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Acustica Audio Magenta Mastering Eq

Acustica Audio Magenta Mastering Eq

Egaliseur paramétrique logiciel de la marque Acustica Audio

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Prix public : 149 € TTC

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Acustica Audio
  • Modèle : Magenta Mastering Eq
  • Catégorie : Egaliseurs paramétriques logiciels
  • Fiche créée le : 23/09/2014
  • Two bands are switchable from shelf to bell, and from boost to cut; the other two bands are only switchable from boost to cut;
  • It features filter curves, distortion and hysteretic behaviour;
  • The specially tuned fixed frequencies overlap and interleave between all adjoining Eq bands;
  • The tone shaping elements of the original equalizer it was inspired by use only resistors, inductors, and capacitors to create all frequency changes.
  • VST and AU for Mac and PC

Autres catégories dans EQ logiciels

Autres dénominations : magentamasteringeq