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Eventide timefactor V2 dispo

  • 3 réponses
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Sujet de la discussion Eventide timefactor V2 dispo

Citation : Thank you for updating to TimeFactor 2.0. We recommend that you only install this software when you have time to become familiar with it and never just before a tour or gig.

We recommend that you always back up your existing presets before updating to a new software version. Some changes have been made to the Mix, Feedback, and Filter controls which may change the sound of User-Created Presets.

You may want to adjust the Mix, Fdbk A, Fdbk B, and Filter controls of your Presets after updating.

Note that it is possible to revert to version 1 anytime if desired.

TimeFactor 2.0 vs 1.0

40 Presets
Version 2.0 doubles the available space for storing presets. There are now 20 Banks of two Presets, totaling 40 available Preset slots. Selecting BANKS in the UTILITY System Menu, you can enable a range of Banks by selecting the (L)ow and (H)igh BANK. This is useful if you are playing a gig and you know that you will only need to access a specific BANK range. TimeFactor ships with 20 unique Factory Presets - the Presets stored in BANKs 11-20 are duplicates of BANKs 1-10. The default setting for the (H)igh BANK is 10.

Audio Enhancements
-New smooth/quiet transition between Active and DSP Bypass.
-Mix knob taper improved.
-VintageDelay "Bits" control no longer introduces noise at low signal levels.
-Mix knob audio level issues have been addressed.

The range of the Feedback controls for all delay effects has been increased to 110%. This allows TimeFactor to go into self-oscillation at high feedback values resulting in some very interesting (and potentially LOUD) sounds. BE CAREFUL!

New Filters
2.0 features dramatic new filters providing for a greater range of tone control.

More Responsive User Interface
TimeFactor's Operating System software has been fine-tuned resulting in less latency when turning knobs, selecting effects, and responding to external controls.

SpillOver provides smooth transitions when changing Presets by fading the lingering echoes of one Preset into the echoes of the next Preset. SpillOver [SPILL] can be turned ON or OFF from the Utility section of the System menu (Default is OFF.)

Looper Improvements
-The Looper Mix taper has been changed so that you can now mix the recorded audio with live audio at full volume for each.
-The Looper now responds to MIDI Start/Stop commands when MIDI clock is present.
-Looper Beats resolution has been improved in Tempo Mode.
-Loop splicing has been improved making Loops more seamless.

Control Expression Pedal via MIDI CC
In the RCV CTL area of the MIDI menu, PDL is now a choice. This allows you to do things like automate an expression pedal performance from a computer or use an external MIDI expression pedal to control Preset expression pedal assignments.

Pitch Shifting removed from Tap and Preset Change
On certain Effect Types where changing delay time causes pitch fluctuations, these pitch effects have been removed for the operations of Tap Tempo and changing Presets, yet remain when the parameter is changed via the knob or expression pedal.

Aux Switch Improvements
We've added a new Aux Switch operating mode called "Alternate." In Alternate Mode, the AUX switches act as Play Switches when the Stompbox is in Bank Mode and Bank Switches when the Stompbox is in Play Mode. The alternate mode switch designators, "FS1", "FS2" and "FS3", have been added to the AUX SW Menu.

PDL choice added to AUX SW Menu
Assigning "PDL" to an Aux Switch allows you to get the full value of the preset's Expression Pedal assignment (Toe down) while you hold that switch. This is great for things like sending feedback to 110% while holding the switch down and then back to a "safe" value when you let go.

New default Aux Switch Assignments
The Factory Default Aux Switch assignments are now BYP, RPT, and TAP for TIP, RNG, and T+R. (You'll need to Initialize SETUP to get the factory defaults - Hold the Encoder button and Right footswitch on power up).

Global Mix/Tempo
Mix and Tempo now have independent Global settings in the System menu.

MIDI Tap Tempo Improved
The accuracy of Tap Tempo via MIDI has been improved.

Display Improvements
-The way in which MIDI Continuous Controllers are displayed in the MIDI Menu is now more consistent.

-Bank up switch now operates on release. This allows you to change from Bank Mode to Play Mode without having the Bank Display appear to increment.

-The name of Bypass Type [DSP+DLY] has been changed to [DSP+FX].

Sysex Compatibility
TimeFactor 2.0 will read all System Exclusive data from older TimeFactor versions.

Bug Fix
Aux Switch assigned to P/B now works correctly.

Part # 141172 Rev A

J'ai utilisé la V2 sur scène samedi soir et je n'ai eu aucune mauvaise surprise. En revanche, j'ai évité de jouer avec l'auto-oscillation parce que j'aurais tué mon ingé son (ou alors c'est lui qui m'aurait assassiné). Attention : ça part TREEEEEEES fort dans les aigus... on vous aura prévenu.

A la rigueur, quand j'aurai une pédale d'expression, je vais peut-être assigner un contrôle de volume inversé par rapport au taux de feedback. Ou bien mettre une pédale de volume après le délai :???:

Je suis potentiellement intéressé par cette pédale, notamment pour le TapEcho.

Avec un Tape Echo, si on entre un signal et qu'on change le temps de delay, si on entre un nouveau signal et qu'on revient au réglage initial, le premier signal est à pitch normal et le second est modifié. C'est bien ça ?

Citation : Pitch Shifting removed from Tap and Preset Change
On certain Effect Types where changing delay time causes pitch fluctuations, these pitch effects have been removed for the operations of Tap Tempo and changing Presets, yet remain when the parameter is changed via the knob or expression pedal.

Là, ça veut dire que si le temps de répétition est modifié du fait d'un changement de preset ou d'un tap tempo, le pitch n'est pas altéré, et qu'on ne peut l'altérer qu'en touchant au bouton ou bien à la pédale d'expression ?

C'est ça ou j'ai bon ?

Et pour les utilisateurs, comment le tape echo est-il par rapport à une Boss RE-20, par exemple ?

Et ce nouverau Feed Back à 110%, ça permet de vraiment partir en biberine ?

D'avance merci !

qu'en est il sur la version 2 de la synchro midi en slave qui apparemment délire ?

Ou n'est ce qu'une rumeur ?
