Sujet de la discussionPosté le 09/11/2015 à 15:02:10Commentaires sur le test : Prenez un enfant et faites-en un roi…
Comme tous les milieux, le monde des plug-ins audio est sujet à des phénomènes de mode. Il y a eu les processeurs à convolution, le recours à l’oversampling systématique, ou bien encore la fameuse vague de modélisation analogique qui d’ailleurs ne désenfle pas. En ce moment, c’est plutôt la tendance rack virtuel qui commence à prendre une certaine ampleur.
Maybe you can give me a quick heads up next time if you are going to tell the french speaking world to not support our efforts I might be able to shed additional light on the features and benefits of the product.
Hi Jeff,
Sorry for being late to the party (while I speak french, I don't write it well enough to join the lion's den we call the Audiofanzine forums. I'm usually managing Audiofanzine's english site as well as our other english-speaking forums).
First of all, thanks for your input! It goes a long way in building trust and credibility among our community, even if it is in english!
It's important to note, however, that any time we provide an unflattering review of a product, the manufacturer/developer naturally tries to convince our editors to change their minds and provide an addendum to the review.
A huge reason why our readers trust our reviews is because we have highly experienced writers who put each and every product through a fair test before providing their (sometimes brutally) honest reviews. Unfortunately, in today's day and age, most reviews tend to be unrealistically positive, often because the manufacturer's, themselves, have in some way or another influenced the editor.
Suffice it to say that this simply isn't how the french are, especially the french that write for Audiofanzine
Having said that, should there ever be any objectively incorrect information in our reviews, please feel free to reach out to the writer or me directly, as we don't want to misinform our readers. I've reached out through the Nyrv Systems "contact us" page (my email's domain name is bordasmedia). You can email me your relevant contact information and I'll be sure to reach out to you shortly after any product reviews have been published.
The most important takeaway here is that our reviewer, as well as many members, love the idea (which isn't always the case). There are certainly things that your product has done well, and nothing will convert prospects into customers like implementing their feedback!
So we look forward to future updates and improvements. Agent's potential as an uncontested game-changer in the industry is unquestionable.
Et pour le mec qui a repondu genre "thx jeff mais ton soft en l’état est vraiment une tannée desoler j'ai encore re tester cette aprem sa colle pas pour moi... ".......ce gars ne parle pas français, a bossé dûr pour developer ce produit, puis il participe dans ces forums francophones, et c'est ça ta réponse ? moins t'as presque utilisé un mot anglais entier avec "thx". J'imagine que ton commentaire ne colle pas pour lui non plus. Cimer.