Ce ne sont ques les dires de Purdie, il n'y a aucune preuve si ce n'est son discours. Celà ne concernerait qu'une 20aine de morceaux et non la plupart des morceaux.
Enfin, por avoir matté pas mal de sessions d'enregistrement en vidéo, j'ai toujours vu ringo aux drums...
Citation : Dozens of hours of audio and film footage exist which allow us to study Ringo performing "live" with The Beatles. These include the concerts in Washington D.C. (1964), Shea Stadium (1965), Tokyo (1966), the 1964-65 "Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl" recordings, and of course the "Let It Be" documentary, filmed in January 1969.
In every case it's abundantly clear that Ringo is an exceptionally solid and competent drummer. If he's merely parroting Purdie's studio performances, then he does a pretty fine job of it! In fact, he seems more than capable of having created the original studio performances in the first place, without Purdie's help!
Furthermore, if Ringo wasn't good enough to play on the Beatle recordings, then why, after the band broke up in 1970, did John, Paul and George each invite Ringo to play on their solo recordings? Or was that Purdie, too?
Purdie est ptet un bon batteur mais c'est surtout un bon myto
Sinon, des sons genre forêt, loup qui hurle, crépitement de feu etc...
Quelqu'un connait un site de ce genre de samples (p'têt déjà les pages précédentes, maisje crois pas...)?