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Roland XV-5080
Roland XV-5080

Synthétiseur numérique en rack de la marque Roland

Souci avec cartes SRX....

  • 4 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 695 vues
Sujet de la discussion Souci avec cartes SRX....
Bonjour ! Je viens de recevoir cette superbe machine et j'y ai installé 2 cartes SRX à l'intérieur. Le souci, c'est que je n'arrive pas aller Au-delà du 128ème son de chaque carte... En effet, après le n"128, "No Media" s'affiche à l'écran et le son revient au début de la banque... Y a t il une astuce ? Merci.
Est ce qu'elles sont bien reconnu par le XV ? Voir les infos dans les paramètres !

Est ce que tu selectionne bien les banques EXP ?

Oui, elles sont bien reconnues par le XV, sinon je n'arriverai pas à lire les 128 premiers sons de chaque carte SRX...
En façade il y a le bouton exp pour avoir accès aux sons !
Là tu as toujours que 128 patch de dispo ?

As tu une carte sd d'installé ?

Quelle carte srx ?
10 ans après, j'espère que la solution a été trouvée entre temps : il s'agit d'un bug des premières versions du XV-5080, à une époque à laquelle aucune carte SRX n'avait plus de 128 emplacements mémoire, et qui se règle par mise à jour du micro-logiciel :

Citation :
Previous SRX expansion boards (SRX-1 through SRX-4) were capable of holding a maximum of 128 Patches.

In order to make it possible to provide an even greater variety of sounds, a new format (implemented originally on the SRX-05 Expansion Board) is now being employed. This new format is capable of handling more than 128 patches.

This means that, depending on your instrument's current system version, you may need to upgrade its system to make it compatible with this new SRX format.

Les cartes SRX étaient d'ailleurs livrées avec un CD-Rom contenant notamment les mises à jour du micro-logiciel pour les machines concernées :

Citation :
ROM Revision History
Fixed a bug in which, on rare ocasions, the XV-5080 would hang when receiving MIDI data from a keyboard connected to MIDI IN 1 and 2.

Fixed a bug in which a sample file smaller than the cluster size of a SCSI disk drive was not saved correctly.
Fixed a bug in which rigorous error checking of WAV sample files prevented the XV-5080 from opening certain types of WAV files..

Appeared in XV-5080's with S/No.AQ22560 and up (from September 2002 Production)

Fixed a bug in which "pan" is affected by other parameters when Legato Retrigger is ON.
Fixed a bug in which even if the XV-5080 received GM ON or GM2 ON then GS RESET, the following parameters did not return to initial value.
Master Volume
Master Fine Tune
Master Coarse Tune
Fixed a bug in which even if the XV-5080 loaded Partials with the Sample Auto Load/Sample feature, the sound did not play.
Fixed a bug in which the display is not updated if the Common Split screen of a Multi-Partial Patch is changed by a system exclusive message.

Known Issues:
It has been found that updating may fail with some SmartMedia card types. If updating fails;
Perform the update again with the SMF (MIDI) version, or use SmartMedia if the SmartMedia to perform the proper update is available.
So far, however, the SmartMedia card manufacturers and the types that cannot be used for updating have not been identified. Because of this, we [roland] recommend that updating be performed with SMF files. Note that SmatMedia cards that cannot be used for updating function normally for everyday product usage.

1.25 - 1.27
Never released.

Known Issues:
It has been found that updating may fail with some SmartMedia card types. If updating fails;
Perform the update again with the SMF (MIDI) version, or use SmartMedia if the SmartMedia to perform the proper update is available.
So far, however, the SmartMedia card manufacturers and the types that cannot be used for updating have not been identified. Because of this, we [roland] recommend that updating be performed with SMF files. Note that SmatMedia cards that cannot be used for updating function normally for everyday product usage.

Appeared in XV-5080's with S/No.Axx1200 and up (from September 2001 Production).

Due to a level conversion malfunction, a bug in which the volume may have become very low when loading Akai S-1000/3000 CD-ROMs has been fixed.
Fixed a bug in which Patch or Rhythm numbers of 129 and above in the SRX series expansion boards could not be properly read. (When this release note was written, September 7, 2001, there were no SRX cards with Patch or Rhythm numbers higher than 128. There are currently a number of SRX cards now that do have more than 128 Patches or Rhythm sets).

« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)

[ Dernière édition du message le 21/05/2024 à 12:41:01 ]