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Waves V-EQ 3
Waves V-EQ 3
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Publié le 18/12/10 à 00:48
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Waves Ltd. V-EQ 3 is a software parametric EQ that is available in a few different Waves bundles. It's primary bundle would have to be the V-Series bundle which also includes V-Comp and V-EQ 4. This is labeled as a 'Vintage" EQ and is modeled after the Neve 1066 and 1073 plug and pull EQ's. As far as the interface is concerned, it's easy to use regardless of if you've got experience using vintage equalizers like the Neves this is derived from. However, if you have ever used a 1073 you'll be in luck as this is virtually a direct copy. It's got four bands - a high pass filter, a low frequency band, a mid frequency band, and a high filter. It also has a output leveler and EQ and phase buttons just like a real Neve would. The frequencies chosen on here aren't the same exact as a Neve 1073, but it's pretty darn close and it seem like they've just added a few to the mid band. If you're feeling lost while using this, I'd suggest brushing up on your EQ notes rather than go looking in the manual...


The system that I'm running the Waves Ltd. V-EQ 3 at home on is Pro Tools 9 based, which I run with a Digi 002R audio interface. I've got a Mac Book Pro lap top consisting of 4 GB of RAM and a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, which has been enough for me to run this plug-in comfortably. We've also got it running on the systems at the studio where I work, so I've also ran it within a Pro Tools HD system for some comparison as well. I've recently been using this plug-in more heavily within sessions than I had been and my home system has been able to handle this increase rather well. It definitely takes a sturdy system to run Waves plug-ins in general, but as long as you're comfortably running your DAW and some plug-ins right now, you should be all set with this one.


The Waves Ltd. V-EQ 3 is one of, if not my favorite plug-in EQ that is modeled after some sort of Neve EQ. Waves has really done an outstanding job here of giving you a warm and full sounding EQ in the box. Of course I'll always use the real thing on the Neve 8068 console that we have at the studio, but when I'm at home these come in really handy for EQing in any situations. I wouldn't say that it's going to get you that 'Neve' sound as some will suggest, but it's definitely one of the best emulators that I've heard in a plug-in. This is definitely a plug-in worth getting inside of a bundle for this plug-in alone, although I'm not sure if you can buy it individually as well. This EQ is on another level when compared to most EQ's, so if you're a professional working inside the box a good deal, the V-EQ 3 is really a must have...