Sujet de la discussionPosté le 16/01/2004 à 22:41:35? Projet d'apéro AF Bordeaux ? [dpt33]
Bonjour aux habitués d'AF de la gironde
Il y aurait-il des personnes intéressées par une première réunion apéro dans un café de Bordeaux pour échanger des infos, trucs & astuces en parallèle d'AF et en reprenant le plan du site Voilà
Cela fait 2 ans que je me connecte régulièrement sur AF. Je n'y passe pas mes journées, mais je lis plus les news AF que la presse, alors j'avoue que l'idée d'échanger nos combines lors de petits apéros me plairais.
S'il y a des motivés > un petit message suffit pour constituer un réseau.
Citation : In 1979 Moog released a vocoder of their own, although its design and architecture is almost identical to the Bode 7702 vocoder. It's a 16-band analog vocoder which separates a given synthesizer sound (carrier signal) into seperate frequncy bands ranging from 50 to 5080 cycles per second. It does not have any internal oscillators so it is designed to be used as a processor for external carrier and modulator wave sources. The modulator is typically a vocal or drum beat used to modulate the carrier/synth sound being processed.
It has microphone and line inputs as well as 16 synthesizer inputs (1 for each frequency band) and 16 outputs. This 16 channel cross-matrix patching system is cumbersome, but useful during the modular synth era, allowing for full external patching between synth and vocoder sections. Other features include a high-frequency bypass, a short 6ms response time for capturing fast percussive sounds, sample-and-hold, and a global bypass switch to turn off the vocoding effect. Unfortunately there is no output mixer, MIDI or CV/Gate. It has been used by Saga, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Wendy Carlos, Moog Cookbook, Devo, and filmaker/composer John Carpenter.