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AKG C 452 EB

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  • ericthegreatericthegreat

    décent, mais vous pouvez trouver mieux pour l'argent

    AKG C 452 EBPublié le 01/02/12 à 06:42
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The AKG C 452 EB is a smaller diaphragm condesor mic. These are meant to be nice studio mics. Shure made a sliding scale for the different mic types, and these are the entry level small diaphragm condensers. I have used all 3 of the types, and there are definitely noticeable differences. This one also lacks a couple features. What it does have a is a small diaphragm capsule, which is going to give this mic an advantage in transient response and high frequency reproduction. This mic does better with those tasks than most large diaphragm mics do, so for the more sensitive instruments you'll want to record, you will do well with one of these. They also work great in a pair for stereo recording. There is a -15dB pad on these mics, in case you are mic’ing up something very loud and want to avoid distortion. They connect with an XLR cable, and they do need phantom power to work. They don't have a low-cut roll-off filter switch unfortunately, so you may need to use some EQ after recording something with one of these. The pickup pattern on these is cardioid, and it is a very tight cardioid. To my ears it really sounds more like hyper-cardioid.


    A lot of other mics sound better in almost every application, and they have more features. If you can afford it, I would really suggest saving the extra money to get the 141's. Overall though, these really are not bad, on the contrary they sound fairly good, but the 141's are just superior. The 109's are pretty cheap though, so they are a good value. I wouldn't get them again, but I would recommend them to someone on a really tight budget that cant afford to have the upgrades right away. But that’s not saying that the C452 EB isn’t a quality mic because it is. I just feel like there are more mics on the market that can give you a better sound for a little more money.
  • moosersmoosers

    AKG C 452 EBPublié le 22/12/09 à 04:01
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The AKG C 452 EB is a small diaphragm condenser microphone that is very similar to the 451 model.  I'm not exactly sure what the differences are, but I do know that they are near identical models.  The mic has a cardioid pick up pattern and is a microphone that is best suited for the studio.


    While I've only used the AKG C 452 EB a small number of times, I've used it enough to know that I enjoy using it to record certain instruments a great deal.  I've also used the 451 and they pretty much have the same sound, which is one that is vibrant and great for a number of applications.  I've only had the chance to use the 452 EB on acoustic guitar, which is probably the application that this is best suited for.  I have used during a live session in the studio and found that it worked great not only in terms of tone, but also for isolating the signal.  While I haven't used the 452 in particular for anything else, I know from the 451 that it should work in a variety of situations.  AKG is one of the best when it comes to manufacturing mics that sound great and won't break the bank, and the C 452 EB definitely fits in well.  While this mic is pretty rare and isn't an easy find, if you can find one I don't think that it will cost all that much.  Using the 451 is overall a good gauge to learn more about the 452 EB, as I really think that the two are interchangeable.  Besides the 451, I'd compare this to a few of the other AKG mics that look like this one, as they all have a similar sound and price tag.  All in all, the AKG C 452 EB is definitely a quality small diaphragm condenser microphone.
  • boby big feetboby big feet

    AKG C 452 EBPublié le 15/11/07 à 01:51
    Micro statique type cigare assez proche du C451
    Spectre tres linéaire avec des aigus tres fin Les graves sont presentes et claires mais surtout a proximité
    Je l'utilise sur la caisse claire Cela rend tres bien la percussion et donne de la peche au mix Sur les instruments il est tres bien tres clair mais attention aux aigu fin car il me semble tres transparent. Du coup sur des instruments comme le violon ou la flute je sais pas comment ça peut rendre
    Je l'utilise essentiellement sur la caisse claire et la guitare. Il est tres bien sur guitare classique et j'adore en reprise d'ampli. Pour comparer j'ai une paire de Oktava MK-012 et ces derniers ont plus de graves par contre les aigus du C452 …
    Lire la suite
    Micro statique type cigare assez proche du C451
    Spectre tres linéaire avec des aigus tres fin Les graves sont presentes et claires mais surtout a proximité
    Je l'utilise sur la caisse claire Cela rend tres bien la percussion et donne de la peche au mix Sur les instruments il est tres bien tres clair mais attention aux aigu fin car il me semble tres transparent. Du coup sur des instruments comme le violon ou la flute je sais pas comment ça peut rendre
    Je l'utilise essentiellement sur la caisse claire et la guitare. Il est tres bien sur guitare classique et j'adore en reprise d'ampli. Pour comparer j'ai une paire de Oktava MK-012 et ces derniers ont plus de graves par contre les aigus du C452 EB sont plus clairs et plus fins


    Ca fait un an que je l'ai acheté d'occasion à 200 euro Je sais pas combien il coute neuf C'est une réference que je rencontre rarememt d'ailleur si quelqu'un a un autre avis ce serait interessant de comparer. J'en suis extremeent satisfait C'était mon premier micro de qualité J'avais un berhinger B1 mais ça n'a rien à voir La qualité est là Je pense qu'avec un bon préampli ça doit etre superbe Moi j'ai ceux de ma Presonus Firebox qui sont déja correct.
    Je referai ce choix sans hesiter car c'est réellement un bon micro D'ailleur j'en cherche un autre pour me faire une paire avec mon nouveau Twin Q de Joemek
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