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PreSonus FP10
PreSonus FP10

Interface audio FireWire de la marque PreSonus

Cherche Firmware Firepod

  • 2 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 1 872 vues
Sujet de la discussion Cherche Firmware Firepod

Mon firepod est en panne (LED bleue allumée en permanence même non branché au PC), En parcourant le net, j'ai trouvé un forum (voir extrait plus bas) qui pourrait peut être répondre à mon problème.
Pour cela, je cherche un moyen de telecharger le dernier firmware du firepod (pas le driver 2.46, le firmware) => mais impossible de le trouver! :furieux:
Qui peux me dire ou je peux le trouver? Merci...

extrait du forum:

"I updated my Presonus FirePod driver from an older driver to 2.46. In the end I hit the button 'Update Firmware'. My system crashed and the blue light stayed on from there on no matter what, even if I unplugged the FirePod from the computer.

I was just about to give up but decided to try one more thing - I downloaded the FirePod to FP10 firmware update from Presonus website. I then proceeded as follows:
1) Make sure FirePod is off and FireWire cable is already plugged in. Unzip the FirePod to FP10 firmware update file so it's ready to go.
2) Uninstall and re-install FirePod 2.46 driver. When the installation asks for your FirePod, turn it on. Immediately after installation finishes, close the installation program (don't hit the update firmware button!!!)
3) Run the FirePod to FP10 firmware update file. It will connect to the internet and download necessary files. Then it will update your FirePod to FP10.

After the firmware installation was complete I turned my FirePod (now FP10) off and back on. Blue light was no longer constantly on and the system again detected it correctly. Then I proceeded to install the FP10 2.46 instead of the FirePod driver. Now my FirePod, or I guess FP10, runs smoother and better than ever!

I hope this helps you guys. If not, I saw another post here where a Presonus support person said that you need to send your FirePod in if the blue light just stays on and doesn't turn off no matter what. Hopefully this fixes it for you too so you don't need to."

va tout simplement sur le presonus et télécharge les nouveaux pilotes....

par exemple ici :

Avec les pilotes il y a un programme d'update.... Sur mac ca marche sur pc celà devrait ils disent que le programme d'update est là :
C:\Program Files\PreSonus\1394AudioDriver_FP10\PaeFwUpgrade.exe

Flag :|

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