réactions à la news Novation prépare une nouveauté
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Banshee in Avalon
Administrateur·trice du site
Membre depuis 17 ans
Sujet de la discussion Posté le 25/09/2015 à 11:36:24Novation prépare une nouveauté
Le 1er octobre, Novation va dévoiler une nouveauté qui promet de vous aider dans votre processus créatif.
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171 Posté le 02/10/2015 à 10:57:00
Citation de Mort :
2 osc, noise gen, ringmod, 1 filtre LPF/HPF 12/24, je me souviens plus du nombres de LFO/Env, les infos étaient quelque part sur le thread de GS.
Oki, merci, je vais chercher de ce côté !
Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 20 ans
172 Posté le 02/10/2015 à 11:08:57
Citation de https://www.factmag.com/2015/10/01/novation-circuit-review/
Novation is also working on software for Circuit that will allow for more control. “Out of the box, we’ve created 64 patches, which, with the eight macro controls gives you a lot of sonic possibility, but we know that users will want more control over the synth and to be able to make their own patches,” Burke explains of the software. As well as greater control over the sounds, it will feature a means of transferring sessions on and off the unit. Unlike Novation’s Launchpad Pro, Burke says the Circuit firmware won’t be open source, but that the company does want to maintain the “hackable” philosophy. “The Circuit engines can be controlled via MIDI externally so this will open up a lot of possibility in taking the product further.”
Membre depuis 18 ans
173 Posté le 02/10/2015 à 11:18:51
Citation de noiZe :
Citation de : Cosmox
Les sons percus sont modifiables. Pitch decay et distorsion. C'est tout.
pitch, decay, distorsion et filter.
Oui j'avais oublié le filtrer. Mais dommage qu'il n'y a pas de pitch amount.
174 Posté le 02/10/2015 à 12:23:07
Citation :
I was curious how deep the synth engine was. Here's my quick Q&A with Novation:
Q: How deep is the editing of the synth engine - do you get access to all parameters like on the MiniNova and UltraNova or just the 8 macro knobs for common parameters?
A: We have edited the synth to present 64 patches with 8 macros per patch. Please don’t think that 1 patch = 1 sound. Each patch has been designed to be transformed from pluck to pad, bass to lead, percussion to FX, nice to nasty etc.
Q: What are the eight common parameters and do they differ per patch?
A: They’re not common. There is a general rule of Osc stuff, Env, Filter, Modulations, FX from Left to Right, but some patches ignore this. E.g. A Bass patch with lots of controls dedicated to filter cut-off modulation, and a pad sound with more controls dedicated to the envelope and evolving elements of the sounds.
Q:Will there be a dedicated software or iPad editor for access to additional parameters?
A: Most likely. We know our customers will want software (we want it too) We are going to offer something but are planning and evaluating exactly what and how we are going to deliver this.
Q: If not will there be a MIDI or Sysex table for people to create custom controllers?
A: There are elements of the synth engine that can be controlled from an external controller, or anything that sends MIDI data. I think we’ll be publishing the MIDI table soon after release. There are 20 mod slots per patch, then the macros are made up with 4 destinations per macro, and each macro has some detailed segmentation and range per parameter. Access to the more complex stuff is gonna be really tricky.
Q: Will there be any management software included or upcoming for DAW integration, patch management, and or other?
A: Yes. Again, I don’t want to be specific about the exact details. We’ll probably release some sort of work in progress beta version of the software first, then let it develop organically. We’ll evaluate what our customers value the most then put effort into developing that.
Q: Is the drum engine sample based or based on Novation's ASM used in the original DrumStation?
A: Samples. We’ve got some samples from our drum station heritage, but also created some more modern and relevant dance drum and percussion sounds, and some fun noises too. 64 drums and percussion is quite a lot of variation but with Pitch, Decay, Distortion and Hi/Lo filter per drum, you’ll be surprised at how much variety you can get out of the 64.
Q: How close is the synth engine to the MiniNova and UltraNova aside from polyphony and effects? Basically how much does it share of the specs from the Novation site for the MiniNova and UltraNova:
A: We have taken the Nova engine and scaled down the number of Oscs, modulations, filters, FX. The wavetables have been updated, as have the delay and reverb.
Per patch
2x oscillators
1x noise generator
1x ring modulator
Waveforms include: a selection from the MiniNova along with some new ones. e.g. we’ve added some vocal ones so some of the patches can do talky stuff.
Filter types
1x filters per patch
Low band and Hi at 12 and 24
Modulation sources
20 modulation slots per patch
3x envelope generators
2x LFOs
Destinations include:
Oscillator pitch, pulse width, wavetable index, level and sync
Filter cutoff, resonance, envelope settings
Effects parameters and send levels
8 macros with 4 destinations per macro. Each macro can have the destinations overlapping, or segmented.
And there you have it!
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Source: https://www.gearslutz.com/board/electronic-music-instruments-electronic-music-production/1031607-novation-start-finish-something-more-stuff-october-13.html?highlight=novation+circuit
Donc pas de fm, mais pas mal de modulations !! Et avec deux oscillateur wavetable y'a moyen de faire beaucoup de choses même sans fm ni deuxième filtre ! ^^
Me tarde de voir cet éditeur iPad, ce seras sans doute lui qui me fera craquer !!! ^^
[ Dernière édition du message le 02/10/2015 à 12:51:08 ]
THOMAS charette
Drogué·e à l’AFéine
Membre depuis 19 ans
175 Posté le 02/10/2015 à 12:53:42
Je pense plutôt a un éditeur vst comme le mininova
176 Posté le 02/10/2015 à 13:00:36
J'espère également un éditeur mobile. Ca serait con de devoir connecter un truc aussi encombrant qu'un PC a cette petite boite!
Fruit Rouge
Posteur·euse AFfolé·e
Membre depuis 14 ans
177 Posté le 02/10/2015 à 13:23:09
Citation de : Mort
J'espère également un éditeur mobile. Ca serait con de devoir connecter un truc aussi encombrant qu'un PC a cette petite boite!
Entièrement d'accord avec toi, en plus sur iphone/iPad avec le tactil c'est quand même plus sympa de faire un patch qu'à la souris!
178 Posté le 02/10/2015 à 13:30:15
Surtout si l'éditeur permet de contrôler en direct les paramètres de synthèse, ca serait un gros plus pour du live. S'il faut se trimballer un laptop autant prendre un Push direct.
Fruit Rouge
Posteur·euse AFfolé·e
Membre depuis 14 ans
179 Posté le 02/10/2015 à 13:40:49
En fait plus j'y pense et plus ça me fait penser un peu à l'OP1 (avec d'autres specs hein, sans écran et sans samples par ex). C'est autonome, portable, sur batterie et avec un haut parleur.
L'OP1 et quand même plus haut de gamme et clairement plus atypique mais ça reste dans la catégorie des groovebox autonomes et nomades
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