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Un Must Have
Publié le 11/09/12 à 00:19(contenu en anglais)
As always, make sure that you've got the right version software that is compatible with your OS and whatever recording/audio software that you've got and your installation should be golden!
The EQP-1A is fairly self explanitory, so you should have no difficulty becoming familiar with it.
I've been using the EQP-1A for about 7 years and I have to say that the EQP-1A and it brothers, the MEQ-5 and the EQH, are simply some of the best emulated hardware plug-ins that you could possibly buy.
Performance and Compatability-wise you shouldn't have any problems. This family of EQ's are very minimal CPU hogs and can really be essential in your arsenal once you become comfortable with them.
The EQP-1A really shines when used as a plug-in in a mastering session.
The 'P' in EQP stands for program. It should be inferred that that implies that it's intended use is for material that is already "mixed". Of course, that shouldn't scare you away from trying this guy out on other things. Just try this plug-in on an overhead track sometime.However, I strongly suggest that you employ this plug-in in your mastering sessions. That is what it was designed for, trust me you will love it.
Strangely, the EQP-1A, and it's counterparts, behaves differently depending on the source input. For example, if you throw something with REALLY prominent high end, then the treble section of the plug-in will respond differently than it would if you input something REALLY bass-heavy. The opposite is true as well.
Another odd fact about the EQP-1A, is this: The low end boost and cut knobs can actually be used simultaniously. You may initially think, "OK, so I can boost or cut some frequency in the low end, no big deal." You would be correct, but, if use boost and cut together, and this means simultaniously boosting and cutting the same frequency, what ends up happening is that you can alter the phase relationship of that particular range of frequencies. It may sound strange but, try using that technique to really tighten up a bassline and kick drum during mastering. I promise that the results will tell the tale.
Yet again, strangely, the high end sction of this EQ does not operate on the same principle. It does however, regardless of the "Q" knob setting, have a slightly different "Q" between the boost and cut settings. You may have a 5K cut and a 5K boost but the phase relationship will remain unaffecred, but the difference in "Q" width will alter the sound in unusual and quite often pleasing ways.
If you really want to get the most out of this plug-in, do yourself a favor and purchase a good real-time spectrum analyzer so that you can SEE just how subtle and incredibly awesome the EQP-1A really is.
The EQP-1A is an absolute must have if you are creating your own masters. It's versatility when used on other, single instruments(specifically strings), is amazing. You really cannot go wrong by buying the EQP-1A.00loudfunk
Une autre belle U-Audio EQ ...
Publié le 29/02/12 à 08:00(contenu en anglais)
Everything is as it should be.
Solid beyond mention.
The Pultec EQP-1A Program Equalizer and Pultec MEQ-5 plug-ins are faithful electronic reproductions of the classic hardware equalizers. Our DSP wizards have ensured that every revered sonic nuance of these vintage processors are faithfully maintained.
In designing the Pultec equalizer plug-ins, we performed detailed analyses of the signal path and equalization characteristics of selected well-maintained, in-spec Pultec equalizers used regularly in professional studios. A “golden unit” was selected, and the resulting model reproduces the measured equal- ization and signal path characteristics to within a fraction of a dB mean error for all knob settings.
All of the unique features of the original Pultec EQ’s are included in the plug- ins, including the separate boost and attenuation controls, the smooth, sweet top end, and the ability to dial in seemingly dangerous amounts of boost with- out getting into trouble. All front panel controls are included, and all of the knob tapers are accurately modeled. The Pultec has long been a choice of re- cording and mastering engineers for its ability to bring out individual fre- quency ranges without significantly altering other frequencies. In addition, the Pultec is one of those magical pieces of gear that makes audio program sound better just by passing through it. The sophisticated modeling technol- ogy used in the Pultec plug-ins captures both of these key attributes.
The EQP-1A can control three frequency ranges simultaneously, using three groups of interacting parameters.
The first group controls the low frequencies and has three controls: boost, at- tenuation, and frequency select. The second group controls the high frequen- cies and has three controls: boost, bandwidth, and frequency select. The third group also controls the highs and has two controls: attenuation amount and frequency select.
good one
Publié le 21/11/10 à 03:43install uad2, on paye, ça marche nikel
uad2 solo laptop. MBP 2x2.4ghz. 2g ram, carte rme
1 an
j'ai testé wav et autres plugs.. (sauf urs, tubetech, AR)
Reléve, ouvre le spectre. super plug.
Beau cadeau avec la carte.
Le pultec a séduit un paquet de producteur, par sa qualité brut, fonction et son.
A ma connaissance, le seul qui reléve le son, juste en le plaçant.. (boutons à zero)
C'est flagrant.. Eviter de booster au delà des 3/4, faut déjà y aller. c'est pas un neve..
je reprend un tourLire la suiteinstall uad2, on paye, ça marche nikel
uad2 solo laptop. MBP 2x2.4ghz. 2g ram, carte rme
1 an
j'ai testé wav et autres plugs.. (sauf urs, tubetech, AR)
Reléve, ouvre le spectre. super plug.
Beau cadeau avec la carte.
Le pultec a séduit un paquet de producteur, par sa qualité brut, fonction et son.
A ma connaissance, le seul qui reléve le son, juste en le plaçant.. (boutons à zero)
C'est flagrant.. Eviter de booster au delà des 3/4, faut déjà y aller. c'est pas un neve..
je reprend un tourLire moins03Viguier
L'ancienne version : pas mal mais...
Publié le 11/03/08 à 12:34Installation sans souci, puisque comprise dans l'install globale de la solution de Universal Audio.
Pas de souci d'incompatibilité...
Config générale simple et manuel clair.
La config de mon Ordi ? Heuuu une vieille brouette avec plein de ports PCI et 250 de RAM.
Je n'ai pas besoin de RAM car j'ai le DAW de chez SSL/Soundscape : le PC ne sert qu'à contenir les cartes PCI et afficher mes pistes...
Le logiciel dans mon séquenceur fonctionne sans aucun souci, attention juste à ne pas exploser les performances maxi de la carte UAD1 ( un peu courte en puissance à mon gout )...
Cette config est STABLE !!
Je l'ai depuis un…Lire la suiteInstallation sans souci, puisque comprise dans l'install globale de la solution de Universal Audio.
Pas de souci d'incompatibilité...
Config générale simple et manuel clair.
La config de mon Ordi ? Heuuu une vieille brouette avec plein de ports PCI et 250 de RAM.
Je n'ai pas besoin de RAM car j'ai le DAW de chez SSL/Soundscape : le PC ne sert qu'à contenir les cartes PCI et afficher mes pistes...
Le logiciel dans mon séquenceur fonctionne sans aucun souci, attention juste à ne pas exploser les performances maxi de la carte UAD1 ( un peu courte en puissance à mon gout )...
Cette config est STABLE !!
Je l'ai depuis un mois déjà...
Je n'ai pas été très séduit par ce plug. Je comptais m'en fabriquer un en DIY, mais voulu d'abord acheter cette carte pour me faire une idée des périph HARDWARE, que ce soit niveau compresseur ou équaliseur.
J'espère, et je pense, que les versions harware sont de meilleures qualité. Bon, il faut relativiser, ce plug est donné avec la carte et sa version Pro est meilleure.
Je ne me sers donc JAMAIS de ce plug, qui semble donner un effet "carton" à otut ce qui passe à travers. A moins que je ne sache pas m'en servir ( possible, même si les Eq de chez Soundscape sonnent bien mieux, entre mes mains du moins...).
Je ne referais pas ce choix, mais je pense tout de même essayer de m'en construire un ou deux en DIY...
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