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Acheter neuf DiMarzio DP156 Humbucker From Hell

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DiMarzio DP156 Humbucker From HellPublié le 08/11/06 à 04:09
J'ai monté ce micro sur ma schecter omen 6 depuis trois mois en position manche, j'adorait le son manche de ma strato mais detestais la ronflette, et bien ce micro est parfait pour ça, un son de simple bobinage mais avec les avantages du double, palm mute, disto a 11, rien ne l'arrete, que du bonheur! Je l'ai couplé avec un seymour duncan sh4jb qui lui sonne gibson, et bien les deux melangé donne une couleure originale que j'aime bien pour les rythmique en clair! Ce humbucker from hell, que du bonheur! (contrairement a hyperblend, je n'ai pas une surcharge d'aigu, surement due au montage coté manche je pense)…
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J'ai monté ce micro sur ma schecter omen 6 depuis trois mois en position manche, j'adorait le son manche de ma strato mais detestais la ronflette, et bien ce micro est parfait pour ça, un son de simple bobinage mais avec les avantages du double, palm mute, disto a 11, rien ne l'arrete, que du bonheur! Je l'ai couplé avec un seymour duncan sh4jb qui lui sonne gibson, et bien les deux melangé donne une couleure originale que j'aime bien pour les rythmique en clair! Ce humbucker from hell, que du bonheur! (contrairement a hyperblend, je n'ai pas une surcharge d'aigu, surement due au montage coté manche je pense)
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DiMarzio DP156 Humbucker From HellPublié le 19/09/05 à 01:52
Cela va faire 2 mois ke je lutilise monté sur ma RG350 .Ce micro un son typé strat (voir paul gilbert) ce qui ma surpis c'est la position intermidiaire ( middle et brigde ) et avec une bonne simultaion on a un son assez " acoustic " ( biensur ce n'est pas le son d'une vraie acoustic mais assez ressemblent. ) Ensuite au niveau la rythmik gros son genre metallica avec bcp de palm muting il repond tres bien les harmoniques sont aussi tres presentent et il reste tres propre donc tres "rappeux" et sec mais ne change rien a son sustain. Par contre il a bcp d'aigu, ce qui fait qu'avec le Marshall VS100 Quand on mote trop le son ca arrange les oreilles, c'est le point negative que je trouve...…
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Cela va faire 2 mois ke je lutilise monté sur ma RG350 .Ce micro un son typé strat (voir paul gilbert) ce qui ma surpis c'est la position intermidiaire ( middle et brigde ) et avec une bonne simultaion on a un son assez " acoustic " ( biensur ce n'est pas le son d'une vraie acoustic mais assez ressemblent. ) Ensuite au niveau la rythmik gros son genre metallica avec bcp de palm muting il repond tres bien les harmoniques sont aussi tres presentent et il reste tres propre donc tres "rappeux" et sec mais ne change rien a son sustain. Par contre il a bcp d'aigu, ce qui fait qu'avec le Marshall VS100 Quand on mote trop le son ca arrange les oreilles, c'est le point negative que je trouve dessus, mais apres c'est une question de gout. J'ai tester le PAF Pro, le Fred , L'Evo 2, le Breed, EMG 81 et 85 et d'autre divers micros.
Bref, ce micro il faut le tester ca peu plaire ou pas car il a une grande personalitée et il est loin d'etre fade.
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Bright. Très, très lumineux

DiMarzio DP156 Humbucker From HellPublié le 22/10/12 à 01:45
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
DiMarzio went ahead and delivered a very unique pickup back in the day. They had this strange name called the Humbucker From Hell. It was something that nobody had ever tried before. They made a pickup that had tons of treble and almost had this single coil kind of quality to it. However, since it was a humbucker, it didn’t have that issue of hum and buzz. A lot of shredders started using this because of how clear it is. However, they used it in the neck position. This is not a bridge pickup, and I can’t stress that enough. It’ll just be too bright and thin in the bridge. It’s solely meant to be a neck pickup. In the neck, it’s actually a quite low output pickup. You wouldn’t expect that from the name they gave this. The clarity of this pickup is pretty outrageous. If you thought the PAF Pro was bright, you should hear this thing. Personally, I prefer smoother and fatter lead tones. I also prefer a bit more output, so I never truly got along with this pickup compared to the other pickups that DiMarzio has to offer. To me, it was just too bright and didn’t offer what I was looking for. Some guys really like this though, and I find that it sounds best in basswood bodies more than anything else. It seems to really suit the natural warmth of basswood, combined with the heavy midrange basswood tends to have. In other body woods, it doesn’t seem to really get along too well. These days, this pickup has kinda been moved to the back burner because of how it doesn’t really fit today’s amps. The amps back then were different than today, and people were battling a huge loss of treble due to the huge racks they used to run. That’s why this pickup was used so much. Since the rack days are kinda gone, more people look towards fatter pickups and get treble from the amp.

solides de faible med micro manche gagner!!

DiMarzio DP156 Humbucker From HellPublié le 28/03/11 à 02:03
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This is a decent neck pickup for any guitar with nearly any wood combination. It's a versatile pickup for clean to medium gain musical applications from jazz to rock. Of course, majority of the time I'm on the bridge pickup, but for the thick leads or nice clean passages I used the neck pickup.

Very glassy, and bright. Nearly single-coil like. I don't know WHY it's labelled humbucker from hell when it's not a hi-output pickup at all and the cleans can get almost shimmery if you want it to. Though it is still in the neck position it’s not something I would use for rhyhms unless I want a purposely big-fan clean rhythm.

Dirty: I've used this pickup for certain lead passages and solos and found the tone to be thick like a neck pickup but is dynamic. Your pick attack is noticed, it's a bit of a compressed distortion that i've found most dimarzios have but because of that it's got a smooth tone. With hi-gain it's also not bad but I've heard and played other pickups that track better at shred-speeds.

I unfortunately didn’t decide to coil tap the pickup. Though I think each pickup sounds really different once the coil tap is used. I haven’t tried this in the bridge pickup either.

Overall it's a decent neck pickup and can work well with a lot of different guitars. Though it is a bright pickup, it might be suited for a warmer guitar if you need to brighten your tone. Though I've generally found that neck pickups are almost always too dark to begin with. The HFH on dirt is also ok for low-medium gain but high gain not so much as it might be a bit too ‘glassy’ sounding overall and isn’t too liquidy smooth that some players like in a neck pickup.

Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : DiMarzio
  • Modèle : DP156 Humbucker From Hell
  • Série : Vintage Output
  • Catégorie : Micros humbuckers pour guitare
  • Poids du colis : 189 g
  • Fiche créée le : 18/12/2013

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Autres catégories dans Micros guitare

Autres dénominations : dp156 humbuckerfromhell, dp156humbuckerfromhell, dp 156 humbucker from hell, dp156humbucker from hell