cabinet. Therefore, it helps mimic the sound of the cabinet, virtually and ideally negating the need for a microphone. The setup is really straightforward and easy, and the manual, if even necessary at all, is clear and succinct.
I have to say that this is far removed from most DI boxes I've encountered, but in reality far more useful. I prefer the sound of an amplifier to a DI box (for both guitar and bass, but especially guitar). The only problem that can sometimes occur is that I won't have access to the kind of microphone I need or the room I'm recording in won't allow for a clear, powerful sound. This can be solved easily by the JDX. The sound that comes out of the DI itself is certainly better than most DIs. It does a pretty amazing job of emulating the speaker cabinet that you are using. That being said, however, it's nothing compared to the combined effect of running a microphone from the speaker as well as having the DI signal. Mixing both in Pro Tools allows the engineer far greater control in terms of color and timbre. Even if the microphone signal is dominant in the mix (as it usually is with me), the power and texture added by the JDX is invaluable. I usually don't use another DI unless the player demands a really dry, clean tone (which is something I usually don't encourage, but have to do anyway).
I've only recently purchased this item and it's become my choice DI for recording rock bass. Occasionally I'll use it on a thick electric guitar as well. I like the fact that it's not dry and weak like average DIs. I haven't tried anything that really compares to this. I think that it's definitely a little pricey but it's worth it if you like what you hear. I certainly did. I highly recommend it to people who record rock and have limited mic selection!40mutanzero
Compagnon de voyage
Publié le 23/05/11 à 17:56Pour toutes les informations techniques,
il est préférable d'aller voir sur le site constructeur.
La configuration est trés simple,
2 jacks 6.35 (1 venant de la tête, et l'autre allant au baffle)
1 XLR pour le micro vers la table
je n'ai jamais ouvert le manuel, et je pense même l'avoir perdu !!!
Quand je joue sur de petite scène:
- je n'utilise que le radial, ce qui me permet de gagner de la place
et quand je joue sur des scènes plus conséquentes (festival... ou il n'y a pas de probléme de place sur scène)
- je la couple à un micro ce qu'il y a de dispo (SM57, ou autre...)
panning Radial d'un coté, et micro de l'autre,
le son est toujours au rendez-vous !!!…Lire la suitePour toutes les informations techniques,
il est préférable d'aller voir sur le site constructeur.
La configuration est trés simple,
2 jacks 6.35 (1 venant de la tête, et l'autre allant au baffle)
1 XLR pour le micro vers la table
je n'ai jamais ouvert le manuel, et je pense même l'avoir perdu !!!
Quand je joue sur de petite scène:
- je n'utilise que le radial, ce qui me permet de gagner de la place
et quand je joue sur des scènes plus conséquentes (festival... ou il n'y a pas de probléme de place sur scène)
- je la couple à un micro ce qu'il y a de dispo (SM57, ou autre...)
panning Radial d'un coté, et micro de l'autre,
le son est toujours au rendez-vous !!!!
C'est parfait pour mon utilisation
cela remplace un micro devant le baffle la plus part du temps,
Coloration proche du SM57 soit disant... à vérifier car je ne suis pas ceinture noire en SM57 !
je l'ai utilisé pour environ 20 dates, et si l'ingé son n'a pas peur, cela peut donner un très bon résultat, et surtout c'est un gain de temps pour l'installation.
Après ma guitare, c'est le truc que j'ai toujours avec moi.
Je suis assez plug & play comme personne,
je voyage juste avec ma guitare, 2/3 pédales, et la radial... le tout dans un sac (genre PC portable),
Ainsi je prends l'avion facilement (sans trop de suppléments bagages...bon pour le portefeuille),
en étant sur qu'à l'arrivé, j'aurais aucune prise de tête avec ma reprise micro.
et SURTOUT je peut m'installer en moins de 10mn, donc je peut trainer à la buvette plus longtemps, et je me fais apprécier des ingé son, donc c'est mieux pour tout le monde !
C'est un achat que je referais si elle crame, mais elle a déjà survécu, à de la bière, des coups de pieds... et rien n'a changé, c'est toujours facile à utiliser !
Si elle survit à Kerry King, elle me survivra !!!Lire moins80