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Rebel Audio OverToner 2

Rebel Audio OverToner 2

Distorsion / saturation logicielle de la marque Rebel Audio

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Rebel Audio
  • Modèle : OverToner 2
  • Catégorie : Distorsions / saturations logicielles
  • Fiche créée le : 19/08/2016

Free distortion VST effect plug-in for Windows 32/64-bit

distortion unit designed to expand the spectrum of your sound. You have the choice   between 13 overtoning functions. The expanded output signal could be processed with a two band analog approximated band pass filter. It is possible to activate/deactivate and parameterize each filter band independently. The filter sections and the distortion section provides its own dry/wet controller e.g. for parallel processing. All parameter settings could be stored and fast reloaded in one of four programmable user presets.


Autres catégories dans Effets et traitements logiciels

Autres dénominations : over toner 2, overtoner2