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Access Music Virus TI Desktop
Access Music Virus TI Desktop

Sujet OS v2

  • 48 réponses
  • 11 participants
  • 1 713 vues
Sujet de la discussion OS v2
On entends parler un peu partout d'un OS v2.
Un link vers un pdf était disponible (sur le forum Harmony Central et forum Virus TI) mais il est devenu non téléchargeable.
Certains pensent qu'il s'agit d'un hoax, d'autres ont dit que le pdf a bien l'air réaliste...

Citation : Dégats colatéreaux...
Nouvel OS pour TI

"OS 2.0 for Virus TI has some new oscillator types:

"The new version features additional oscillator types, enhanced Wavetable synthesis and more wavetables. It allows you to see how expensive a chosen patch is and features Section Locking through Virus Control. Patches can be finally sorted by category and the onboard patch ROM contains addition 256 sounds by Matthew Stolley and Matt Picone.

We have included new oscillator modes, greatly expanding on the flexibility of these already powerful sound-sculpting tools.

The remaining oscillator modes all make use of a new technology for the Virus TI, called Grain Table. The basic idea behind this technology, is to take the existing wavetables, and apply similar techniques as those used in some granular sampling and pitch-shifting algorithms to open up a whole new world of possibilities. Each of the two main types: Grain Table and Formant Table are presented in both Simple and Complex formats. In each case, the Simple mode offers fewer parameters, and a higher polyphony than Complex, with the values of parameters common to each mode remaining constant.

It’s important to note that the characteristics of the Grain Table and Formant Table oscillators are quite different to those of traditional “granular” sampling/synthesis techniques, which tend to be associated with other-worldly “clouds” of sound. In the Virus TI, we have instead employed the technology to achieve a very musical result which should prove every bit as useful as the other oscillator types in all manner of musical projects."

renaudg, t'es au courant de kekchose? la vérité! :P:
J'ai hésité beaucoup à répondre à ce message parce que si je le dis, que c'est vrai, et que quelqu'un le répète, je risque ma place de beta testeur (comme le mec qui a mis ce PDF sur le net). Et si je fais le mort je vais passer pour un mytho aux yeux de certains. :P:

N'allez donc pas répéter sur les forums en anglais que j'ai confirmé que oui c'est vrai, on est entre nous ici, hein ? :clin: Je crois que personne n'aurait à y gagner...

La confirmation officielle ne va plus tarder de toute façon...
BIG UP renaudg! :bravo2: ke courage! Ouais c'est entre nous pour ce qui me concerne. En effet, je suppose que c'est pour bientôt car NAMM approche et il faut qu'Access oriente de futurs acheteurs potentiels vers leurs produits. Surtout depuis que Waldorf à annoncé ses nouvelles machines.
Cool moi qui vient juste de commander la bête (en version Polar), je devrais l'avoir d'ici une petite semaine :) Les spécifications de l'OS 2 (si il y a OS2, mais pq pas) sont alléchantes, mais je suppose pas pour toute suite.
Bon c'est sympa tout ça, mais les enveloppes multi segment, plus d'algorithmes fm, du morphing comme sur le nordlead , c'est pour quand? :mdr:
Je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante
M'en fous vai le dire :bravo: :mdr:

OS v2.0 Addendum (PDF)

In brief:-

Citation : Quote:
Graintable synthesis and Formants.
The basic idea behind this technology, is to take the existing wavetables, and apply similar techniques as those used in some granular sampling and pitch-shifting algorithms to open up a whole new world of possibilities. Each of the two main types: Grain Table and Formant Table are presented in both Simple and Complex formats.

Wavetable PWM
The WavePWM oscillator takes two instances of the same wavetable, and phase-shifts them against each other to achieve an effect reminiscent of the traditional pulsewidth modulation of a pulse wave oscillator.
Additional Wavetables
Access have created 27 new wavetables for OS2. Each has been carefully selected to compliment the existing content, and to exploit the
characteristics of the new oscillator modes. They come in several different flavours, including filter-like sweeps, formant morphs, harmonic inter-play, Fibonacci sequences and more.

Section Locking
Section locking is a unique and versatile tool to import certain aspects of a patch into another one. It enables Virus Control user to decide which aspect of a given sound is changed when browsing through patches.
Imagine you are working on a song and you just played a melody which works great with the delay pattern of the current patch. Unfortunately, the patch itself doesn’t really match the rest. Under normal circumstances you will alter the delay pattern once you start browsing through alternative sounds. With
Section Locking though, you can lock the Delay and therefore browse through patches without impacting the great melody you’ve just played which unfortunately relies on this certain type or Delay.

Inactive Parameters
Right from the start, the Virus TI hardware didn’t show inactive parameters in order to keep the parameter menus as short as possible. The Virus Control plug-in from now on shows inactive parameter in a semi translucent fashion which will increase your overview dramatically. You will never tweak a parameter without anything happening again (because the entire section was off).

Patch Complexity Indicator
The playmode page on the Virus TI hardware contains a new icon which informs you about the complexity of the current patch. The complexity is an indicator of the polyphony at your disposal whilst playing this particular patch. The icon, which looks similar to the battery status icon on your mobile phone, shows between one and five bars where one bar stands for a rather “cheap” sound and five for a pretty “expensive” one.

Search By Category
With version 2.0 the Virus Control plug-in allows you to search for specific sounds by filtering for a patch category.

Two new ROM banks
In addition to the 17 ROM banks, OS 2.0 features two new ones by Matt Stolley and Matt Picone. Stolley’s “10 Dirty years” bank will probably get us intro trouble, either for his tendency of choosing explicit patch names or for the darkness of his latest breaks, electro and d’n’b bank. Assuming that you’re 18 years or older we suggest that you point your TI to bank ROM-R but only on mentally-stable days.

Matt Picone’s latest submission in contrast is rather bright and a welcome addition to the players among us. The new bank features versatile live patches, beautiful ambient beds and arpeggiators. Nevertheless there is a couple of sounds you shouldn’t use at a family dinner.

Je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante je plaisante
Moi ce qui m'inquiète c'est que dans le PDF, Access ne parle pas de correction des bugs audio (craquements sur certains patches et autres...) En tout cas, j'espère que l'OS sera un tournant popur ce qui est de la stabilité de la machine.
Access devrait plutôt se concentrer sur la résolution de ses bugs au lieu de travailler sur de nouvelles fonctionnalités... Je trouve ça fou le nombre de gens qui se plaignent !!! (même avec le dernier OS 1.2.4)

je prie pour qu'il fasse qqchose.javascript:emoticon(':furieux:')