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Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
Combien ça coûte un bon Palm (y'en a qui se sentent limités par la puissance et la mémoire du leur pour faire tourner ces softs, logique )
Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
Hors sujet : Ham >> pour les miels, (cegetel a réussi à vautrer moult fois, ils ont même pété ma BAL pour la recréer dans la foulée...
Dr Pouet
- un son correct
- pouvoir couper les pistes des musiciens qui ne sont pas absents
- pouvoir changer le tempo
- boucler sur certaines zones que l'on souhaite travailler
Ce pourrait le faire ? Je viens de commencer à écouter les exemples mais j'ai l'impression que c'est un peu trop synthétique pour ça.
EDIT : ça a l'air tout à fait capable de faire ça en fait ! Reste à savoir quelle machine permet tel ou tel nombre de pistes...
Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
Citation : Bhajis Loops features
Sample editor
Samples can be loaded from SamplePacks, .wav files stored on the memory card or sf2 SoundFonts.
Sample editing functions: cut, copy, paste, trim, undo.
Effects and transformations: loop cross-fade, gain, normalisation, distortion, reverse, downsampling.
Draw waveforms directly with the stylus!
Built-in voice recorder (not available on Sony Clié devices).
Sample size is only limited by the amount of free RAM.
Modified samples can be saved as .wav files.
Synthesis section
Your song can use up to 64 instruments.
Wavetable synthesis.
Low-pass / high-pass filter, cutoff and volume envelope.
LFO controlling the pitch and the filter cutoff.
Instrument layering / Keybaord mapping.
Different voicing mode - mono, legato, polyphonic...
Support for micro-tuning (for ethnic or historic intervals).
Pattern editor
8ppq resolution (32 steps per 4/4 bar) with shuffle.
3 editors: Piano-roll, Grid, and note parameter editor to set velocity, vibrato, pan values for each individual note.
Complete editing: cut, copy, paste, merge, demix, undo.
Pattern recorder for realtime or step-by-step recording of patterns, using an on-screen keyboard or the keys/buttons of your Palm.
Pattern library to easily manage a collection of frequently used patterns across songs.
Random note generator and humanization function.
Scale feature to constraint the input/recorded notes in a given scale.
Song editor
8 tracks on which patterns can be mixed - A pattern in itself can contain up to 64 instruments!
Complete set of editing features with undo.
3 zoom levels.
Looping, markers.
MIDIfile import/export.
Wav file rendering.
Mixing and effects
Mixer with main fader, pan, effect send, mute / solo.
4 independent effect buses + one global send.
Open plug-in architecture - new effects are added with each update, and you can even develop your own!
Reverb, chorus, flanger, phaser, pitch-shifting, distortion, EQ, and many more effects!
XY pad: You can control two synthesis parameters in realtime with the position of your stylus or your finger on the touchscreen!
Volume, pan and most of the synthesis parameters (filter cutoff, resonance, envelope, LFO, effect send) can be automatized.
Effect plug-ins parameters can be as well automatized.
Intuitive vectorial editor taking advantage of the touchscreen and stylus.
A complete range of editing features.
Stylus movements in the XY pad can be recorded as automation tracks.
Live! mode
Once you have composed your song, structure it by defining sections and bridges.
Bhajis Loops Live! mode allows you to chain these sections in realtime, and jump between them.
Exclusive Warp feature allowing complex transition rules like "If verse 1 is playing, and if the next requested section is verse 2, play verse 1 and then play verse 2 from its third bar". The accompaniment follows what you are playing, not the opposite!
Mute buttons.
Assignable controllers.
Controllers can also be assigned to the hardware buttons / keys.
Other features
Full support of the 160x160, 160x240, 320x320, 320x480 and 480x320 screen modes.
Complete Reference manual available in several formats. Contextual help in all the dialog boxes.
Free song replayer.
WinAMP plug-in to replay your songs on your PC.
PC conduit to render songs as .wav files, export MIDIfiles, samples or individual tracks during HotSync.
Développeur de Musical Entropy | Nouveau plug-in freeware, The Great Escape | Soundcloud
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