Sharon Jones : elle envoyait sévère (nan, il n'y a pas de jeu de mot, c'est juste que j'aimais bien ce qu'elle faisait). C'était une ancienne gardienne de prison, je crois. Il y a un côté Tarantino / Jackie Brown dans l'histoire.
Il y a un parti-pris délibérément old school dans tout le processus de production chez Daptone Records, pour ceux qui aiment le genre, c'est super bien foutu.
An Oregon man who died after falling into a boiling, acidic spring in Yellowstone National Park in June, was trying to ‘hot pot,” or soak in one of the park’s thermal pools, according to a report on the accident.
The victim’s sister, Sable Scott, told park officials that she watched her brother, Colin Nathaniel Scott, 23, fall into a thermal pool while he reached down to check the water temperature,
[ Dernière édition du message le 19/11/2016 à 18:09:06 ]
Goncourt du Grouik
Membre depuis 19 ans
12467Posté le 19/11/2016 à 18:09:29
Citation :
The process of mixing multi-component paints by hand or with a mixer in an open container prior
to application. Mixing initiates a chemical reaction of the components that generates heat in the
container. (The alternative to “hot potting” is using plural component equipment to mix the
components in a closed system either just before entering the spray line or right at the spray gun.)