Hors sujet : Wolf> pour la modelisation des filtres, y a mon ansien tuteur qui presente un poster a l'AES (c'est la suite des travaux que j'avais commencé en stage d'ingé)
Citation : P3-4 Looking for a Relevant Similarity Criterion for HRTF Clustering: A Comparative Study—Rozenn Nicol, Vincent Lemaire, Alexis Bondu, Sylvain Busson, France Telecom R&D - Lannion, France
For high-fidelity Virtual Auditory Space (VAS), binaural synthesis requires individualized head-related transfer functions (HRTF). An alternative to exhaustive measurement of HRTF consists in measuring a set of representative HRTF in a few directions. These selected HRTF are considered as representative because they summarize all the necessary spatial and individual information. The goal is to deduce the HRTF in nonmeasured directions from the measured ones by appropriate modeling. Clustering is applied in order to identify the representative directions, but the first issue relies on the definition of a relevant distance criterion. This paper presents a comparative study of several criteria taken from literature. A new insight in HRTF (dis)similarity is proposed.