Vos RIP les plus HS
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Dom Janvier
Tu vas nous manquer !
Astala vista old singer fellow !
Long is the road !
Non, on te le promet "on n'a pas chaaanggèèèèèéé ....toujours nos yeux de harengs pas frais ...etc"
Mouloud Holywood
Du coup, a-t-on quelque chose à craindre pour Tihouss qui dit "houss ?"
If everything seems to be under control, you're not going fast enough (Mario Andretti)
L'appétit vient en mangeant ; la réforme, c'est pas sorcier ; le campement léger en plein air, non. Cupidon
Johnny Tapia est décédé ce dimanche dans sa maison d'Albuquerque, au Nouveau Mexique. Le corps du boxeur a été retrouvé inanimé. Une autopsie doit être réalisée dans les prochains jours.
- Vous êtes contre tout ce qui a été fait depuis la dernière guerre...
- Vous vous trompez de date. Je suis contre tout ce qui a été fait depuis Adam
Originaire des Appalaches, il a profondément enraciné sa musique dans le bluegrass, le country, le gospel et le blues. Il est notamment connu pour son utilisation du "flatpick", un style particulier de guitare.
One Breath III : WBBTMR - One Breath III
"Bunt Magnet strums the strings of nostalgia and sarcasm with equal flair.". Bah quoi ? Y a pas mort d'homme hein...
Je trouve que ces mecs ont considérablement fait avancer le shmilblick à la guitare, dans le fingerstyle avec le Flat picking.
Qu'est que j'ai pu me faire mal aux doigts avec ça !
Un esprit sein dans un... cornichon ?
Le tout venant a été piraté par les mômes, on se risque sur le bizarre : https://soundcloud.com/gojats
If there was any justice in this world, guitarist Pete Cosey would be as well known as many of his contemporaries. His name should be up there with other giants like Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton and Buddy Guy. Pete was born in Chicago on 9 October 1943. An only child, Pete hails from a musical family (his mother and father wrote for Louis Jordan, and Eddie "Cleanhead" Vincent, and his father played with Sidney Bechet and Josephine Baker). As a child, Pete learnt to play the violin, accordion and piano, as well as sing in the choir (he also plays drums, percussion and synthesiser). But it is as a guitar player that Pete is best known.
His career includes being a session player for Chess Records, which saw him playing with artists such as Etta James, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and Chuck Berry. He's also played with jazz artists such as Gene Ammons, Shirley Scott and Sonny Stitt. He was also a founder member of Earth, Wind Fire and played on some Motown sessions. But Pete is probably best known for his association with Miles Davis, which started in 1973 and ended with some abandoned sessions in 1979. Pete's playing can be heard on albums such as Dark Magus, Agharta and Pangaea as well as The Complete On The Corner Sessions. Miles's band of 1973-75 [Miles, Cosey, guitarist Reggie Lucas, bassist Michael Henderson, drummer Al Foster, percussionist Mtume and assorted saxophonists] is acknowledged as one of the most exciting and ground-breaking bands of its time and its influence can be heard today. Pete's scorching guitar lines, out-of-this-world effects, unconventional tunings and sheer virtuosity have inspired and influenced many guitarists - even Jimi Hendrix is rumoured to have picked up a trick or two from Pete.
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"
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