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Nyrv Systems Agent
Nyrv Systems Agent

Rack Virtuel/Hôte pour Plug-in de la marque Nyrv Systems

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Prix public US : $249 incl. VAT

Sujet Commentaires sur le test : Prenez un enfant et faites-en un roi…

  • 31 réponses
  • 18 participants
  • 3 657 vues
1 Commentaires sur le test : Prenez un enfant et faites-en un roi…
Prenez un enfant et faites-en un roi…
Comme tous les milieux, le monde des plug-ins audio est sujet à des phénomènes de mode. Il y a eu les processeurs à convolution, le recours à l’oversampling systématique, ou bien encore la fameuse vague de modélisation analogique qui d’ailleurs ne désenfle pas. En ce moment, c’est plutôt la tendance rack virtuel qui commence à prendre une certaine ampleur.

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Citation de com@tose :
mais ça set à quoi au juste????
relooker ses VST dans un interface vintage?

Ben non. Ça serait stupide si cela ne servait qu'à relooker l'interface. Ça sert avant tout de « rack modulaire » permettant de combiner/chainer l'effet de plusieurs plugins. Par exemple : tu mets un gate, un EQ de précision, un comp, un drive/exciter et tu termines par une EQ de coloration et un limiteur. Ensuite, tu peux créer ton interface graphique unifiée qui comprend uniquement les principaux potards/switchs/boutons que t'as besoin pour manipuler ton nouveau « Channel strip » personnalisé.

"Si t'enregistres à Poudlard, avec l'ingé son Dumbledore, les lois physiques tu peux t'en foutre. Mais dans l'monde réel, les lois physiques, les mesures, le dBFS, tout ça existe bel et bien." youtou

[ Dernière édition du message le 10/11/2015 à 10:09:53 ]

Citation de TC :
Hors sujet :

Citation :
Prenez un enfant et faites-en un roi…

Apparemment je ne suis pas le seul p'tit vieux d'AF. :-D J'avais laissé passer la référence aux cabines téléphoniques. :facepalm:

C'est un message subliminal en regard du tarif ;)
Bientôt, grâce au TTIP, on ne pourra plus critiquer que les produits de petits devs indépendants icon_facepalm.gif
Hello All,

I am Jeff from Nyrv Systems. I do not speak french but have followed the conversation a bit through google translate. I appreciate the time that was taken to review AGENT here even if as you can imagine I don't agree with the conclusion. I would like to give you all some insight into how AGENT was born and how we see it growing up.

To be sure, AGENT is not for everyone. If your desire is to install your new software and be running in 5 minutes then this is clearly not for you. There is time needed to create and customize a channel strip in AGENT precisely because we have not locked you into a single manufacturer solution. The ability to combine softube, waves, uad, fabfilter, izotope and just about anything else into a single interface and make that interface controllable by your hardware controller is functionality that simply doesn't exist in any other form. Especially with 96 available controls.

An important feature not terribly well known at the moment and not mentioned by the reviewer is the "Smart CPU Saver" You can watch a video on this here

We have a significant user base already using AGENT successfully and with great enthusiasm. Granted they are willing to invest the time to do a setup for the great benefit they get from that setup over time. 3 things to note. 1) once your creation is complete is is recallable in every major daw including Protools & Logic. 2) right click on any control you have configured and you can save that as a parameter default so that any time you use that control in the future it will be pre-configured. 3) Most Waves and UAD plugins have already been configured by NYRV and will work out of the box. (there is an issue with AU plugs for this but it is fixed in the soon to be released v1.3)

So with all that said, I do accept that the current iteration of AGENT is more labor intensive than the average user will want to invest. So we are learning from the feedback and are making enhancements to the program. The enhancement we are moving up the priority list based on this feedback is this:

We are creating a utility that will allow NYRV or partner plugin makers the ability to create many more parameter defaults so that soon we hope to have something in the neighborhood of 90% of all plugins preconfigured for your convenience.

with regard to the sizability of graphic elements and labels on the components page. You can use any transparent PNG file inside of agent. You just drop the image into the proper directory and it is immediately available for use on the agent control grid. With all due respect to the work done by the review this is a feature completely unique AGENT. There is no other program I am aware of that allows you any sort of customization like this and creating vector art would virtually eliminate the ability of most users to create their own graphics. We think this is an unacceptable compromise. I do however take note of your desire to have a "snap to" option of some sort available. At the end of the day I hope that most users will understand that we did not set out to create a graphics program that does audio but rather an amazing audio solution with some very cool graphic options.

I'm afraid that even with google translate I am not able to follow all the conversation so forgive me if I have not covered some important points. This company was started 2 years ago in my home studio because I could not find a way to control my signal chain in an efficient manner. I grew tired of waiting for someone else to develop the solution and decided to hire a developer myself. I have invested my own money and with my partner Carlos worked 80 hours a week for 2 years to bring something very new and different to the market place. We were just at AES in NY and the single most common phrase we heard was "Game Changer". I am humbled by the assessment and aspire to match their confidence. There is a segment of the engineering population which really gets and desires what we are creating.

Going forward I can tell you a bit about what we are planning.

First v1.3 introduces 2 very cool features. (target release date 11/15/2015)
1) Parallel processing between the strip and the rack with pan on both channels
2) Nyrvana - our user community where users can share graphics, presets, and even skins online.
3) we have also fixed a number of bugs including I think all the ones mentioned here.

After 1.3 I am hoping to focus development for the next 4 months or so on getting a public beta of our tablet app controller out to users. v1.5 will have enhancements designed to address some of the workflow concerns expressed here as well. The table app will be android and ios compatible and will automatically configure itself to match your custom configurations. it will also allow you navigate between instances of AGENT through the app while monitoring the output meters from each of those instances and giving you control of the gain and pan controls.

I respect the desire of audiofanzine to portray their opinion of "nothing but the truth". but would also encourage individual users to download our free 10 day demo and see for yourself.

If you like it we have been selling AGENT for $99 for a while and this sale will continue for some time as we try to reach our audience. A purchase now will entitle you to free updates including the introduction of the PULSE Tablet App. It will also support us in our effort to create something truly unique and powerful.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Kind Regards,

Jeff Baumet
Founder & CEO
NYRV Systems LLC

[ Dernière édition du message le 10/11/2015 à 23:32:10 ]

thx jeff mais ton soft en l’état est vraiment une tannée desoler j'ai encore re tester cette aprem sa colle pas pour moi...

Citation :
thx jeff mais ton soft en l’état est vraiment une tannée desoler j'ai encore re tester cette aprem sa colle pas pour moi...

Ca c'est une intervention très productive !
Le développeur se donne la peine de venir sur AF ( c'est rarissime )pour parler de son soft, il explique qu'il ne parle pas français, qu'il a suivi la conversation par traduction Google et toi, tout ce que tu trouves à faire, c'est de lui répondre dans un charabia intraduisible et bourré de fautes d'orthographe.
Si un jour ce type pense que les musiciens sont des cons et qu'ils passent leur temps à se regarder le nombril, je lui donnerai entièrement raison.
Si, si, j'te jure ! Quand un mec arrive à l'âge adulte et qu'il n' a pas compris les bases de sa propre langue, je me dis qu'il n'y a sûrement pas que ça qu'il n'a pas dû comprendre.
ton post est tous aussi productif....

Merci pour ton message plein de points interessants Jeff :bravo:
Je testerai à nouveau Agent dans une future version, un peu plus stable je l'espère. Je le répète, le concept m'intéresse beaucoup.
Et le prix de $99 me semble bien plus intéressant. Il est normal que tout travail mérite salaire, mais $249 me semble prohibitif.
Hi Jeff !

First of all, thank you for being here with us. I know it must be difficult for you, just as it is for me right now to write in english :tourne: Your intervention is a great value for us and I'm sure every Audiofanzine's members appreciate it just as much as I do.

I'm glad you didn't take this review too badly cause I really think Agent has the potential to be a great plug-in with no equal whatsoever. But I stand by my opinion right now, stability issues and the graphic configuration nightmare are deal breakers for me.

I hope future updates are on the way to improve everything and I wish you all the best with Nyrv Systems :)

[ Dernière édition du message le 12/11/2015 à 17:23:58 ]

Hello Nantho,

I unfortunately can not write at all (or read or speak or understand) french so thank you for responding in English.

I really do appreciate that you took the interest in what we are doing to spend time doing this review. It many ways it seems to have even helped as we have had a spike in purchases since your review and those specifically from France.

A friend of mine helped me understand the stability problem you described better and it would be helpful if you would submit a support ticket on this topic. We used to have an issue with swapping presets but have not had a reported issue since the release of

With that said we are a plugin host as well as a plugin and that issue could be related to a specific plugin or set of plugins you were utilizing.

With regard to the "Graphics Nightmare" I must say I feel this is a somewhat unfair criticism in as much as it is entirely your option to use these graphics at all and no other plugin even gives you this option. This also applies to the custom configuration of the values, labels, and behaviors of individual parameters. If this is more work than you would like to apply it is not required. You can utilize agent the way other subhosts provide control over parameters (except AGENT isn't limited to only 8 controls)

A complete custom channel strip can be created in just a few minutes if you want to use the features you would have available in any other system. again... I point out that even then you still have 12x more controls to work with than any of those competitive products. If from there you love your creation you can spend as much or as little time as you want customizing it to your hearts content.

version 1.3 will be out shortly and I will send it to you straight away to look over. Maybe you can give me a quick heads up next time if you are going to tell the french speaking world to not support our efforts ;) I might be able to shed additional light on the features and benefits of the product.

In all seriousness though. I do genuinely appreciate the attention and the ability to respond here with at least a different perspective on your experience. Maybe we could even put it as an addendum to the review for those who don't read the comments? :D:

Kind Regards,
