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Ross R-50 Distortion

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  • MSM-WorkshopMSM-Workshop

    Beau grain pour une philosophie plug'n'play

    Ross R-50 DistortionPublié le 11/03/19 à 22:31
    1 photo
    Je l’utilise sur une SG en double bobinages (Gibson 490) et un ampli class A, la petite tête Marshall Class5. Le son est vraiment très convaincant. On y revient.

    La pédale présente un boitier assez large assurément costaud. Les potards sont bien encastrés et ne risquent pas d'être cassés. L'accès à la pile se fait en dévissant les 4 patins de la plaque du dessous. (Il suffira d'enlever les patins pour mettre du velcro si besoin). La prise d'alim est au format mini jack, façon RAT ou Big muff NYC.

    Deux réglages disponibles : Volume et Disto. Tout deux très progressifs et efficaces.
    Dans la caractère on est vraiment sur les terres de la DOD 250 et de la MXR disto+. Ces…
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    Je l’utilise sur une SG en double bobinages (Gibson 490) et un ampli class A, la petite tête Marshall Class5. Le son est vraiment très convaincant. On y revient.

    La pédale présente un boitier assez large assurément costaud. Les potards sont bien encastrés et ne risquent pas d'être cassés. L'accès à la pile se fait en dévissant les 4 patins de la plaque du dessous. (Il suffira d'enlever les patins pour mettre du velcro si besoin). La prise d'alim est au format mini jack, façon RAT ou Big muff NYC.

    Deux réglages disponibles : Volume et Disto. Tout deux très progressifs et efficaces.
    Dans la caractère on est vraiment sur les terres de la DOD 250 et de la MXR disto+. Ces 3 modèles partagent grosso modo la même conception. Elles sont très voisines. Pourtant, cette ROSS a quelque chose de plus que la Disto+.

    Le grain est très vintage évidemment, le son râle, est très dynamique et ouvert. Il reste assez propre, même a fort gain. On est pas trop sur une disto compressée. Le son devient bien brillant en poussant le gain mais ne fuzz pas du tout. Ca n'est pas trop gras. Selon l'ampli, la brillance pourra être excessive. Sur la Class5, je recule un peu le potard de tone à la guitare, et gère le gain au volume. Par contre la dessus, c'est bonheur : La pédale est vraiment réactive à la guitare (volume et tone) et au volume de l'ampli. Plus on pousse le volume, plus c'est plein, plus c'est beau. Et l'on passe d'un drive léger, très naturel à une disto plus incisive en un coup de potard. Ça j'adore. Elle respecte bien la lutherie.

    Ca n'est pas une disto très puissante, tant en gain qu'en volume. La chose qu'on remarque c'est que le volume est juste. Pour arriver à l'équilibre il faut être quasiment (si ce n'est carrément) au taquet du volume. Ce qui peut gêner. Boostée avec un overdrive permettra d'apporter moins d'acidité, plus de gain, la rendre plus "moderne" en apportant plus de compression.

    Le bypass ne colore pas du tout. Esthétiquement j'adore c'est très désuet, simple et un peu moche, je la trouve un peu kitch, mais au bon sens du terme. ^^

    Au final, une disto très plug'n'play, brute, qui correspond parfaitement à la philosophie du Class 5. Au delà de la pédale c'est une philosophie de son qui fait qu'elle vous conviendra ou non.. Elle s'adresse, pour moi, aux guitaristes confirmés qui savent ce qu'ils veulent. Le coté très brut et sans chichi, l’absence d'un tone et de possibilités rebutera les plus "techniques", les plus "polyvalents".

    Les + :

    Le caractère résolument vintage
    Le coté plug'n'play pour autant qu'on aime
    Le grain propre et très ouvert
    La réactivité au potard de volume

    Les -
    Manque de volume dans l'ensemble
    Acidité qui peut devenir gênante selon
    La prise d'alim en mini jack allez.. (Mais bon un peu adaptateur et roule)


    NOTE : J'ai modifié cette pédale en doublant les diodes. D'origine équipée de 2x 2n270, je suis passé à 4x 2N270. Cela confère une bien meilleure réserve de volume et qui plus est, rend les sons low gain bien plus gérables et définis. C'est une modif simple et intéressante.

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  • iamqmaniamqman

    Non rien de spécial

    Ross R-50 DistortionPublié le 19/12/11 à 00:38
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Ross distortion pedal is a convenient and simple design that is basically a mix between an overdrive and an all-out distortion pedal. Very simple pedal but not that much of a unique sound or unique quality but pretty much your basic run of the mill type of distortion box. Overall it's a cool pedal but it's not one of the pedals that I would highly recommend for anyone to use. There's a host of other distortion petals or overdrive petals out there in the market that does everything that this does with better options and overall more versatility.


    This is a very easy pedal with the setup you basically have two operational knobs. You have the distortion control knob and then you have a volume our output control not. The distortion control knob is basically as it describes; it gives you more gain as you turn up the knob. The level will control your overall volume of the pedal. There's not much other features as far as this pedal goes and it's pretty self explanatory.


    The tone of this is somewhere in between the distortion pedal and an overdrive pedal. You are not going to get this high gain thick distortion tone but you certainly are going to get a mild overdrive quite well. You can set this thing up to give you a boost and it will also give you a pretty decent but not spectacular distortion tone. If you need a boost it does it well but overall it's pretty much a run-of-the-mill type box.


    You can find these pedals for under $100 if you're really searching. I suggest going with something like a Fulltone OCD pedal or even just a regular old Ibanez tube screamer pedal this is not something that I would recommend to anybody because there are so many pedals out there that will do what this does but do it much better than what this pedal can achieve.
  • moosehermanmooseherman

    Ross R-50 DistortionPublié le 08/03/10 à 06:19
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    This is a relatively obscure distortion pedal. It's marketed as a distortion, but it actually sort of blurs the line between overdrive and distortion. It's very simple, there is really only two knobs and the bypass switch. There are no capabilities to edit or control the pedal with computers or MIDI, as this is a true analog pedal. It has a simple 1/4" in and out, and can be powered via a supply.


    The two knob system at work on this pedal is a breeze to use, but the lack of functionality means that you must clearly accept the pedal for what it is. It's really necessary to be absolutely certain that it is the sound you want, and that it's consistently good with your amp. For me, it was easy to get a good sound because I liked the pedal, but I know other people would be frustrated with the lack of options.


    I use this pedal with my Fender Stratocaster and a Fender twin. It's a pretty great pedal, it definitely has a unique sound that could either be a distortion or an overdrive. I think that because of this, this pedal is great for blues rockers who want to push the envelope a little, garage rock that needs a little more grit out of the guitar, and other genres as well, mostly of the rock variety.


    I won't say that it's the best distortion out there, but it's cool enough to be a worthy addition to your arsenal. It's definitely not the benchmark of distortion, so it's probably not ideal as a first distortion pedal. I do like it a lot, though, and would recommend it to people who might have a few other distortion boxes. It's not that expensive at list price, but the thing has been discontinued so it's pretty rare.
  • moosersmoosers

    Ross R-50 DistortionPublié le 30/05/10 à 02:56
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Ross Distortion pedal is a simple effect that can be used for any electronic instrument, but will be most often used for electric guitar. This is the only application that I've used the pedal for, although you could definitely use it for bass, keyboards, or another electric or electronic instrument if you wanted to. It's got 1/4" connections for your instrument input and amplifier output, as well as a jack for a power supply, although it is the mini plug type of jack for the power supply. It isn't rackable as it is a pedal that is controlled by your foot.


    The Ross Distortion pedal is really simple, so there isn't too much that you need to know in order to use it. The only two parameters that it has are for distortion and level. Even if you know nothing about distortion pedals, you should be able to figure out how to use this without any help from a manual.


    The sound quality of the Ross Distortion isn't outstanding, but it's definitely more than useful. It's fine for use either for live shows or in the studio, but there are definitely better sounding distortion pedals out there with more versatility. Having said this, it is possible to get both heavy and more subtle overdrive sounds from this pedal. I would say that it's best at getting a thicker type of sound somewhere in between a heavy distortion and an overdrive sound.


    The Ross Distortion pedal wouldn't be the first thing that I would recommend if you're looking for a distortion pedal, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a good pedal with it's own color. I'd say that it is most useful as an extra distortion color rather than a go to, main distortion pedal. If you're able to find one, I'd definitley recommend checking it out, as it should generally be cheap enough where it might be worth adding to your rig...