humour Les images qui tordent (ou pas)
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Edit modo: Lien retiré car plus valable.
trop loin
Goum Le Chat
Citation : Voilà la traduction du mome qui devient fou:
I want to play (yelling, when He walks in)
Turn on
Start the damn game
Start the game, you son of a bitch
I’m not going to say that again
Get out of my way (when he throws the stuff from the desk)
What iiiiiiiiis thaaaaaat (He puts his Hands on his head)
Oh my God, what happened (Yells)
I want to finally play that game (arghghghg)
Launch quick
Heeere it goes, here it goes, here it goes, here it goes, here it goooooooeeees ( he gets really exited)
Yes, playing.
Plaaaaaayinnng, you wanker, plaaaaayiiiinng
it loads, it loads (He knocks his head on the keyboard)
I doooooon’t want that it loads………..
When iiiiit loads, then you always have to wait for soooooo looong (yelling)
I don’t want to wait, I want to play this damn game NOW. (He yells like hell)
Think Positive, simply think positive, it will start soon.
It starts. (laughing)
Yeeeeeeees, it starts, it starts
Yes, you son of a bith.
Eat this, yeeees
I killed him
go go go go go
Eat your melted shit[quote]
You son of a Bitch, I’m gonna kill you. Arrrgghhhh (Totally freaks out)
Yeeeeees, Yeeeees, I press on fire, you son of a bitch
The Escape Button is missing,
The escape button…….
Wheeeeeere is it?
Where is the escape button?
Where is the escape button?
Where is the escape button? (Then He finds a Button and puts it on the keyboard)
so, I don’t need support, I don’t need support (hahaha)
I will tie you into knots
I killed him (laughing)
Yes, I will kill all of you.
Eat this, you son of a bitch
I will tie you into knots
I will tie you into knots
I will………………I will just shoot you
I will shoot you with a blablabla (couldn’t understand this mumbling sick creature)
This son of a Bitch shoots on me…..then He freaks out
rapport au langage
Goum Le Chat
No coment sur sa connerie parce que la ca va chercher loin pour faire ce genre de trucs dans le seul but de se faire remarquer....
Goum Le Chat
Citation : The crazy kid isn't waiting for a pr0n, he wants to play UT and his computer isn't fast enough for him ;) Here is a link to another video of him, he trys to "join" a "gang". =>
Edit: le lien a changé maintenant il marchait en début de soirée
En tout cas je suis confus j'aurais mieux fait de rien dire, je me tais maintenant
et je
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