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Beyerdynamic M 380 TG

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Microphone dynamique de la marque Beyerdynamic appartenant à la série M

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  • moosersmoosers

    Beyerdynamic M 380 TGPublié le 26/04/10 à 23:20
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The BeyerDynamic M380TG is a vintage dynamic microphone that I have experience using in a professional recording studio. The mic is designed for recording bass drum, as it has a very good low end response which starts at 15 Hz and goes up to 20 kHz. Not too many mics out there will pick up all the way at 15 Hz. The mic has a very high SPL and has a bidirectional polar pick up pattern. I don't know exactly how old the mic is, but the one that I used looked like it had been around for a very long time. I'm also pretty sure that they are no longer making this microphone.


    The only application that I've used the BeyerDynamic M380TG is for recording bass drum. We had a Shure Beta 52A on the inside of the kick and this one on the outside. I was extremely pleased with the sound we got with the M380 TG on the outside of the kick, as it was detailed and extremely boomy and thick in a good way. Between the two mics I was able to get a very good sound that I could blend to my perfection. The mic's great low end response really shines when it is on the kick drum, and I would imagine that it would work very well for a bass guitar cabinet and other similar applications, although I've yet to have the chance to try any other applications with the M380TG. It does look like I'll be in the studio where I used it more than I have been, so hopefully in the near future I'm able to try it out it some other situations. I haven't seen very many versions of this microphone in too many studios, but it does seem to have somewhat of a cult following since I read that it is Steve Albini's mic of choice for kick drum. Don't let the outside appearance of this microphone fool you, it will get the job done and then some. If you've got a chance to buy or just to use the BeyerDynamic M380TG, I'd highly recommend taking advantage as you never know when the next time will be that you'll come across one of these.
  • Obsolete AudioObsolete Audio

    Bon produit

    Beyerdynamic M 380 TGPublié le 24/10/11 à 11:54
    Micro dynamique large membrane, figure 8. 600ohm
    Fort niveau de sortie.


    Son très dark, bien pour la basse et certaine grosse caisse. Le son est très gras, pas beaucoup d'aigu, et pas agréssif du tout. C'est pratique sur les harmonica aussi, ce micro sonne un peu ruban d'une certaine manière mais avec une réponse au transitoire moins nette.

    Il convient souvent mieux au sein d'une prise multi micro, que ce soit pour la voix, la grosse caisse la basse ou la guitare.

    C'est un figure 8, son effet de proximité est prononcé donc attention à la surcharge plus il capte les ambiance sonore donc attention en cas de mauvaise acoustique de la cabine.

    Lire la suite
    Micro dynamique large membrane, figure 8. 600ohm
    Fort niveau de sortie.


    Son très dark, bien pour la basse et certaine grosse caisse. Le son est très gras, pas beaucoup d'aigu, et pas agréssif du tout. C'est pratique sur les harmonica aussi, ce micro sonne un peu ruban d'une certaine manière mais avec une réponse au transitoire moins nette.

    Il convient souvent mieux au sein d'une prise multi micro, que ce soit pour la voix, la grosse caisse la basse ou la guitare.

    C'est un figure 8, son effet de proximité est prononcé donc attention à la surcharge plus il capte les ambiance sonore donc attention en cas de mauvaise acoustique de la cabine.

    D'un point de vue sonorité on reconnait le grave des beyers.

    Ce micro est cher sur le marché de l'occase pour ce qu'il offre comme services (pas très polyvalent) mais il est unique dans sa couleur sonore.

    Pas aussi polyvalent qu'un RE20 ou qu'un M88 mais trouve sa place dans un parc micro.
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