? Projet d'apéro AF Bordeaux ? [dpt33]
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Il y aurait-il des personnes intéressées par une première réunion apéro dans un café de Bordeaux pour échanger des infos, trucs & astuces en parallèle d'AF et en reprenant le plan du site Voilà
Cela fait 2 ans que je me connecte régulièrement sur AF. Je n'y passe pas mes journées, mais je lis plus les news AF que la presse, alors j'avoue que l'idée d'échanger nos combines lors de petits apéros me plairais.
S'il y a des motivés > un petit message suffit pour constituer un réseau.
Et s'il n'y a personne, j'aurais essayé.
>> Meka
j'suis pas dispo cette aprem
Citation :
I'm sure that more details will be available from Clavia soon.
Palle Dahlstedt introduced a new version of the editor, 1.4, that will be coming out this summer I think. The significant feature is a "mutation" function.
It applies principles of evolutionary selection to a patch.
Similar to functions available in some graphics programs, it allows you to select from a number of mutations of a patch, by clicking on each one and listening to it, deciding which ones you like and doing further mutations, etc. I guess you could call it a patch randomizer, but one where you can apply intelligent selection to the results.
You can control things like the probabilty and amount of change in the mutated "children". Also you can do recombination, which creates a series of children that take their parameters from two parents.
Another feature he mentioned afterwards, but didn't demonstrate (so I don't know much about how it works) is that you can create a kind of interpolated morph between two variations of a patch.
I think this feature is great, it gives you a very easy and intuitive way to generate new sounds and variations, instantly evaluating how you like them and allowing that to guide the progression.
All of this is based on research Palle has done on applying evolutionary models to music.
It is a feature of the editor, nothing changes in the synth itself.
It will also be available in the demo editor.
I don't have time to explain much more now, I have to go set up for day 3 of electro-music 2005. I will mention to Palle that people have asked about it here. We'll have some more information tomorrow when the show is over.
Sorry that there were some technical difficulties with the streaming.
Mekanik Zain
Ne fallait-il pas sacrifier Dieu lui-même et, par cruauté vis-à-vis de soi-même, adorer la pierre, la bêtise, la lourdeur, le destin, le néant ? F. Nietzsche
Enfin, j'ai décidé, mon set synthés sera composé de 2 modular G1 (clavier et rack) et du MicroQ, ça devrait aller
Citation : mon set synthés sera composé de 2 modular G1 (clavier et rack) et du MicroQ,
on a vu pire
P'tin, je viens de faire 3h de grattes sur la baryton, j'ai les doigts en feux, j'peux plus taper au clavier pc
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