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Mesa Boogie TriAxis
Mesa Boogie TriAxis

Retirer le phat mod

  • 7 réponses
  • 4 participants
  • 3 723 vues
Sujet de la discussion Retirer le phat mod
Salut à tous,

ben voila, quelqu'un aurait-il le shéma pour retirer le phat mod soi meme ?

c tout !
Salut je tombe par le plus grand des hasard sur ton message et je peus t'aider. Voici un extrait de mes archives tu y trouveras les renseignements que tu cherches et les liens vers les sites ou tu pourras trouver des infos complementaires.

The "Fat Mod”

TriAxis' shipped after June 97 have new “Lead 1 Red” as standard specification. Serial #'s below 5200 have Lead 1 “Recto Mod” (board TX04 added) and above 5200 have "Fat Mod". This mod is a circuit change to mode Lead 1 Red (both software and hardware). A kit is available, that will enable an authorized MESA technician to do the work. Look for one in your area or contact MESA directly. MESA advises that users test a new TriAxis at their local dealer to see if the new tone works for them, before having the modification done. If you're happy with the sound of Lead 1, you may not like the change. I believe this mod is for those users that don't use their Lead 1 mode often. This modification will expand their use of this particular mode.
The current tone is described as being "fat (of course), singing soloing tones that are super smooth", the high-end has been tailored (rolled off) for more balance. It emulates the circuitry in the Rectifier series of amp. Someone says that more closely resemble (somiglia maggiormente) to the Orange Channel of Dual Recto.
The most current software version for the TriAxis is 2.0. Serial #'s above 1700 are version 2.0. When you power on the TriAxis the panel lights will flash a "1" for Version 1 or "2" for Version 2.
If you’ve TriAxis and are still not sure if yours is with or w/o “Fat Mod” here’s how to find out: restore your factory presets (pg. 5 in the manual), then set your TriAxis on Factory Preset #01:

Lead 1 Red Preset # Gain Tre Mid Bass Lead1 Lead2 Master Pres. D.Voice
w/o 01 6.0 5.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 - 5.0 5.0 0.0 British Shred(?)
w/ Fat Mod 01 6.0 6.5 7.5 8.0 5.5 - 4.5 5.0 0.0 Rectifier

w/ Fat Mod 10 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 2.0 - 5.5 2.0 0.0

From Version 1 to Version 2 the difference seems to be:

Treble Mid Bass Lead1 Master
+1.5 +1.0 +1.0 -0.5 -0.5

As I obtain more information I’ll post it here. I’ll still try to answer, or get an answer to any other questions on the mod or TriAxis in general that I get.

Difference between the V1 model and the actual one

Version 2.0 allows for Continuous Control changes of all parameters within a preset with the use of a CC pedal (or multiple pedals one assigned for each facet of the channel, ie presence, lead, middle, treble etc). You could for instance get a pedal and assign it to at toe down be a clean sparkly sound then as you roll back the pedal assign it morph into a dirty sound as you the gain and presence etc increase.

There are 3 TriAxis versions:
- v1.0 the original s.n. <= 1700
- v2.0 with the Recto board in Lead 1 Red and Continuous Controllers 1701 <= s.n. <= 5200
- v2.01 that has a modified Lead 1 Red (the “Fat Mod”) 5201 <= s.n.

It looks like the user manual still refers to Lead 1 Red as Recto Vintage Lead while the website describes it as Fat Recto.

Fat vs non-Fat

I'm not sure of this, but I think that the first file (triaxis1.jpg) is a schematic of what Fat Mod does, and the 2nd file (triaxis2.jpg) is the original design. Lot's of changes happend so it's hard to say what's the most important part in the mod. <>

I opened the versions and this what is different: 2 capacitors removed, 2 resistors removed, 4 resistors have their value changed! They’ve on the board some adjustable that may need to "adjusted" differently though!
If it’s possible to compare those value on the little blue adjustable and got the right ones it would be easy to add the components that are removed for "Fat Mod" as they have their place on the PCB! So it maybe more involved then a simple modification. I was hoping it could be a simple task to modify back and forth. <>

How to REVERSE the “Fat Mod”

From: "grisier" <> Rich
I'm an Electrical Engineer with 13 yrs. industrial experience. On the side I work as a tech in a local music store. I'm completely comfortable with performing mods. I think the day after I started playing guitar I picked up a soldering iron.
I’m not sure at all I want it changed. I haven't even recieved TriAxis yet (it should be here next week). I'm getting a Version 2 with "Fat Mod". I was curious as to what the exact changes were just in case I wanted to un-fattify TriAxis. I'll definitely try it out for a while before I do anything.
I took a look at the schematic of Dynamic Voice circuit. I calculated the transfer function and verified my results via PSpice. I may end up modifying that circuit also-- but again, I'll have to hear it first.

From: "satrucci7" Rémi (France)
Right now I don't use TriAxis because I'm waiting for 2:90. I've been waiting for months because the PCB manufacturer (not Mesa) has produced hundreds of defective boards and they had to re-make them! That takes a looooooong time! The cool thing is that Mesa has brought some changes to the design of this boards to make the amp even better!
TriAxis is version 2.01 “Fat Mod”. I'm a curious guy who likes to have all the options, so I wanted to know how to reverse the mod, but I haven't done it yet! First I want to test "Fat Mod" Lead 1 Red, just like you!

"Fat Mod" Reverse Modification Instructions

All mods are on the TX4 board (the Lead 1 Red board).
To reverse "Fat Mod" you’ll have to add 4 caps and 4 resistors and change 2 resistors.

1) Add 4 resistors:
R9 :120 KOhm
R44 : 33 KOhm
R45 : 330 KOhm
R46 : 82 KOhm

2) Add 4 disc. caps:
C5, C6 & C12 : 0.001 µF
C22 : 47 pF

3) Change these 2 resistors near the center of the board and labelled MID & BASS. Replace them with:
R33 (MID) : 1 MOhm
R34 (BASS) : 10 Kohm

For me, w/o "Fat Mod" is more aggressive in middle & high frequencies than "Fat Mod", the low end seems a bit tighter as well. With "Fat Mod", I used to need to set Lead Drive = 8-10 to get a big aggressive sound, w/o "Fat Mod" 6-6.5 is more than enough! The sound is now huge, very metal, this way it matches the description of Lead 1 Red mode in the user manual. It's not difficult if you can solder, but it's not easy either. It took me 2 hours or so to do the mod! I you prefer, you can have it done by a tech. I'm the 1st guy who has reversed "Fat Mod" alone.
C'est super comme réponse, sauf que je suis carrément une quiche en anglais :8O: ,
y'aurai pas un truc en français

(là j'abuse quand même un si) :fache:
Pourquoi veut tu enlever le phat mod?
Est ce que le son avec le phat mod est pourris?
Peut tu me dire la difference avec et sans?
Je compte m'acheter un triaxis et j'hesite a en prendre avec ou sans.
Les avis diverge tellement que tu sais plus quoi prendre. :oo:
Merci d'avance.
Personne pour répondre? :(((

Citation : For me, w/o "Fat Mod" is more aggressive in middle & high frequencies than "Fat Mod", the low end seems a bit tighter as well. With "Fat Mod", I used to need to set Lead Drive = 8-10 to get a big aggressive sound, w/o "Fat Mod" 6-6.5 is more than enough! The sound is now huge, very metal, this way it matches the description of Lead 1 Red mode in the user manual. It's not difficult if you can solder, but it's not easy either. It took me 2 hours or so to do the mod! I you prefer, you can have it done by a tech. I'm the 1st guy who has reversed "Fat Mod" alone.

d'après ce témoignage d'un gars qui, donc, aurait enlevé lui-même le "fat-mode", on peut traduire : "pour moi, sans fat-mode, c'est plus agressif dans les fréquences mediums et aigus, les graves semblent également un peu plus serrées (j'ai du mal à comprendre ce que sont des graves serrées, peut-être moins "baveuses" :D: ). Avec le Fat-mode, j'avais l'habitude de devoir pousser le lead drive à 8 ou 10 pour obtenir un gros son agressif, sans le "Fat-mode", 6 ou 6.5 sont plus qu'assez ! Le son est maintenant énorme, très métal, ce qui correspond cette fois à la description du lead Red mode dans le manuel de l'utilisateur. Facile à réaliser si vous savez souder, sinon, c'est difficile. Ca m'a pris environ deux heures pour le faire ! Si vous préférez, vous pouvez le faire faire par un technicien ! Je suis le premier à être revenu à la version sans "Fat-mode" sans aide "

Voilà ce qui est écrit, sans certitude de la véracité des propos de ce monsieurque je ne connais pas. Pour ma part, j'ai un Triaxis sans le Fat-mode, et je peux témoigner que les aigus et les médiums sont extêmement agressifs, et que j'ai eu du mal à gérer le truc : maintenant, avec l'aide d'autres heureux possesseurs de cette magnifique machine (merci à Seb
:clin: ), j'ai fini par me peaufiner un son qui me convient, mais attention, je pense qu'il faut d'une part essayer avant d'acheter (c'est cher, même d'occasion) et d'autre part, se montrer patient après l'achat quand il s'agit de faire son propre son ; notamment, il faut essayer en groupe le son qu'on s'est mijoté tout seul dans son coin, mais ça, c'est valable pour tous les amplis . :8)

J'espère t'avoir aidé dans ton choix. Si tu es dans l'Aisne ou pas trop loin, n'hésite pas à venir tester chez moi :8)



Non je suis de l'est de le france.
Merci pour ton aide precieuse.
Oui ça m'aide dans mon choix.
Remarque quand meme que la plupart des guitariste veulent
un triaxis avec "phat mod".A croire que c'est l'option supplémentaire(phat mod)
qui les attirent sont l'avoir essayé.
Toujours moi
A partir de quel numéro de série ont ils rajouté le "Phat Mod"?
et pour exemple:si ils l'ont mis a partir du numéro 5200 (au hasard)serait-il dans toutes les triaxis qui suivent ou pas?
Merci. :clin: