Un mode granulaire en temps réel a été ajouté à un firmware beta dernièrement
Je n'ai pas testé mais c'est plutôt encourageant pour la future version 3.0
Tu peux faire la demande à Andre par le mail de contact de Beetlecrab Audio ou passer par le discord (je m'y étais inscrit mais je trouve ça assez imbuvable comme média ). C'est un utilisateur qui m'a averti en privé.
J'attendrai la sortie officielle, j'ai déjà largement de quoi m'occuper avec l'existant.
Voici la description et marche à suivre (en anglais, flemme de traduire )
After a lot of tinkering and digging under the Tempera's hood, we're happy to release the first version of a Live grain FX functionality. This still needs some polishing at the edges but overall it seems to work better than I expected and is actually a lot of fun. The way this works is that there is a new recording mode, next to Overdub, Replace and Mix, called "Live grains". In this mode, when a track is armed as usual, it will not start recording based on treshold and stop when it reaches the end or the round button is pressed. Instead, the recorder is toggled with the Record button under the mode selector manually. When the live grain recorder is engaged, Tempera will keep recording incoming audio into the armed track, and emitters can be placed on this track. A slightly unusual thing is that the tape-track moves under the finger, so the newest recorded audio (the "head") is at the bottom cell, and the oldest (the "tail") is at the top cell. If an emitter is placed at the bottom, you get the almost "now" granulated audio. If you place an emitter a few cells up, the granules will be generated from audio which is a few seconds late. Hopefully this makes sense! 🙂 All emitter functionality works: sprays, relatives, modulations etc. Track tuning plays the same role. As soon as the recorded is deactivated, the current content is "frozen" and the track's sample is the same as other samples. Here's a quick guide how to use this:
In :Settings: , choose your audio source and adjust gain.
Then, on the same page, set Record mode to "Live grains"
Go to :Tracks: and arm a track for recording with Round + Arm
in :Settings: , press "Record" and the tape starts rolling. Stop the recording by pressing "Record" again.