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Citation : • AND Returns the binary „and“ operation of
Source A and Source B.
• OR Returns the binary „or“ operation of Source A
and Source B.
• XOR Returns the binary „exclusive-or“ operation of
Source A and Source B.
• MIN Returns the minimum value of either Source
A or Source B. If Source A is smaller than
Source B, the value of Source A is returned and
vice versa.
• MAX Returns the maximum value of either Source
A or Source B. If Source A is greater than Source
B, the value of Source A is returned and vice
Defines a value for modifier functions that require a
constant parameter.
C'est cela, oui... c'est cela même... Euh... Sinon, concrètement, ça produit quoi comme effets?...
A: To make modulations "saw" (cycle) while the mod source is swept:
modsource AND constant (x)
x= 1 alternating between 0 and 1
x= 3 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,....
x= 7 you got the idea? if not, route that modifier to pitch
To make modulations more steppy (1st version, including 0, but not MAXIMUM):
modsource AND constant (x)
x=62 only every second step
x=60 only every fourth
x=56 only every eighth
x=48 only every 16th
x=32 only every 32nd
To make modulations more steppy (2nd version, including MAXIMUM, but not 0):
modsource OR constant (x)
x= 1 only every second step
x= 3 only every fourth
x= 7 only every eighth
x=15 only every 16th
x=31 only every 32nd
x=63 nah, that is silly
Overlay a reverse saw on a modulator sweep:
modsource XOR constant (x)
x is the same as above. For x=63 the original modulation is inverted.
Oh, and then of course you can chain modifiers and make inverted saws and stuff like that. ^
Q: Do you have some examples for using the modifiers?
A: These were contributed by Stefan Trippler (DocT):
1. Using modifiers to generate 2 independent mod sources from the pitchbender:
src1: pitchbend
src2: constant = 0
operator: Max
This function compares the 2 sources and delivers the maximum value of either of the sources. If the pitchbend is positive the result will be the pitchbend value, if pitchbend is negative, the result will be 0, because the constant 0 is greater than a negative value.
src1: pitchbend
src2: constant = 0
operator: Min
This function will deliver a negative value if you pitch down, but 0 if you move the bender in the positive "up" region
You have now generated 2 modulation sources that you can route to quite different destinations. For example pitch up can now control the filter cutoff and pitch down the noise level.
2. Combining mod sources
src1: LFO
src2: Envelope
operator: * (multiply)
If you route this modifier to the pitch of an oscillator, pitch will be varied with the LFO rhythm with ascending amount in the envelope attack phase and descending amount in decay phase.
Editors Note:
For fast LFO it would be better to route the LFO to Pitch via the M1F or M2F slot of the Fast Mod Matrix and modulate the M1F Amount or M2F Amount destination from the Standard Mod Matrix. Since the scaling is not linear, this is not exactly the same as a multiplication, but allows for much faster LFO speeds to be used. If the destination is indeed oscillator pitch, then you should really try to use the LFO as an FM source and modulate the Osc FM Amount with the Envelope via the Mod Matrix.
3. "Shifting" a mod source
If you route keytrack to osc volume with max amount all notes above the center key (E3) will increase in volume, notes below the center key will fade out. Use a modifier to shift the center key:
src1: Keytrack
src2: constant
operator: + or -
With the help of these modifiers you can setup a patch where osc1 is mainly audible in the lower third of the keyboard, osc 2 in the middle range and osc 3 in the upper key range.
Editors Note:
If the resulting modifier is routed to pitch with an amount of 56, the center key is shifted in whole notes per increment of the constant, i.e. +6 shifts up one octave.
Mod#1 = Keytrack - 6
MxS = Mod#1*56 -> whatever
Semitone tuning can be achieved if the mod amount is set to 48 and the original keytrack is also routed to the destination with an amount of 48.
Mod#1 = Keytrack - 12
MxS = 48*Mod#1 -> whatever
MyS = 48*Keytrack -> whatever
Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...
Voici quelques lien:
Cela concerne surtout le Micro Wave, mais si comme promis le Blofeld utilise les même tables d'ondes cela t'aiderra sans doute.
Bonne zique...
Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...
J'ai fini de lire le manuel et je suis très impatient de découvrir pour de bon cette petite merveille!
Je recherche EPROM Update OS2 pour MW1 avnt d'acheter le Blofeld.
merci et milles excuses
Sur ce je m'en vais en catimini
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Holger Steinbrink <>
Holger répond assez courtoisement.
Bonne recherche...
Le plus majestueux des chênes n'était autrefois rien d'autre qu'un pauvre gland...
versatile synthetics
Vite, on a hate de voir ca !!!
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