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< Tous les avis Apple Logic Pro 8
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Apple Logic Pro 8
Apple Logic Pro 8

Séquenceur généraliste de la marque Apple appartenant à la série Logic

WuTangSht WuTangSht

« It's not that great. »

Publié le 30/12/10 à 15:20
Cible : Les débutants
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Logic Pro 8 is an electronic music software made by Apple Inc. that is made for music production under a limited amount of sounds and tools as well as to recording in the software. To start off the software, there were no compatibility issues as it was clear it was only compatible with Macintosh computers. Logic Pro's manual was easy to read and the program was easy to setup and start off. The configuration was simple and everything was easy to access as the program was similar to GarageBand's setup and configuration.


The software works at its best on the default configuration as it's adapted already to Mac performance. The program's configuration was stable and it had the best performance it could give you. The program itself isn't very good though for anything. It's hard to connect I/O hardware to the software and since Logic Pro is for beginners, if you don't have a USB MIDI Control Surface, you are pretty much screwed. I used this software for 2 months until I trashed it because of its poor quality.


Logic Pro 8 is hardly different from GarageBand, except you have to pay an extra 100 dollars for it. Logic Pro 8 and GarageBand share the same traits, same configuration, same performance, same setup and the same tools. Logic Pro is nothing but a fancy name and a new design for people to buy but if you really get down to undersand it, it's not so good. The software costs 100 dollars and the newer Logic's cost around 200 dollars, while the best and most professional softwares like Pro Tools cost from 150 to 300 dollars. The sounds of Logic Pro are the same as the ones in GarageBand and they aren't good at all. You can record on Logic Pro excellent pieces of work, but that comes down to mic and playing quality, not the software but if you have a MIDI Control Surface and choose the sounds from the Logic library, you won't get much out of them. The best you can get is a decent Techno beat using MIDI with Logic. You are better off recording with a microphone your piano loops or pieces. I did try many models before this one like GarageBand and some others, and this was no better. Then I purchased Pro Tools which comepletely changed my life. Don't spend so much money on this software when you can get very professional softwares for the same price.