Ce soir je vais encore roxxer en médic.
Par contee VF si t'es en demoman pense à te peter la tronche un peu avant d'arriver histoire que je fasse grimper l'über.
Citation : Team Fortress 2 is not playable on the GMA 950. At the very lowest settings @ 640x480 he averages around 7 FPS. (can get as high as 20 if he's staring at a wall, but you can hardly play like that ). I've tried forcing DX8 mode (-dxlevel 80 in the launch options) but it crashes as soon as you enter a map. If I can get it working, I'm hoping DX8 might move it up into the playable range.
Half-Life 2 runs surprisingly well (still looks like crap, but it's playable). Portal can get really choppy at some points, but it's playable for the most part.