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Bomb Factory 1176

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  • chrislieckchrislieck

    La BOMBE

    Bomb Factory 1176Publié le 26/09/12 à 06:31
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    We use this everyday at my studio. I have the original hardware units so I can tell you it's close but not exact. For vocals it has a bit more colorizing than the SSL WAVES but for snare and toms I use it regularly and it sounds very close on live instruments. Most newer engineers have never heard this unit or even hear of it. For vocals I think you need to be careful as to how your threshold is set as well as attack. Play with the attack and don't over compress with the threshold or you will hear it. Most of the time when we teach our students ( how to use this plug in we start with the input gain along with adjustments on the ratio. The plug in version verses the original is quite different on the ratio adjustments. The original unit has a very unique sound when turning of the input along with using the ratio knob. You will hear that compression kick in immediately. On the plug in you have to play with the levels for some time to dial in the right compression.

    On snare drums it is very tough at first to get the right settings. I usually copy the snare track down and work on another track as I do the same with vocals and kick drum.

    Kick drum is the hardest to dial in. I use to use this on kick drums but I have moved on to the SSL channel. The input adjustment on the plug in is to sensitive for my ears and don't have the patience to work with it along with the ratio. There are to many quick fix compressor plug ins out there in the market that I like better.

    But for snare drum, sub mixing drums with a buss, this plug in sounds really good. You have to get a good deal of input to hear the compression. I usually start by engaging the compression and then hit the "bypass" to make sure as I compress the levels are exactly the same engaged or disengaged so that I can hear the exact amount of compression I am using. I do the same on vocals. Normally I start with an 8:1 and it sounds great. The more extreme the compression on this plug in the better. I don't like a light compressor on this unit. I like it to be really compressed. Another use I have for this plug in is for guitars. I have used this plug in successfully for years on guitars and I don't use it on an auxiliary just a straight insert. I can always rely on this one to give me a great sound.


    Works great no issues and does the trick as a great basic compressor.

    Stable runs great with Pro Tools.

    10 years been using it.

    I have owned the original 1176 for years so I know the real unit like the back of my hand and it is about 70 percent like the original but not exactly. I also worked with legendary producer Andy Jons and he at first did not like this plug in but after a while he started to get the feel for it and started changing is mind by the end of the record. I will say that I don't use it as much as I did in the past.


    I like it is sounds great and now it comes with Pro Tools so you can't beat it. As for the go to compressor yes and no. I use it when I need a specific sound on vocals and or snare. I no longer use the plug in on kick, it is not like the original on the room mics but I do like the plug in over all and you know it is there for problems that you incur when mixing.
  • AudioArtistAudioArtist

    Bien la plupart du temps, mais il peut parfois être génial

    Bomb Factory 1176Publié le 13/09/12 à 21:06
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    You should have no compatability issues at all, all the Bomb Factory plug-ins are accessable by nearly all popular programs.
    If you really want a good manual, do a google search for Bomb Factory Plug-ins and you'll find a downloadable pdf. doc. that has simple explainations and a few helpful hints and tips on the typical Bomb Factory bundle.
    Setup is entirely easy, straightforward, and painless.
    All the available adjustments are right there, and the interface mimics the original piece of hardware gear, so if you know how to use a compressor you should be good to go right away.


    I've only used the Bomb Factory Bundle with Pro-Tools and GarageBand. Both have functioned quickly and easily as well as not being too much of a CPU hog.
    Performance wise, all the Bomb Factory plug-ins are quite good, no big issues, no crashing, and they all perform and accomplish exactly what they say. Really quite reliable stuff considering that it is often packaged free with some popular DAW's.
    I've been using the Bomb Factory plug-ins since 2005, included with a Pro-Tools Factory Bundle.


    One thing to like most about this plug-in sofware compressor is that, in may cases, it's free! You may already have it and not tried it out!
    In my experience, it does an outstanding job with bass tracks, low-endy or slappy. As with any compressor, dialing in the attack and release settings is a must learn skill.
    Overall, it is a fairly clean compressor but it does impart a certain amount of "grit" that is unique to the hardware unit on which it was modeled.
    Ok, now here is a lil' technique you should try with this plug-in:
    This emulation can acheive the legendary "All Buttons In" mode. (it's covered in the aforementioned pdf. manual.)
    If you use this plug-in to achieve what is commonly know as "New York Compression" or "Stereo Buss Compression" the 1176 can do some amazing things.
    1: Mix your drum tracks and pan accordingly
    2: Set up a buss send to a stereo or multiple mono track(s)
    3: Apply the 1176 using "All Buttons In" mode to the buss return
    4: Send your mixed drums through the buss send(s) accordingly
    5: Mix said buss return with your dry drum tracks accordingly
    I'll leave it to you to work that out for yourself, but I strongly suggest that you give it a try; The 1176 is one of many hardware compressors commonly used in popularizing this technique.
  • moosersmoosers

    Bomb Factory 1176Publié le 26/01/09 à 22:59
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Bomb Factory 1176 is one of the plug-ins that comes free with Pro Tools. I had no problems installing it as it is automatically installed when you install Pro Tools. The configuration is simple - the same as a hardware 1176 and is easy to learn what does what. I've never had access to a manual for this, I'm not even sure if one exists and anyone with any experience with a hardware 1176, or really any compressor for that matter, they will figure out how to use it.


    I am running the Bomb Factory 1176 on my Mac Book Pro with a 2.2 Ghz processor and 4 GB of ram and I am running Pro Tools with a Digi 002R. This plug in works fine with my computer as I've never had a problem running this plug-in. I get good performance from this plug-in and can run a bunch of them at once, however I think this has more to do with my machine than the make up of the plug-in itself.


    I've been using the Bomb Factory 1176 for as long as I've had Pro Tools, which has been about three years. Overall, this isn't one of the best sounding compression plug-ins that I have used. It ends up sounding a little more transparent than full and I have other compression plug-ins such as Smack or the Fairchild 660 that I like much more than this. I do like this compression in some situations on electric guitar. The good news is, for the price (free with Pro Tools!) it is clearly a bargain and it nice to have in your plug-in platelet even if it isn't the best sounding. Don't get me wrong though, it is a usable plug-in and I am glad to have it, but compared to some other plug-ins I have bought this just doesn't hold up.

    Bomb Factory 1176Publié le 22/05/08 à 14:16
    - L'installation se fait-elle sans problème?
    via une clé Ilok.
    - Avez vous rencontré des incompatibilités?
    - La configuration générale est-elle facile?
    c'est simple
    - Le manuel est-il clair et suffisant?...
    presque pas besoin de manuel, sauf pour le mode "all button"


    - Quelle est la configuration de votre ordinateur? (Carte mère/processeur/Ram/disque/carte son..)
    PC Intel Q6600 avec 4Go Ram
    - Le logiciel fonctionne-t-il correctement sur cette configuration?
    trés bien


    - Depuis combien de temps l'utilisez vous?
    4 mois, je l'utilise dans tous mes projets
    - Quelle est la particularité que vous aimez le plus, le moins?
    Il son est génial, i…
    Lire la suite
    - L'installation se fait-elle sans problème?
    via une clé Ilok.
    - Avez vous rencontré des incompatibilités?
    - La configuration générale est-elle facile?
    c'est simple
    - Le manuel est-il clair et suffisant?...
    presque pas besoin de manuel, sauf pour le mode "all button"


    - Quelle est la configuration de votre ordinateur? (Carte mère/processeur/Ram/disque/carte son..)
    PC Intel Q6600 avec 4Go Ram
    - Le logiciel fonctionne-t-il correctement sur cette configuration?
    trés bien


    - Depuis combien de temps l'utilisez vous?
    4 mois, je l'utilise dans tous mes projets
    - Quelle est la particularité que vous aimez le plus, le moins?
    Il son est génial, idéal sur des guitares, synthés, back vocals...
    - Aviez vous essayé beaucoup d'autres modèles avant de l'acquérir?

    - Avec l'expérience, referiez vous ce choix?...
    oui. C'est une référence.
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