No de Série: pour reconnaitre de quelle année
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avant de poster ce thread j'ai chercher pendant un sacré bout de temp
voila je suis l heureux acquéreur d'un triaxis 2.0 je suis vraiment bloquer, car je doit aller le chercher demain chez le vendeur, et il me dit qu il la acheter neuf en 2006, et qu il a plus la facture.. d'or j'ai le numéro de Série qui est ( T-8524) est-il possible qu'il sois de 2006 ?? quelqu'un pourrait m'aider ?? pls
booba 46
mais pour avoir le son recto, il faut enlever le phat mode non.??? si oui c est possible.???`
merci booba,
mais comment en etre sur..?? HEEELPPP!!
Je doit aller le chercher demain et je doit me taper 500km..
Quelqu'un pourrais me confirmer ???
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Citation : In 1997 around serial #T5000, all TriAxis were leaving the factory with the Phat MOD was part of the software. The Phat MOD only affects Lead One RED. It simply smoothes out the top-end of the Rectifier Sound making it sound more like the actual Rectifier itself.
Citation : On units that have serial #s T1631 to T8279, there will be a circuit board that is raised above the left side of the TX1 board. This is the TX4 board. This board holds the audio controls for the Lead 1 Red mode. It also holds some of the switching related to the Lead 1 Red mode. Some units before serial# T1631 have been upgraded and will have the TX4 board. After serial# T8279 the TX4 board was removed. On units after serial # T8279, there will be a small circuit board that is raised above the TX1 board. This is the TX5 board, with four 5C9 LDRs on it. These LDRs, combined with 5C9 LDR #s 26, 27, 28, 29 on TX1, replace the four original Dual Cell (P873) LDR #s 26, 27, 28, 29 that were on TX1. These control the Gain, Treble, and Bass.
In other words:
Units with serial #'s T0001 to T1630 are Version 1 w/o Midi/recording out circuit upgrade
Units with serial #'s T1631 to T8279 are Version 2 w/ TX4 "Vintage Rectifier" Lead 1 red circuit and Midi/recording out circuit upgrade
Units with serial #'s T8280 and up are Version 2 w/ TX5 "Phat Mod" Lead 1 red circuit and Midi/recording out circuit upgrade
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Hors sujet : il y a moyen de bricoler un truc pour enlever ce phat mode
j'aimerais vraiment que le son sois propre.. en plus je fais du shred, sa serais mieux- < Liste des sujets
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